I think we could and should and will go back to the world of 2019.
I don't want to go back to that world completely. I want to continue working mostly from home and wearing relaxed and comfortable clothing. I don't want to waste an hour a day, not to mention gas, etc., driving back and forth from downtown, parking in a ramp, walking to the building, going up the elevator and so on.
Not everybody can do that, of course. And I can't do my work from
anywhere -- I don't have to go into the office every day, but I have to be close enough to go out and see people in person occasionally. But the pandemic has shown a lot of people they could do their job literally from anywhere. There's some indication those people will move, or already are moving, out of expensive cities and downtowns. Rising crime is also part of that.
A one-year virus, bad as it was, might not have made enough of an impact for dramatic permanent societal change. And some will always want to live amid the excitement of cities, which is partly why cities exist in the first place. But I do think it might shift things a bit.