Author Topic: Free Fall - Freier Fall  (Read 1199199 times)

Offline morrobay

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #270 on: May 07, 2014, 10:54:39 am »
OK, a scene I didn't care much for is the morning after they go clubbing.  Even though I watch this movie a LOT, I usually skip this scene, probably because to me, it signals the beginning of the end.  It's also another example of Marc being so selfish, this time towards Bettina. 

But still you feel for him, because he's being torn in two directions.  From the scene at the club you can tell his feelings for Kay are deepening; even though it's a very sexy scene, I see more pure emotion coming to the surface - he is falling in love, even though he'll continue to fight it when he's away from Kay.

Any other takes on this one?

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Offline morrobay

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #271 on: May 07, 2014, 04:00:00 pm »
Another translation question, please.  

When they're in the men's room at the bowling alley, the subtitles are shown as Marc saying "So.  Now you know."  But I put that into google translate and it doesn't sound anything like what he said in German.  

Is that what he said?
"Do you mind if I smoke?"
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Offline mariska

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #272 on: May 07, 2014, 04:07:28 pm »

BF, I still can't see your messages when I'm logged in so I can't quote you. Annoying!

About your last post: I have sympathy for all three, Marc, Kay and Bettina. Marc didn't asked for this situation either (but a few times I felt so sorry for Kay because of the way Marc treated him).
I should feel  sorry for Bettina in the first place, she lost her partner and she is the one left behind with a baby.
But for some reason I was more touched by Kay's pain and frustration and even Marc's.

The first time I saw a deepening of feelings was the bed scene. To my opinion that was not just sex (like the intimate scenes before: the forest, the scene in the rain) but love.
The scene in the bar is indeed very sexy, they seemed so in love. But beside that, they seemed so relaxed, carefree, happy,  just like the short running scene before they ended up in Kay's appartement. In that scene, the bar scene en the intimate scenes Marc is very loving to Kay. But every time Marc is confronted with reality (in his home situation, at work or even when Kay is making suggestions about leaving home, being gay etc.), things are different and he get's cold and detachded to Kay.
My conclusion: he really does love Kay but he doesn't want to admit to himself or he doens't want to allow himself these feelings, because leaving home is no option. And at that time  a coming out was probably no option too.
It's just too much.
That's why I think what happend with that Gregor guy is positive after all. He admit's his affair with Kay. For me that means he had accepted himself and was ready to be open on it. And with Bettina it didn't work out (it wasn't just Bettina who didn't want to go on, Marc didn't want to either). So in fact all that held him back from a relationship with Kay was gone. The problem was not a lack of feelings for kay, but everything else was in the way.

Offline mariska

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #273 on: May 07, 2014, 04:17:01 pm »
So, so sieht es aus (if I remember well about the bowling hall scene).

Again there's no literal translation but in English it would be like: so, this is how the situation is.
But I guess know you know is not a bad translation, the meaning is the same.

Offline fritzkep

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #274 on: May 07, 2014, 04:17:04 pm »
Just got confirmation from, I should be getting the movie on Saturday sometime.

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Offline mariska

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #275 on: May 07, 2014, 04:22:38 pm »
Just got confirmation from, I should be getting the movie on Saturday sometime.

I hope you will like it. Enjoy.

Offline morrobay

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #276 on: May 07, 2014, 04:32:57 pm »
So, so sieht es aus (if I remember well about the bowling hall scene).

Again there's no literal translation but in English it would be like: so, this is how the situation is.
But I guess know you know is not a bad translation, the meaning is the same.

So much for google translate!  "So, so sieht es aus"  comes up as "So, it looks like this".  I know what he means, but I want to know what they REALLY say to each other!  It's too much of a gorgeous love story to have to guess.  But I appreciate your help, as always.

 Maybe I should buy Rosetta Stone for German   ::)
"Do you mind if I smoke?"
"I don't care if you shoot up."

Offline morrobay

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #277 on: May 07, 2014, 04:34:16 pm »
Just got confirmation from, I should be getting the movie on Saturday sometime.

Great!  I hope you love it like we do.
"Do you mind if I smoke?"
"I don't care if you shoot up."

Offline morrobay

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #278 on: May 07, 2014, 04:50:45 pm »
Hi Mariska,
I sent a PM to the mod to see if he can help with the problem of not being able to quote my posts.

As for your other comments, we see things so alike.  I have sympathy for all involved, it’s not an easy situation for any of them, is it?

But back to Marc & Kay  :)  yes, the bed scene was the first time we are shown that Marc at least loves to be with Kay...I don’t like to think of it as only because he loves the feelings, but....... Even Hanno said in interviews that it’s very exciting.  

But when they are on the balcony, even though Marc has a lot of things to consider – Bettina & the baby – he does seem (to me) to be able to distance himself from Kay – probably, as you say, because he can’t envision being so in love with him that he would leave Bettina and the baby, at that time leaving his new family is not an option  – although it does come to that, eventually.

Yes, what happened with Gregor is totally positive, since it makes him admit he's been with Kay.  But the scene after that, in the club with the stranger, so so sad!  That's when it seems that everything registers in his mind: he loves Kay, but it's too late...and then the drive home - devastating.

"Do you mind if I smoke?"
"I don't care if you shoot up."

Offline mariska

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #279 on: May 07, 2014, 07:12:03 pm »
Thanks for contacting the moderator, hope it will be solved.

I think....when love becomes too complitated....taking distance is the only way to deal with it.
I really think it's not just the feeling he likes but he really loves Kay as a person. The gay bar scene (marc with the other guy) confirms that. Sad, indeed, but also an eye opener for Marc. Because just a guy is not good enough.
I think this experience was neccesary for Marc to find out Kay's place in his heart.

From interviews/audio comments I know that the structure of the film was: sexual attraction growing to real love. That's what the actors tried  to express.

You said: even Hanno said it was exciting. Curious what you mean by that?
Hanno and Max love each other in real life (they literally said so in an interview) and I think they both found it exciting to play this role and were very happy to do this together because there is chemistry in real life. But Hanno/Max is not the same as Marc/Kay.