Let me just respond to the thing about finishing the Saga:
There were a number of things involved here. First of all - no story can be endless, or it will lose its focus. And I had already expanded the scope of the story to the logical limit of what I felt capable of and qualified to write. And even in this, I was stretching. I hit some knowledge limits here which in original novel writing I would have felt constrained to stop and research thoroughly before writing, and some of those limits were wearing on me, i.e. with regard to law enforcement procedure, courtroom details, forensic pathology, etc.
Secondly, writing a story of this length and scope is extremely time consuming. I was fortunate (or unfortunate) to have had a very light duty starting in early April and was extremely bored at work, and writing helped to alleviate some of that. Once my contract was ended, I knew I would have to move, possibly back to the USA, get a new contract, and possibly much more demanding employment, so it was necessary to free myself up from the daily writing demand I had posed for myself.
And thirdly, I had the need to branch out, and to do other things. Creatively, as a novelist, writing within the "universe" of BBM, even though I had expanded it greatly into a new territory with dozens of new original characters, still came with a constraint. That constraint, in the follow-on tales, is not so onerous, and also alleviates some of the demand on time. But I yearn to do new things, in a venue and with fewer natural knowledge limits - to write once more about history and music, the modern world, and stop stretching my mind back to how things were in that long ago time of the mid 1980's, correcting for the way the world has changed.
It has been a wonderful experience - but not one I can continue indefinitely, no matter how much others desire it. It is simply not possible to do.