Author Topic: Heath Ledger's Accidental Overdose - Discussion Thread (Was: Breaking News)  (Read 103386 times)

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: Heath Ledger's Accidental Overdose - Discussion Thread (Was: Breaking News)
« Reply #280 on: February 08, 2008, 03:56:53 pm »

           Ok Ross.  You and i are friends.  I know how you feel about thiis issue.  We have
discussed it at length.  You have stated it at length..Now every one else knows as well.
It is time for you to let it go.
           Having said that I think the same thing is true for everyone else.  We have all stated
our opinions on the subject of Heaths death.  The cause or the non causes ad infinitum.
I think it is time to end that as well.
           Everyone knows everyone elses opinion.  Not one person that has an opinion is going
'to change it at this point.  No one is going to make a point that has not been made previously.  Furthermore not every ones extra comment needs to be counter debated either.......It is
now becoming a personal attack upon a person attack from an opinion.  Please i beg of all
of you just STOP IT...STOP IT. This is no way for grown people, let alone fans and admirers
of Heath to discuss him.  If you don't like him please keep your opinions to yourself, and
if you do please don't continue to drag him thru the mire and muck of speculation and
fabrication.  All that is know by us or ever will be known by us, for that matter has already been presented.    Please stop..........just let it go.  from all directions, just let it go....................................................................please  this is causing unnecessary hurt to all parties involved..janice

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Offline Soluki

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Re: Heath Ledger's Accidental Overdose - Discussion Thread (Was: Breaking News)
« Reply #281 on: February 08, 2008, 04:06:58 pm »
The cause for Heath Ledger's death is not and should not be viewed as a reflection of his life.  They are separate phenomena, each one dependant on many other causes and conditions.  His death was not in and of itself inherently bad or good.  It is simply an event.  We make the event bad or good when we apply our afflictive emotions to the phenomena;  The same can be said of his life.  He (like all of us) did (do) not exist independently.  There is an interconnectivity that must be acknowledged in order to fight the ignorance that causes our afflictive emotions to create feelings of anger, hatred, lust, intolerance...etc.

We have no more a right to be disappointed in the fact that he died or the manner in which he died than we do the death of the rose.  When we view these events ( and our lives even) as dependant arisings, then we can see that our various pains and emotional sufferings are caused by our own ignorant view of how we all exist in this world.

I feel the need to repost this as the debate has become quite improbable.  There is no living human being that can assign worth to life or death regardless of the circumstance.  We must accept Heaths life and death for what they are.  Dependant arisings that are only parts of what made up his then current existence.  It is our afflicted emotions that cause this acrimony, and prevent all of us from seeing how we truly exist in this life cycle.  Until we see our mutual connectivity, there can be no peace as there will be no liberation from pain.

Offline ednbarby

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Re: Heath Ledger's Accidental Overdose - Discussion Thread (Was: Breaking News)
« Reply #282 on: February 08, 2008, 05:51:48 pm »
Ross your lack of compassion and respect is staggering. And I've read that link and yes it does have a lot to say, a lot of crap.  I'm ignoring you from now on. I find your comments extreemly disrespectful.

I couldn't agree more.  Thank you, souxi.
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Offline Phillip Dampier

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Re: Heath Ledger's Accidental Overdose - Discussion Thread (Was: Breaking News)
« Reply #283 on: February 08, 2008, 06:38:20 pm »
So then if you take a grossly higher amount of pills than stated on Rx bottles its an accident when you can read and your an adult? I call that deliberate.  If you drive that car you mention above right smack into a tree on purpose and kill yourself doing so is that called an accident? or deliberate?  At what point do you feel people have to be held accountable for there own actions?  Accidents do happen yes, but people must also be held accountable for what they do to make them happen as well.

How exactly do you hold a dead person accountable?  I get your point Ross about taking personal responsibility for your personal health care.  Maybe he did and maybe he didn't.  At this point it doesn't matter one iota and we keep going around and around on the could've, would've, should've merry-go-round and it just doesn't seem to be accomplishing anything.  The questions we need to deal with are, who prescribed the veritable pharmacy of meds to him, and how do we make changes in our health care system to allow doctors to track outstanding prescriptions so they simply just don't pile on even more.  Since Heath isn't with us anymore, we can't intervene on his behalf, but perhaps we could make this an example for others to learn from.

Sounds like the germination of a new thread topic to deal exclusively with this important issue.
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Offline Phillip Dampier

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Re: Heath Ledger's Accidental Overdose - Discussion Thread (Was: Breaking News)
« Reply #284 on: February 08, 2008, 06:58:15 pm »
Folks... I think we've talked out the issue of speculating about who is responsible for what to death (and now well beyond).  It's mostly speculation on our part and I think a lot of the back and forth has reached a level of "rinse and repeat" over and over again.

