Author Topic: Corona - what does help you? Your fears, thoughts, everything  (Read 184670 times)

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Corona - what does help you? Your fears, thoughts, everything
« Reply #50 on: April 04, 2020, 03:57:45 am »
And what's the difference here? I'm not familiar with weekly markets. (ETA: maybe they're what we call farmers markets over here?

Yes, you'd call ithem farmer's markets. At first I wondered why they didn't close them, but actually it's clear: they're not crowded places over here and they're in fresh air - much less likely to be a hot spot for Corona than inside buildings.

I remember teachers with pitch pipes! Are they even a thing anymore?

Not sure about the pipe part of pitch pipes. My son uses a tiny electronical device for tuning his viola. It also serves as a metronome.
When I think back at my own school days, the teacher always used the piano to give us an a for tuning. I've never seen a pitch pipe in my life :laugh:

Offline brianr

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Re: Corona - what does help you? Your fears, thoughts, everything
« Reply #51 on: April 04, 2020, 04:52:12 am »
Yes, you'd call ithem farmer's markets. At first I wondered why they didn't close them, but actually it's clear: they're not crowded places over here and they're in fresh air - much less likely to be a hot spot for Corona than inside buildings.
Everything is much more locked down in NZ. No Farmers markets, no butchers, no fruit and vegetable shops, no restaurants or cafes, no takeaways. The only cooked food which can be delivered are meals on wheels for the elderly. The only businesses open are pharmacies, supermarkets, banks, petrol stations and dairies. Dairies are corner stores and they must only let in one person at a time and not sell any cooked food. At the supermarket you queue  2 metres apart and must sanitise your hands before being allowed to enter then keep 2 metres apart while in the store. We are not allowed to meet with anyone other than the people of our household and as I live alone, I am not allowed to meet with anyone but pass them at a 2 metre distance. I must only leave the house for food and medical supplies and exercise. I must only drive the car for food and medical supplies not for exercise. Playgrounds are closed, we should not sit on park seats, no games, swimming etc just walking/running. They are now allowing online or phone ordering of white goods but they must be delivered using social distancing.

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Corona - what does help you? Your fears, thoughts, everything
« Reply #52 on: April 04, 2020, 09:50:59 am »
Everything is much more locked down in NZ. No Farmers markets, no butchers, no fruit and vegetable shops, no restaurants or cafes, no takeaways. The only cooked food which can be delivered are meals on wheels for the elderly. The only businesses open are pharmacies, supermarkets, banks, petrol stations and dairies. Dairies are corner stores and they must only let in one person at a time and not sell any cooked food.

What's their problem with cooked food? I would think that would be safer than non-cooked. Maybe because more people are likely to touch it as it's being made and dished out?

At the supermarket you queue  2 metres apart and must sanitise your hands before being allowed to enter then keep 2 metres apart while in the store.

My son in Chicago goes to a corner store that requires customers to go immediately into a room in back upon entering and wash their hands. I haven't seen any such requirements here, though some places at least put a container of sanitary wipes at the door.

I must only drive the car for food and medical supplies not for exercise.

 ??? :laugh: :laugh:   For a second there I wondered, how is driving a car a form of exercise? Then I realize you must mean you can't drive to a place where you would get exercise outdoors.

They are now allowing online or phone ordering of white goods but they must be delivered using social distancing.

What are white goods?

Your rules sound pretty strict. Our public parks are open, though their buildings -- and restrooms -- are not. And we can get takeout. Although as my son and I discovered last night when trying to get a pizza, the takeout hours are pretty restricted. Places that normally might be open until 10 or 11 are closing by 8. We missed the deadline because we both eat dinner late -- me between 9 and 10, him at 3 a.m.   ::)

There's a really poplar pizza/pasta restaurant near here that was doing a lot of takeouts, then suddenly closed temporarily. Their website says it's because they were overwhelmed with orders and needed to change their system or something. But we suspected that somebody on their staff might have been diagnosed.

I have yet to know anyone personally, to my knowledge, who has tested positive, including friends on Facebook.

Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: Corona - what does help you? Your fears, thoughts, everything
« Reply #53 on: April 04, 2020, 12:04:50 pm »
I don't order in cooked food--never have, not even pizza--and I keep forgetting to check if the take-out place where I get pizza and cheese steaks is open. But I have wondered about how sanitary it is right now to have hot food brought in--not the food itself per se, but the delivery person. I could also, I suppose, extend my concern to the people who prepare the food.

Usually I just prepare my own meals because I'm cheap.  :laugh:  Right now I feel safer with food I prepare myself. Fresh fruits and vegetables can at least be washed before you use them. They should be, anyway, anytime.

