Even though this is a Beer commercial. It reminded me of Monroe!
Ennis I think would be the Miller type here.
how do you get the vid to showup in the message? I haven't been able to get that done.
Above the text box where you write your messages is a row of cowboy smileys. Above them are two rows of icons (for bold, italics, etc.). In the second row (directly the one above the smileys) the second icon from the left is the youtube icon.
Click it, then you get this (without spaces):
[youtube=425,350 ][ /youtube]
Insert the adress of the youtube video between the square brackets and it's done!

Looks like this (I added spaces into the square brackets, otherwise you couldn't see the code)
[youtube=425,350 ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4TpF3K3AVI[ /youtube]
Without spaces: