**Yes, my apologies Mr. Director and dear beloved costars. I have finally rearrived on set after about four hours of horrendous traffic. But I'm pitching up a tent here on the Q.T. (whatever the heck that is), and staying all night and all day tomorrow if I need to.**
((As the train rushes by, a lone blue truck rattles down the road of Signal, heading to the trailer that YOUNG ENNIS is leaning against. The truck sputters up to the trailer and grinds to a halt, its engine and exhaust loudly complaining. The truck rocks unsteadily for a moment as YOUNG JACK accompanied by YOUNG JACK'S JEANS dismount from the truck.))
((Kicking the truck's tire.))
((He places his hands on his waist and looks at the truck, then turns and notices Ennis. He turns around completely and looks fully at him, the expression in his eyes vague but somehow familiar.))
**Emerged from hiding shell
The fated stirs his being.
Into the depths of hell,
A void expression lacking.
Not a hell of pain,
but one of ecstasy.
And from the human strain:
another soul to see.**