Of course, my dad receives Meals on Wheels. We have to trust that. At least in the case of his Meals on Wheels, the food is actually prepared in a hospital kitchen, which, presumably, is more sanitary than other places might be.
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Offline brianr

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Re: Corona - what does help you? Your fears, thoughts, everything
« Reply #54 on: April 04, 2020, 03:18:30 pm »
White goods are refrigerators, washing machines, microwaves etc. It seems to also be covering heaters at the moment as winter approaches, and baby car seats. Thankfully I do not need any of those, fingers crossed, as I bought most things brand new when I migrated 10 years ago.
I think the cooked food is the delivery aspect. I have several friends whose children drop their groceries on the front step, ring the door bell and leave. One lady told me she has asked them to stop at the gate and talk a while. I guess they do talk on the phone but talking face to face is nice. I have not done that with anyone (except good morning while walking) for 10 days now and have at least 18 more days to go.
I also do not do takeaway except I go to the local fish 'n chips shop usually on Tuesday night after hiking. I buy a piece of blue cod and chips. I laugh as I have been buying exactly the same nearly every week for 10 years yet the lady stands, waits till i order and writes it down on the piece of paper. I just eat one third of the chips then freeze the rest to have with chicken on Friday and something else during the week. The minimum is $3 worth and I cannot eat all that. It use to be $2 worth and I threw over half out but started freezing when It went up to $3. I do buy blue cod which is the most expensive, now $6 for a piece. I think just asking for a piece of fish is $3.
In NZ there is  a fish'n chips shop in every suburb. They do not deliver, many people ring and it is ready when they arrive but I am happy to sit for 10 minutes. They also sell Chinese food which I do not eat, also hamburgers which I like but cannot eat anymore. Of course other types of sea food. I like calamari but occasionally buy that frozen in the supermarket and heat myself, do not like shellfish much. I have never had a takeaway delivered.

At least it is a bit lighter this morning, DLS just ended. However I slept in until 7am the last couple of days in preparation, not as if I have anywhere to go. Up at 6.15 am this morning like normal.

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Corona - what does help you? Your fears, thoughts, everything
« Reply #55 on: April 04, 2020, 05:22:05 pm »
I don't order in cooked food--never have, not even pizza--and I keep forgetting to check if the take-out place where I get pizza and cheese steaks is open. But I have wondered about how sanitary it is right now to have hot food brought in--not the food itself per se, but the delivery person. I could also, I suppose, extend my concern to the people who prepare the food.

Oh, I know. But I get the mail and pick up the paper that the people who delivered them touched. I'be been in stores where cashiers aren't very separated from customers.

In the case of the pizza, my son was going to go pick it up. I would imagine a pizza oven would take care of any germs, and I believe the cooks pull it out on one of those big things like giant spatulas and slide it right into the box. They'd then have to shut the box, I guess, but hopefully they wear gloves.

I've read that although coronavirus can live up to three days on metal, two on plastic and so forth, its half life is actually really short, so the surfaces are probably fairly safe after a few hours, after which the virus germs dwindle so fast they might not be enough to infect you.

Also, I have read there's a theory that the fewer germs get into your system, the milder your case if you do get it. Perhaps picking up something that someone else has touched would minimize your exposure, so even if you did get sick it would be a mild case.

I'd run that past Dr. Fauci, though, before I'd go around licking doorknobs or anything. :laugh:

Yesterday I saw a scary story about how people who recover from the virus but spend a couple of weeks on respirators wind up in bad shape because of the respirators themselves: PTSD, Alzheimer-like symptoms, trouble dressing and bathing! Apparently they're fine for a couple of days but long-term use is not great.

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Corona - what does help you? Your fears, thoughts, everything
« Reply #56 on: April 04, 2020, 05:23:29 pm »
White goods are refrigerators, washing machines, microwaves etc.

I guess in this country we'd have to call them stainless-steel goods.  :laugh:

Offline brianr

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Re: Corona - what does help you? Your fears, thoughts, everything
« Reply #57 on: April 04, 2020, 09:40:56 pm »
I hardly get any mail. We only get deliveries 3 days per week and I think the only thing I have received in the 10 days since this all began was a pamphlet from the government about the virus.  Our post offices are shut anyway. I no longer get my newspaper delivered, read it online but there was an article about how the deliverers are wearing gloves etc. I was disappointed that our local free weekly paper was stopping, it is also online but I have not checked if there was an edition online this week. They have put up plastic screens at the supermarket checkouts, asked that no cash and preferably Paywave but my shop last week was over $100 and Paywave cannot be used for amounts over $100, should be less next week.  Not sure if you have Paywave, in Australia it is called Tap 'n Go. You just hold your card to the reader, no pin needed. Signatures went years ago unless you are an American tourist.  ;D

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Corona - what does help you? Your fears, thoughts, everything
« Reply #58 on: April 05, 2020, 12:13:00 pm »
the deliverers are wearing gloves etc.

Hope it's the same here. I picked up my paper, in its plastic bag, with more trepidation than usual. I dumped out the paper, put the bag in the recycling and washed my hands.

Doesn't Apple have a Paywave-like app? I've never used it, but it's an idea to consider these days.

I use the card machines, some of which still require you to sign with a stylus that of course has been touched by others. I never even write my own signature anyway -- just make a scribbly mark. If anyone ever steals my card and tries to use it, they'd probably write out my name and could be easily identified!  8)


Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: Corona - what does help you? Your fears, thoughts, everything
« Reply #59 on: April 05, 2020, 01:45:58 pm »
Doesn't Apple have a Paywave-like app? I've never used it, but it's an idea to consider these days.

The description reminded me of my mass transit pass. It's a card like a credit card. All I have to do is tap it against the reader to go through the turnstile for the subway or where you would pay when you get on the bus.
"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.