" Daddy Jr said to Ennis." "Yeah" he asks? "Whats a doofus?" "Well its a person that
acts stupid or dumb." "Why do you wanta know?" "Cause this Billy Gradey called me one."
"Well pay him no mind girl, hes probably one hisself." "Daddy, am i a doofus?" "No darlin you aren't no doofus." "I know a doofus first hand, and you ain't nothing like him." "Good" she
says. I don't want anyone to think Im stupid, or dumb." "Well darlin if you were, there is
a lot worse things." "I kinda like a doofus anyway." "They are usually a whole lot of fun, and
nice besides."
"They will try to cheer you up when you are sad. Make you laugh, and be understandin
when you need a friend." "Yes, there is a lot worse things to be. Thats for sure," "Ok
daddy, then I guess its not so bad to be a doofus, is it?"