Though she emerged some two hundred years after Maid Marion's time, there was another larger-than-life Maid whose exploits may have inspired the makers of the movie, "Robin Hood." She was the Maid of Orleans, Saint Joan of Arc.Saint Joan of ArcChild soldiers were sent into battle in the time of Robin Hood. As I watched the forest children fighting on the beach in the movie, I was reminded of the Children's Crusade of 1212. The Children's Crusade, 1212
The Children's Crusade wasn't about swords or fighting - it was a religious pilgrimage where children decided to go the Holy Land to free it from the heathens by the purity of their faith and innocence, not by fighting.
And they never got anywhere near the Holy Land.
So last night I finally got to see another of those "cultural icon" films that I'd never seen: Disney's Old Yeller. Turner Classics showed it, introduced by John Lithgow (!).Spoiler Alert (Is that really necessary here?):This is a movie so much talked about that it held no surprises for me. I already knew how it was going to end; I'd just never seen the film. But I have to think, had I first seen it as a small child who didn't know what to expect, it would have scared the beejeezus out of me when Tommy Kirk opened the door of the corn crib and found that the dog had gone "feral," as John Lithgow put it, from "hydrophoby."
My review is short: eat pray love......snooze.
You don't say much, but you get your point across .
Here's another review: sweat cry whine.