I'm sure I'm going to catch
HELL for this one but I'll jump into the void nonetheless. Here goes:
Our film is as close to perfect as a movie can get, and god knows we agree on this for every reason under the sun. But let's just say you can "come clean" and offer one area where you might make a change or even a subtle improvement -- the directing of a scene, something more from a performance, a close-up you wish were there, a deleted scene you wish had made it, score under a scene where it wasn't, etc.
I'll go first:
1. Since the Independent Spirit Awards broadcast when the montage was shown with the extended closet scene and Heath's river of tears, I've thought about, maybe even wished, that were in the final cut.
2. I think when Lureen says "You've been goin' up there all these years" it is a bit of a stretch, since they were just reunited not long before and the time passage montage may have rushed things a tiny bit.
One rule here -- no "it's perfect as it is" posts -- LOL. Even though we all know it is perfect as it is.
Get your tomatoes ready, I'm ducking for cover.
