The idea behind this episode of the X-Men was intriguing.
I've brought this up on other threads, but with the scientific community leaning toward homosexuality being mostly genetic, homophobes around the world are starting to get behind this idea.
And why?
Because someday, there may be gene therapy or gene exicision and the homosexuality of a child can be 'fixed' before they become an adult.

I told this to a bisexual friend of mine who was aghast.
"What if we don't want to be fixed?"
So I loved the idea of this X-men episode.
I haven't seen the movie, but I am a little put off that it seems from the previews that the lovely and beauteous Storm character is virulently against a 'cure' since it is - in her mind - insulting.
But that is easy for her to say when she doesn't look like Mystique/Kurt/Beast and can have normal physical relationships with her fellow human beings, unlike say Rogue.
I find the attitude of her character extremely annoying.
EDITED TO ADD: Storm really annoys me. Maybe the comic books say more, but why is Storm at Xavier's? It seems she can control the weather at will. Why should that stop her from living in society? She has no reason to actually
use her power. By being an X-Man, she has actually
put herself in a position where she has to rely on her powers, when otherwise it seems no more an issue than being able to fart or burp really well and knowing one shouldn't use that ability in public.