He saw him again, just pieces of the man, never whole. Turning the corner from the Riverton post office. Eyebrow like a raven’s wing. In a truck driving past the road crew that next summer. Strong hand, long fingers, beating time to a song he caught just a couple notes of.
He saw him again, just pieces of the man, never whole. Balanced on the rails of a bucking chute as the roan bronc settled. Strong back tense, leaning, ready. Climbing up into the cab to try the newest combine. Hair just long enough to curl, catching sunlight.
More than nothing. Even broken, carried it all inside him.
Held to that. What he couldn’t never let go of.
I write dopplegangers into my fanfic. Ones they never recognize, same as in the film. But I thought, for today’s prompt, maybe this much. So I’m bending the rules I guess, since it’s inspired by, though not containing the word.