I really sucked at this today. Cream? Really?
Yeah, what the hell was that? LOL
According to my dictionary: Any of various substances resembling cream that have a soothing effect when applied to the skin. Ointment.
I struck out today. But when I saw the results, this thought literally went through my head: I bet Paul got that category.
Topical creams are pretty common for skin conditions, right? They're different from ointments, though. Ointments are greasier and often transparent instead of opaque. Sonja, I also think your dictionary errs by saying they resemble cream. They're usually thicker, closer to sour cream.
Puzzle #218
My Wordle performance wasn't great today, either, mostly because of a dumb mistake. Once again, I can almost hear WordleBot scolding me, like an abusive parent.
Wordle 940 4/6