What I thought was funny was that my sarcastic comment to make the film in English was taken as an offensive remark - and I just wondered why.
Both comments said the exact same thing It's a German movie with German actors. So if Hollywood suddenly took an interest and paid the German actors in USD to speak English, what's the problem with that? It would get much better promotion, more people would see it, the actors would get exposure for more possible roles - seems a win/win.
I really didn't mean to be offensive, that's why I said I had mixed feelings.
Negative because it would be a little fake (because everyone knows the actors are German and the story is in Germany). And of course the actors speak English with an accent.
But it could be positive for the reasons you mentioned because I think a lot of not-German speaking people would prefer English, even if English isn't their native language.
Every year we have the European Song Contest. Years ago most countries performed a song in their own language, but now every country performes in english (sometimes French). Because it sounds better? Or because English sounds familiar to almost everyone?
So yes, I think more people would be interested to watch if they would speak english.