Author Topic: Open Forum Brokeback Thanksgiving Symbolism Quiz  (Read 22340 times)

Offline serious crayons

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Open Forum Brokeback Thanksgiving Symbolism Quiz
« on: November 27, 2008, 12:29:48 pm »
Happy Thanksgiving Brokies, and welcome to the Open Forum Brokeback Thanksgiving Symbolism Quiz! Actually, it's not quite a quiz, because there are no hard-and-fast right and wrong answers. Mainly, it's just a way to celebrate the holiday, while getting back to discussing BBM symbolism (for those of us whose symbolism analysis skills may be getting a little rusty!).

The way it works is you pick one from the SYMBOLS column and match it with something from the MEANINGS column. There should be one for each, but some of the symbols may have more than one possible meaning, and some of the meanings may have more than one possible symbol. If you don't find a meaning you like, feel free to provide your own. That's the beauty of symbolism, it's largely in the eye of the beholder. The fun is in discussing them!


Electric knife

Lureen's blonde hair

Peaches and cereal

Ear stroke

Transparent bread bag

Sour expression

Punching a truck driver

Getting beat up

Swearing at your father-in-law

Yelling at your ex-wife





Learned affection




Prop snafu

Not a sinner


« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 11:22:33 am by serious crayons »


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Re: Open Forum Brokeback Thanksgiving Symbolism Quiz
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2008, 10:40:41 am »

Electric knife

middle-class economic status (my addition)

Lureen's blonde hair


Peaches and cereal

Is that what he's eating? I thought it was clam chowder!   :)

Ear stroke

Learned affection

Transparent bread bag

Prop snafu (I never noticed it!)

Sour expression

Bitterness. Also a kind of territorial resentment

Punching a truck driver

Getting beat up

Both compensation (an attempt at it anyway) and masculinity

Swearing at your father-in-law

Rebellion.  Could also be a common Thankgiving ritual!

Yelling at your [ex]wife

Revelation; also panic

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Open Forum Brokeback Thanksgiving Symbolism Quiz
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2008, 11:23:00 am »
Thanks for the reminder about the "ex," and good answers, Marge!

Offline Artiste

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Re: Open Forum Brokeback Thanksgiving Symbolism Quiz
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2008, 11:31:19 am »
And what about your ex-wive yelling at you, because you were happy with another man ?

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: Open Forum Brokeback Thanksgiving Symbolism Quiz
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2008, 11:52:55 am »
 :D :D :D
K!  This quiz rocks! 8)

Electric knife
General symbol of Monroe being something of a disappointment and/or a bit "dorky" (for lack of a better term)

Lureen's blonde hair
I'd also say that this can be considered equivalent to Jack's moustache meaning something like disillusionment.

Peaches and cereal
This one is an eternal enigma and mystery.  ;D
Though from the offered list, interestingly, it might have something to do with Rebellion

Ear stroke
Learned affection

Transparent bread bag
I like "revelation" here... this whole scene seems to be abour revealing truths or newfound honesty.

Sour expression

Punching a truck driver
To this I would add, something like "explosive outlet of frustration and pent-up emotional self-repression"

Getting beat up
This I would say is also some kind of symbol of depression or a disturbing kind of masochism.

Swearing at your father-in-law

Yelling at your [ex-] wife

the world was asleep to our latent fuss - bowie

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Open Forum Brokeback Thanksgiving Symbolism Quiz
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2008, 11:53:48 am »

Electric knife - Vibrator

You know why sweetie :-*

Lureen's blonde hair - Disappointment

Lureen had reason to be disappointed by her marriage, and she was. But she was not as bitter as Alma was; she had her business to concentrate on. Compensation fits here, too. But I decided to take compensation for another one.

Peaches and cereal - Prop Snafu

I'm sure it didn't take Lureen three hours to fix a bowl of cereals :laugh:

Ear stroke - learned affection

see reunion, at the campfire, Jack stroking Ennis's ear in the same way

Transparent bread bag - Revelation

bread symbolizes Ennis's sexuality. In earlier scenes, the bread is hidden like his sexuality is to Alma. In this scene, she's about to reveal it, just like the bread is out in the open

Sour expression - Bitterness

Alma was bitter fer sure

Punching a truck driver - Compensating

Ennis saw his masculinity threatened by Alam's revelation that she knew about him and Jack, so he compensated by proving to himself that he was a "real man"

Getting beat up - Masculinity

See above. It's real manly to get into fights, isn't it?

Swearing at your father-in-law - Rebellion

Yelling at your ex-wife - Not a sinner

"That don't mean nothin Alma. ... You don't know nothing about it." I'm not a sinner, I didn't do what you accuse me of

Great quiz sister-mod! :-*

Offline Marina

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Re: Open Forum Brokeback Thanksgiving Symbolism Quiz
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2008, 06:12:05 pm »
Fun quiz!  I love symbolism.

