Thanks to all!!
It is or could be even remote as you say moremojo that Ennis will NOT find another man similar to Jack, indeed... since he only has Jack on his mind, even if Jack I swear... means Jack you are my only one and will always be my only one!!
And, that Jack I swear... could be more than that too, like now my daughter is getting married, I wish I had married YOU, stayed with you, somehow lived together, at least closer with you Jack?? It could be much more than that, like I will now do like you...Jack: seek someone like YOU !
Yes, of course, like you say moremojo, Ennis is in like a purgatory, because the nightmares, etc., indicate that. I feel that I am too having lost my partner (Wayne) who I figure was killed by a medical doctor in a hospital, that I am in a such purgatory having lost him even if I battled for his life, and because Wayne was placed purpusely in such a state by that so-called MD!! Those are FIXATIONS that Ennis, Wayne and I have... that last!!! Even after death, I think that Jack (like Wayne) have nightmares because they were killed by persons who murder gays!!
That must be hard to understand for readers, as it is so hard for me too in order to live comfortably with that in my mind set as well in Ennis's!!
That is only one of the reason why I want a remake, another movie like it, and or a serie, but nobody seems to care for that??
Awaiting your news from you and from all,
hugs, hugs!!