June 1987Four days later Ennis negotiated the last half mile of the washboard road leading to Lightning Flat.Thoughts of Jack danced in is head, paid visit to his dreams in sleep. Like when he made the journey before overcome by the isolation, even by Wyoming standards, the vast desolate land. How Jack, so friendly, ever the dreamer, had been raised up here, miles from nowhere. At last the old barn, then the farm house came into view. Taken back with start he spots the young cowboy, dark short sleeve plaid shirt, sweatshirt tied around his waist on a dark horse looking for all the world like Jack. Son of the father.
"Hey Ennis You made it!" Big wide smile, so relieved Ennis came. "So glad you came! Dunno what I'm doin' here trin' ta fix this place up....sure couldn't be makin much progress on my own."
Ennis get out of his truck and the exchange warn handshakes. "No need ta worrin' none 'bout it. Happy ta be here."
"Just in time fer some lunch...come on now, want ya ta meet my grandma."
"Ennis!....Ennis so your the one Bobby spoke of gonna be givin' us a hand."
"You two know each other?...I mean."
Mrs. Twist started to speak, Ennis looked to her as he cut in. "Came up here once after your daddy was gone....Your grandma here was real nice ta me." Ennis turning to Bobby then back to Mrs. Twist. "Ma'am, I'm real sorry ta hear 'bout Jack's daddy....must be hard without 'm"
"Thanks Ennis....I think he liked you...he was real glad you came up those....came up here after Jack was gone...." Mrs. twist looking back at Ennis. "Now come on bring your stuff in, puttun' lunch on the table."
"Don't want ta be puttin' ya out Ma'am."
"No trouble at all."
The three sat down to a table of freshly made biscuits, potato, salad, sliced ham, large picture of ice tea, bottle of cold milk. "Bobby would you like ta say grace?"
"Yes Ma'am. Dear Lord thank you for the meal my grandma prepared before us, thank you fer bringin' Ennis here safe and fer him bein with us this summer, kinda feel like a parta' dad's back...and keep us in the days ahead...Amen."
"Grandma is there any honey fer the biscuits?"
"Yes sweetheart I'll..."
"Sit down ma'am....I get fer ya." Ennis get up walk to the second cupboard finds the honey, sets it down on the table. Bobby looks at him. "Eat up son.....what were ya workin on this mornin'"
Bobby take a few bits, swallows, look back at Ennis. "Had a problem with one of the fences, steer pushed one of the posts over cant get the barbed wire ta say."
"Let's you n' me ride out have a look...bet we can fix it ta stay,"
"Ya see son, you loop the wire 'round the post like a this, that way the wire don't stress 'n stays tight won't break loose....Rancher I worked fer with my brother long time ago taught me that loop...most folk don't know it." Ennis and Bobby are way out on the range at the offending fence post. "Show me so I know you got it. See it no so hard, worth the extra effort."
Bobby stood back and admired his handwork, then walked to the next post, then the next. "Ennis...Ennis these post have the same kinda loop....just like...."
"Whut....that don't mean nothin'...."
"Ennis...you've been here before.....you knew where grandma kept the honey....you mended these fences....you worked on this ranch....did you and my dad....?"
Ennis look down. "Bobby....Your dad most of the time would come here after he seen me....stay up here a week 'n fix what he could, help out you grandparents....After he wuz gone....well....thought it wuz least Ah could do....come up here in his place....spent the time up here I used ta spend with him....felt closed ta him here....."
Bobby looked down trying to hold back his tears. "Thanks......thanks Ennis.....I'm real glad your here now."
Ennis gives him a hearty pat on the shoulders. "Ah am too...son...Now come on...lets git ...gotta lotta work ta be doin'."