Sour expression - learned affection - or I'd say residual affection, it's more of a begrudgingly affectionate look, possibily remembering what she loved about him in the first place - enjoying watching Ennis' wonderful way with their daughters and talking about his rodeo ride, but maybe still a bit angry with him.  It's like Alma moved on because she had to, but she never really forgot him on a certain level, and so much she didn't understand.  She still has residual feelings, or something unresolved.  Otherwise, why the upset in the kitchen over Jack?  :(

Lureen's blonde hair - Compensation - something, anything, to keep/get Jack's attention and love.  Something/Someone takes his attention away from her; he don't never seem to dance with his wife no more.  Maybe she can fix it, if she just tries hard enough.  She got blonder and blonder as time went on.  But these women had such love for their husbands; I loved Lureen's look of satisfaction and pride when Jack stood up to her father.

Which brings me to:

Swearing at your father-in-law - Masculinity, or the traditional concept of it.  Jack's the stud duck in this pond now, supplanting the alpha wolf.   Man of the house at the head of the table, standing and carving the turkey.  Probably he'd do the barbecue too.   ;)

Transparent bread bag - Revelation - All becomes clear to Alma, she finally admits it to herself, what she'd known along since she saw Jack and Ennis kissing.

Electric knife - well . . .

Ear Stroke - learned affection, or just plain affection - I absolutely loved Ennis' way with his daughters; he may not have had a lot of money, but he sure had a lot of love for them.  :)  I loved during his argument with Alma when she had to go to work to supplement the family income; he asked the girls if they "wanted a push or somethin'" switching to father mode, albeit a bit gruffly, and they reply "Noooo" in unison to the sound of the swings creaking.

Peaches and cereal - prop snafu?  Not traditional Thanksgiving fare.  ;)

Swearing at your ex-wife - Rebellion.  You don't know nothin' about it, as in she didn't understand how it was between them -  a defense of his relationship with Jack, with the confirmation that Alma knew.  The conflict of Ennis' love for Jack and the way things were in society.

As well as Punching a Truck Driver - Disappointment - with the way things were, and lashing out at the first unfortunate soul who crossed his path.   Nobody could understand how it was between him 'n Jack, and sometimes men express their pain and hurt through aggression.

Getting Beat Up - almost like he wanted to feel the pain, felt he deserved it.  I'm not a sinner.  :(   Poor Ennis, such conflicting emotions about what he felt for Jack, and the negative messages from his father and society.  And then the next scene, the peaceful intro of music as they ford a stream on horseback, not needing to say a thing between them.  Why do we do this to each other, when love is a beautiful and natural thing between all couples.  :( 

Such an emotional film.

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~Rachel Carson~

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Offline serious crayons

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Re: Open Forum Brokeback Thanksgiving Symbolism Quiz
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2008, 08:19:20 pm »
Thanks for the thoughtful reply, cathyearnshaw. With a username like that, I can understand why you appreciate symbolism!  :)  That's one of my OTHER favorite sources.


Offline jstephens9

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Re: Open Forum Brokeback Thanksgiving Symbolism Quiz
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2008, 04:34:14 pm »

Electric knife

Lureen's blonde hair

Peaches and cereal

Ear stroke
Learned affection

Transparent bread bag
Prop snafu

Sour expression

Punching a truck driver

Getting beat up
Not a sinner

Swearing at your father-in-law

Yelling at your ex-wife

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: Open Forum Brokeback Thanksgiving Symbolism Quiz
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2008, 11:49:10 pm »

So, I have a question about the clear bread bag scene.  I recall conversations about the clear bread bag in this argument scene between Ennis and Alma on Thanksgiving being a "bookend" to an earlier kitchen scene where there is a loaf of bread in a paper/opaque bag.  If I recall correctly, the idea is that in the earlier scene, everyone is keeping secrets, but in this Thanksgiving scene truths are revealed.

I thought that the earlier bookend scene was the scene where Ennis receives Jack's first postcard in the kitchen of his apartment.  I just spent some time looking for the screencap on Striped Wall of this parallel bread bag.  And, well, I don't see that bread bag in that scene.  I've come to learn that Striped Wall's collection of screencaps is not complete (by any means).  So, maybe Striped Wall didn't archive the exact right shot depicting th bread in the paper bag.  But, I'm wondering if I'm not remembering which scene is the bookend correctly.  Any expert Brokie words of wisdom on this subject would be much appreciated, because it's going to drive me nuts until I remember correctly.  I may even have to watch the movie!!
:o  :D

It's interesting, though, to think about how many similar scenes there are in the film of Ennis and Alma in the kitchen... with the sink involved.

the world was asleep to our latent fuss - bowie