Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 2030127 times)

Offline Ellemeno

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** I would like to direct everyone's attention to the Cast And Crew List in the first post of this thread.  It has grown quite a bit just today.  Read carefully for better enjoyment.  Let me know if you want a part that hasn't been taken yet.  **

Offline Pipedream

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((While Ennis and Jack are drinking away in the bar, the Props Magician and some of her roadies are busying themselves on the campsite, preparing everything for the grand arrival...))

%%So what else do we need? Firesite is nice. We've brought the whiskey, the beans and the water buckets… %%

%% Ah yes! The tents!!%%

** Hey folks, do you think that'll do as the campsite tent? Should be comfortable for our boys, hunh? **   ;)

%%Shit, who has taken Aguirre's binoculars outta the trailer? Gotta put them back there. He'll need them later…%%

** And here's a smaller one with an exclusive scent of cat piss…**  ;D

%%God, I love big budget productions!%%

%%Must make sure to bring a little bench up here, too...%% :)

((Rushes back down to the Signal set, happily humming an old tune...))  :)

« Last Edit: June 22, 2006, 08:40:58 am by Pipedream »

Offline Ray

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Posted by: JudeW 
Insert Quote
**I think I'm lost.. Is it my turn yet?!**

~ j U d E 

** God Lord!  How could anyone get lost in this absolute tribute to order and organisation?! **
« Last Edit: June 22, 2006, 09:02:35 am by Ray »
~A good general knows when to retreat~

Offline Pipedream

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** In the sheep area the security has yet again been tightened! **

** We have reason to believe that a terrorist might have sneaked in. Our sheeptrainer will have to be very watchful, indeed!! **

Offline Daniel

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((Arrives on set, bleary eyed, Starbucks cup in hand))

** Uh, Mr. Raymille. Is there a psychologist anywhere around here? I am having the oddest dreams about singing sheep. Someone please help me.**
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline newyearsday

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HORSE to JACK, off camera:

Hey, I just got here too. Could I have some of your coffee? I LOOOOOOOVE Starbucks!! Reeeaaally gets me goin in the mornin.

((without waiting for a reply, puts muzzle down to cup and drinks up the rest of JACK'S coffee in one slurp.))

Thanks! See ya on set! Nice pants, by the way!
Revelationtees--wear them for good. Profits go to the Matthew Shepard Foundation: & (for EU)
"One life, with each other..."

Offline Daniel

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  • I lost myself to him.
((A lively disneyesque musical number))

SHEEP: (tune similar to The Muppet Show theme)
We're going up to Brokeback!
We're going up to graze!
We thought we'd never get back!
But, today's the day!

BASQUES: (a little slower)
The day is bright and clear.
No fog or clouds are near.
We'll send these two boys up there.
All in all, they're really quite a pair.

((Tapdancing Basques dance across stage))

((One Basque dances up from behind Ennis and turns to him))
BASQUE #1 (TO ENNIS) (Lively Disney tune)
Now whatever it is you do.
Keep those sheep beneath your thumb.
Every ram, every lamb, every ewe.
For Aguirre isn't dumb.
He can count like anyone.
You get it right you get your pay.
Otherwise your skin he'll flay.
So don't never let them sheep stra-a-a-y...
On this beautiful Brokeback Mountain climbing day!

((Basque #1 Dances off with the other Tapdancing Basques, then returns))

One more thing, don't order soup.
The boxes are rather hard to pack.
So come on now, join the troop.
We ain't gonna cut no slack.
You'll take just what we sack.
If you want something, we just may.
Find some way to make it stay.
But to be better off, you might just pra-a-a-y...
On this beautiful Brokeback Mountain climbing day.

((The basques and sheep stop dancing, go still, the music also halts suddenly. Spotlight on Ennis))

Well I don't eat much soup.
It makes me quite ill.
Once I got the croup,
From eating such swill.
So please, just leave it off the bill...

((Ennis Shrugs))

((The basques and sheep wait for him to continue, but realizing he's not going to, are suddenly hyperactive. Music comes up again, full blast))

((SHEEP and BASQUES sing their choruses at the same time, see above.))

((YOUNG JACK enters stage left, trying to handle a LOW-STARTLE POINT HORSE, who is enjoying dancing across the stage as the SHEEP and TAPDANCING BASQUES go back into their dance routine))

ENNIS (TO YOUNG JACK): (Same Disney tune)
Watch it there! That horse is wild!
You've got to keep tighter control!
I know she really is quite mild,
But still you must be bold.
Or else you'll be rolled.
And that really won't be a good way.
To start out our journey - all covered in clay
**Though I must admit, it'd be fun to pla-a-a-ay**...
On this beautiful Brokeback Mountain climbing day.

((YOUNG JACK regains control of the LOW STARTLE-POINT HORSE, who is still tapping her feet in time with the music))

YOUNG JACK (TO ENNIS): (You got it, the same tune)
I think I can handle this wild mare.
How would you like to be covered in leather?
Just be sympathetic, have a care.
Come on Jeans, let's work together.
You grab her flanks. I'll grab the tether.
Maybe I'll even let this mare have a say.

((LOW STARTLE-POINT HORSE starts to sing, YOUNG JACK claps a gloved hand over her mouth))
But after we get where we're going today.
We've gotta pull off a good show for Ra-a-ay
On this beautiful Brokeback Mountain climbing day.

((gasp, wheeze, gasp.))

** Just let me catch my breath a bit... So whadya all think, do I need psychological help yet? **
« Last Edit: June 22, 2006, 10:55:56 am by Daniel »
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline newyearsday

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Jack’s on my back! He’s a wild one I bet! He thinks he can ride me but I’ll show him yet!

** Mmm that Starbucks coffee was good! **

Does he think this is some kinda game, or that I’m some kind of toy? I’ll show ‘im--this ain’t no rodeo, cowboy!

%% **Hmm…that’s a good line—I’ll have to remember that.** %%

%% Oh no! Is that a fly chasing me? Ahhh!--get away from me fly!%%

((LSP HORSE bounces around wildly, swishing her tail and trying to swat the HORNY FLY that's come upon the scene))
Revelationtees--wear them for good. Profits go to the Matthew Shepard Foundation: & (for EU)
"One life, with each other..."

Offline Daniel

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  • I lost myself to him.

((pulls on the reins a bit to get the pretty filly under control, leans down when noone's looking))

Come on, Miss Filly, that fly's gonna be houndin' us til Kingdom Come. Don't let it bother us none.

((in a seductive, calming voice))

I bet we can find a way to get along even with that fly achasin' us.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2006, 11:16:28 am by Daniel »
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline newyearsday

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(( slows down her jumping and paws at the ground a little ))

When you put it like that (though you’re just bein sly)
I guess I’ll let go of that pesky ol’ fly
We just might make a good team you and me
Let’s go ride like the wind up on Brokeback, be free!
Revelationtees--wear them for good. Profits go to the Matthew Shepard Foundation: & (for EU)
"One life, with each other..."