I think it's appropriate at this time to begin to start splitting some of the different discussions up into independent threads to focus on the different concerns people are raising. 

Achieving a sense of acceptance over this tragic loss, and perhaps investing some time and energy into bringing the issue of prescription drugs and their potential danger before our elected officials might actually be the best way to find a positive means to prevent this tragedy from affecting others.  We can never legislate personal behavior effectively, and smart people learn not to try, but there are some real solutions that can be implemented, including a national prescription drug database, an overhaul of the health care system, and educating people about the potential dangers of combining medications. For those who are arguing a need to prevent these tragedies, that is the direction you need to take this, to help make peace with yourself over this. 

And for those who are just looking for a way to cope with the emotional implications of his death, especially because he represented such a catalyst for change by those who watched his performance in BBM, renewing your commitment towards achieving those positive goals you had for yourself is a fitting tribute.

I think having different threads for some of these different topics would be appropriate, if only to allow people in different stages of grief and overcoming it have the ability to work things through without the clashing of these different goals and concerns.  So the drug issue might be one thread, the emotional implications another, and so on.  We have some existing threads which may already cover some of these issues.  This weekend, we'll try and create a guide to channel people into these respective threads, which let's everyone get what they need to get through this.
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Re: Heath Ledger's Accidental Overdose - Discussion Thread (Was: Breaking News)
« Reply #285 on: February 08, 2008, 07:05:14 pm »
I would welcome a thread that is devoted to ongoing speculation (and even potential confirmation, as that may or may not become available) about the causes and implications of Heath's death, as I perceive a real need for some of our members to continue to discuss and analyze along those lines, and yet I also recognize that this very topic is cause for great distress to many others here. Such a thread would provide those choosing to continue on that path the space to do so, while others who have no interest or for whom such speculation is upsetting would be able to avoid it.

Offline chowhound

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Re: Heath Ledger's Accidental Overdose - Discussion Thread (Was: Breaking News)
« Reply #286 on: February 08, 2008, 11:48:17 pm »
    You write that "if I want to read this kind of crap, I'd go back to the idmb board".  In defense of that board - I've been a contributing member for the last two years - I'd like people here to know that none of "this sort of crap" has been posted on that board. The only borad you can find "this sort of crap" is this one!


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Re: Heath Ledger's Accidental Overdose - Discussion Thread (Was: Breaking News)
« Reply #287 on: February 08, 2008, 11:53:07 pm »
           Ok Ross.  You and i are friends.  I know how you feel about thiis issue.  We have
discussed it at length.  You have stated it at length..Now every one else knows as well.
It is time for you to let it go.
           Having said that I think the same thing is true for everyone else.  We have all stated
our opinions on the subject of Heaths death.  The cause or the non causes ad infinitum.
I think it is time to end that as well.
           Everyone knows everyone elses opinion.  Not one person that has an opinion is going
'to change it at this point.  No one is going to make a point that has not been made previously.  Furthermore not every ones extra comment needs to be counter debated either.......It is
now becoming a personal attack upon a person attack from an opinion.  Please i beg of all
of you just STOP IT...STOP IT. This is no way for grown people, let alone fans and admirers
of Heath to discuss him.  If you don't like him please keep your opinions to yourself, and
if you do please don't continue to drag him thru the mire and muck of speculation and
fabrication.  All that is know by us or ever will be known by us, for that matter has already been presented.    Please stop..........just let it go.  from all directions, just let it go....................................................................please  this is causing unnecessary hurt to all parties involved..janice

thank you, Janice.

People need to take a break. 

Offline j.U.d.E.

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Re: Heath Ledger's Accidental Overdose - Discussion Thread (Was: Breaking News)
« Reply #288 on: February 10, 2008, 12:27:03 am »
    You write that "if I want to read this kind of crap, I'd go back to the idmb board".  In defense of that board - I've been a contributing member for the last two years - I'd like people here to know that none of "this sort of crap" has been posted on that board. The only borad you can find "this sort of crap" is this one!
???  ???

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Offline Shasta542

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Re: Heath Ledger's Accidental Overdose - Discussion Thread (Was: Breaking News)
« Reply #289 on: February 10, 2008, 09:03:58 am »
There is a poster (jtpaladin) on IMDb who wrote some interesting info. in several of his/her posts about the nature of the prescription drugs identified. Whether they are accurate or not -- ? ? ?. Here is the link if you want to read it:
"Gettin' tired of your dumbass missin'!"
