Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2829337 times)


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thank you, Toycoon! I finally found my courage again - it was hidin´ under the sofa  ;D ! I love this thread, it is my second home actually, so I will go on bothering you with my crap.


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Say, are you gonna write us a sexy fanfic here or what!?

YES, David, PLEASE!! :o

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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            I agree with David.. welcome to Bettermost.  you have truly given this old forum a new spark of
energy.  We are so happy to have the IMBD groupi become part of us.........

     Beautiful mind

Offline David In Indy

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Thanks, David-Indiana.
I gave your ABC game a shot but Ellemeno kept trumping me! She's already got more sheep than God!
Say, are you gonna write us a sexy fanfic here or what!? I know you've got something hot and steamy brewing up there! Let's have a look at it...

Well maybe Toycoon!

I'll try to get my creative imagination cranking, and maybe I'll come up with something!  :)

You all are doing a great job! This is a fun thread. Thanks for starting it.  :D
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P.S.  But I still can't eat no cheery cake. 

Maybe not cheery cake, but how about cherry cake? LOL   ;)
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Offline Toycoon

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Asking For It
« Reply #65 on: June 09, 2007, 09:49:31 pm »
The passion and animal lust was extremely intense and building by the second between the two men.

 Jack removes his jacket and Ennis felt conflicted but obviously extremely sexually aroused.

 Jack undid his jeans then Ennis exploded into action. He pushed Jack into position but if Jack had not wanted what was about to happen, he would have stopped it right then and there. He didn't.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero


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Good morning everybody! What a way to start the (Sun)day!

Gary, thank you for your kind words. I don´t mean to make everybody here sad, but that song posted at "BBM radio" really got to me...the next one will be fun, I promise!

Susie, just re-read missed you part 1 -  whoa, so so steamy, hot, juicy, - love it! give us your NC-17 - stories, please!

Toycoon, at least one person here follows the rule, and it is always amazing what you can express in three sentences! Jack had not wanted what was about to happen, he would have stopped it right then and there. He didn't. And I´m so grateful for that. Just because of Ennis, of course  ;D!

Ifyoucantfixit and David, how nice to see you here! Feel free to join in at any time, it´s fun! But be warned: It was not until ends of chapter eight that I posted my first one, and I´m allready addicted.

Merrily, you are a true friend, I love you. I´ll send you a PM on IMDb!


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Too Early In The Summer

< Beans.  Beans beans beans. I´m sick of ´em.>

< Hmm...>

< Taste ain´t that bad, but ...mbmummbfrt....>

< Huh? Mumbling used to be my part. What´d ya say?>

< Said ´they make me fart.´>

< Um...well...> Ennis grins.

< I´ll run them sheep off if I go on like that. Maybe that´s why I ain´t shot me no coyote yet, ´cause they don´t come close enough with all that...gas around. Expect that goddamn puptent to take off like a  balloon some night!>

Ennis laughes out loud, jerking his head back, eyes sparkling.

´This boy is f*uckin´too cute when he laughs...´

< Your guts don´t react like this, or what? >

< Hm, no, think they are used to beans. >

The cowboys go on eating in silence.

Ennis, sniffing : <Uh! What´s that? Was that you? >

< NO, MAN! Bud, I´d never fart as long as you´re around! Don´t want to run you off, friend! It wasn´t me! >

< Naw, me neither, told you I don´t fart, beans or no beans, it must´ve been you!>

Jack laughs, jumps up and over to Ennis, grabs his shirt, and tuzzling and laughing they fall on the ground -

curtains fall discretely...

Offline Toycoon

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Beans beans beans.

Dagi, you are too funny! I knew one of these days, someone would address the beans/flatulence issue.
It stands to reason though, that's the main reason I don't 'eat no beans'! Very cute, German girl.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Clyde-B

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Dagi, this it too funny, it SHOULD be in the script! , you're just getting better and better!

I might post that NC17 rated one on it's own .... not sure, people might not like me anymore!!


Remember the "Spoiler!" warning we used at IMDb? 

Maybe we need a "Feelthy!" warning for some stories on this thread.
