And your poor son, preparing for his final exams while your dog is sick 
If you do get bad news on the 6th, can you instead tell him that the vet still doesn't know any specifics?
I don't mean that lying is a good thing in general, but in this case it would be just to help him keep focused on the 7th.
Holding back the news is not an option. Jan 7th is just his first of three final exams (in his three advanced subjects). They stretch out from 7th to 17th, with an additional oral exam in March.
So it's not only about one day, but from 6th to 17th would be eleven days.
Good luck to all of you
Thank you.

Oh no! I'll be sending healing thoughts for Tina. Great strides have been made in the treatment of cancer for humans as well as animals. No one I know who has had cancer has died in the past 10 years or so. If you have a diagnosis back before your son's exam, my opinion is you should go ahead and tell him. He's already thinking the worst as it is. Young people don't have the same ideas as we older ones do about illnesses. Although this is just a hunch...but maybe your son is reflecting back to the previous pet's demise. I believe you had a dog before Tina, correct?
Yes, we had a dog before Tina. My son was 7 when our first dog died very suddenly.
Like I already explained to Sonja, I have to tell him before the exam, there's no way around it. But I will try to soften the blow as much as I can and still stay truthful.
Today I focused on telling my children that most mammal tumors in dogs are of the less bad kind, and they metastatize relatively late in the game. Which is true, so nothing is "too late" as of yet.
One small positive news, and even on topic: these days I'm testing regularly for Covid and so far all is negative. The contact to my cowerker is four days back now.
We had two children with Covid last week and so far said coworker is the only one infected. He is one of two unvaccinated coworkers I have.