Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes. My daughter had a sports event, so we postponed the family gathering (luckily only a small one) to the day after my actual B-Day.
LOL about the Psycho Children Chuckie. That's exactly how PC look like.
Lee, thanks for the pic of Monika and me in the diner. Not the most flattening one maybe, but who cares? We had so much fun.

Jude, what a cute pic of Brokie. A week without heating is bad enough, but at least it was
before the current extreme cold spell.
Laura, that pic of Ennis and Jack never ceases to warm my heart. I get never tired of looking at it.
Kelda, even the digits in the video were right, only in the wrong order

. I was 41 on the 5th, not 14

Amanda, Leslie, Natali, Mikaela, Marie, Sandy, Paul, Scott, Dev, Fiona, Bob and Souxi: