I'm concerned about increased random violence that crime fighters say is related to the pandemic fatigue, isolation, additional regulation, social disruption, and economic strife. Things like domestic and neighbor disputes escalating into violence, road rage, and the like. Is this a problem in other countries? 
No. Pandemic fatigue, yes. We're all fed up with restrictions, I know I am. I would love nothing more than having big birthday celebrations with the whole family, meeting with friends, etc. Most of all, I miss travelling so much!
I had so hoped to get to Canada this year, but well…..
Meanwhile I'd love to plan any vacation, any road trip, any small trip over a long weekend, just
anything. Drives me up the walls; I started checking airfares, plotting routes, etc. - just for the heck of it, but in reality I have nowhere to go

Numbers have been going down in Germany since mid-December, when we started our second big lockdown. Two month on, we're still in lockdown. Now the cases are going up again, despite the lockdown! It's the new variants that make the numbers go up. It just takes a little bit of hope from people.
You go into lockdown, you adhere to the rules, numbers are falling, you're thinking about easing restrictions - and then wham! numbers are on the rise again. It's a sucker punch

But I haven't heard about rising violence. Domestic/child abuse might have risen over the last year. Sounds logical, but so far there are no data about it.
Just yesterday I've heard that burglaries have gone way down. People are at home all the time, and I guess even burglars shy back from the risk of catching Corona instead of money.