In recent days I've been reading about the possibility that many people have COVID-19 and have no symptoms. The fact that they could carry and spread the virus, and other people could get it and have a more serious illness, is distressing. Also, the idea that the virus should just be allowed to make its way through all populations unrestricted, so that we could develop a "herd immunity" is worrisome.
There are more voices saying that many of us might have had COVID-19 already. I wish testing for the presence of antibodies could be universally available. My son is one who thinks he has already had it. He attended a convention in late February and there were many people from Asia attending. Then, he was sick for two weeks. He feels fine now. His symptoms didn't match the COVID symptoms, though. I myself was kind of sick in the last week of February and first week of March.
Some places in Colorado have opened for business and there was a photo on Facebook of a restaurant in Castle Rock that was packed on Mother's Day. The very next day, Governor Polis held a press conference and publicly announced that the restaurant's license had been revoked indefinitely. Now, people are coming and taping messages and money to their door. As I was driving to the grocery store yesterday, I saw quite a few places that had "Open" signs on them, though there weren't any cars in the parking lots. One was a bar and grill.