My name started as "ineedcrayons," from Alma Jr.'s line in BBM, which I think summarizes the movie's themes -- we all need crayons/color/joy/hapiness in our lives.
One year, for Heath's birthday, we changed our usernames to lines from Heath's movies. I chose "Whysoserious?"
Afterward, I combined the two, because I think they go well together. The pairing is sort of paradoxical, but it underlines the abovementioned theme.
To find my avatar, I always just look up "serious crayons" on google images and pick one I like. Once, for example, I had a crayon drawing of a BBM-like mountain scene. I particularly like my current one because, as I mentioned on the Halloween-costume thread, it's a picture made out of crayons. I don't mean a crayon drawing, but a photo of actual crayons.