Plants are considered essential, and growers of plants are one of the many endangered industries. There has been a big interest in gardening this year but it's hard getting buyers and growers connected. Our garden society doesn't get any profit from the sale that I know of, but we will be helping our growers to stay in business a little longer.
This pandemic is hanging around so long that I wonder if it's going to become a permanent thing. I've been doing fine mental health-wise but thinking that I might want to add a few new strategies to keep my equilibrium as the end of this scare keeps retreating into the more distant future. Start some new home projects, for example. Yesterday I started cleaning out my fridge and putting all the food into my fridge upstairs that is larger and newer. It's also easier to see what's in it because it has the freezer on the bottom instead of on the top.
This one small thing improved my mindset completely. I found ingredients I had been looking for and wanting to use in recipes. I found quite a few expired things I could throw out and some jars of pickles I could consolidate. Soon, I'll be able to turn off my empty fridge and do a deep cleaning. Crazy that this task could be so uplifting to my spirits, but whatever floats your boat, right?