I know this has been discussed before, but I really hated Bobby's "I'm gonna be eatin' this food for the next two weeks."
MandyI - Awwwww... I loved "I'm nothin'. I'm nowhere." To each their own, I suppose

Bee - I agree, I would have liked to have seen a flashback during the closet scene. My mom, for example, didn't understand that those were the shirts during their "fight", she thought they were just two of Jack's shirts. And that is such a crucial aspect of the film.
RT - Good thread, thanks for starting it.

Also, I would have liked to have seen another tender moment between Jack & Ennis. I mean I know Ang (..etc) purposely held back, but I would have liked just another glimpse. A touch, a look between them, anything..
AH, rt, you replied while I was typing saying the same thing..