I'm not clear on what you mean by polio as an exception.
Smallpox virus has been officially eradicated from the world. ...
Polio does still exist in a very few countries
It was smallpox I was thinking of, I believe.
Measles is a virus. Many of us older folk had it as children so are now immune.
I had it when I was 6, and apparently a dangerous enough case that the doctor made a house call to administer some life-saving injection.
Now, of course, it's part of the routine schedule of childhood vaccinations. Among children whose parents aren't science deniers, at least.
At the anti-shutdown protest I attended, I met a number of people who said that if an anti-COVID virus were developed they would refuse to take it. They accuse Bill Gates of practicing "population control" by advocating or supplying vaccines -- apparently they believe vaccines are more dangerous than the diseases themselves.
Is it possible there's another virus that's been going around for years without anyone being aware of it -- one that causes stupidity?
You know how they say apocalyptic horror movies often work by triggering subconscious fears of whatever's going on at the time in real life -- the way Orson Welles' broadcast of
War of the Worlds supposedly alarmed people because it reminded them of what was happening in Europe?
I wonder if the next round of horror movies will move away from giant monsters and outerspace invaders to microscopic or invisible enemies.