Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2829346 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Sweet Talk
« Reply #540 on: June 29, 2007, 12:45:41 am »
littlewing, I think that's just what Ennis needed.  He needed someone to make over him as they say around here.  What I mean by that is Ennis could have benefited from some gentle and adoring attention.  Your little story here reminds me of how Jack treated Ennis in the second tent scene, and how Ennis responded to being taken care of.  I think Ennis is a scared little boy under that gloomy, and sometimes prickly facade.  We sometimes forget that he lost his parents at a very tender age, and I doubt his siblings did a very good job in stepping in.  Ennis suffered from a cuddle and comfort deficit.


Gary, I agree with everything you just said here!  I certainly think Ennis was touch deprived, but he couldn't articulate his need.  Jack gentling Ennis is a "theme" I return to time and again. 

Offline Toycoon

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Sweet Talk (2)
« Reply #541 on: June 29, 2007, 12:48:09 am »
Jack continued to stroke Ennis' hair, smoothing it and petting him like the family cat;
a sudden, transient rise of energy gripped Ennis changing his demeanor and startling Jack.

Ennis became an insatiable sexual animal, groaning, surprising even himself demanding, "Do me, Jack fucken' Twist, do me!"

Jack shook Ennis awake and held him close, feeling his heart racing through his chest; "You were having a hellava dream, Cowboy. Shame I had to wake you up before you got done! Does that offer still stand?"
« Last Edit: June 29, 2007, 12:55:48 am by Toycoon »
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: After the Dance
« Reply #542 on: June 29, 2007, 12:50:14 am »

Oh Marie, that´s almost too much so early in the morning...this picture of a naked, seductively dancing JakeJack and Ennis watching him with probing eyes will haunt me the whole day, I know it.


I know, Dagi.  I'm just ready to turn in for the night, and I wouldn't be surprised if I see a dancing Jack Twist in my dreams.  Such a spectacle will be very welcome, indeed!


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Re: Sweet Talk (2)
« Reply #543 on: June 29, 2007, 12:53:01 am »
Jack continued to stroke Ennis' hair, smoothing it and petting him like a family cat;
a sudden, transient rise of energy gripped Ennis changing his demeanor and startling Jack.

Ennis became an insatiable sexual animal, groaning, surprising even himself demanding, "Do me, Jack fucken' Twist, do me!"

Jack shook Ennis awake and held him close, feeling his heart racing through his chest; "You were having a hellava dream, Cowboy. Shame I had to wake you up before you got done! Does that offer still stand?"

you are too much for me *faints because of lack of sleep and blood rushing downwards*

What a surprise - Toycoon follows littlewing. Great, just great. Sequel, please, whoever writes it!


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #544 on: June 29, 2007, 12:58:49 am »
Wow, 15 guests are viewing this topic. Wow.

Yes, I saw that!   :)  I don't think I've ever seen so many guests on this thread before!  It is good to see!

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Sweet Talk (2)
« Reply #545 on: June 29, 2007, 01:04:26 am »
Now if this had been a really naughty story Jack would have slipped it in while the family cat was still asleep.
Are you suggesting 'date rape' Garycottle, you perv!

You can always write the final chapter, ya know or ain't ya' man enough? ;D
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Shasta542

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #546 on: June 29, 2007, 01:13:00 am »
Geez---calling each other "pervs"---issuing challenges---etc. I need to stop in more often and distribute a little discipline among all you kids!!! Ya'll are out of control!  :P
"Gettin' tired of your dumbass missin'!"


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Sweet Talk Part 3
« Reply #547 on: June 29, 2007, 01:18:38 am »
This is for you, Dagi!

Ennis chuckled softly, and held Jack closer to his breast.  He kissed Jack’s hair, and didn’t mind one bit that Jack shook him out of a very pleasurable dream.

“Maybe in a little bit, Rodeo!”  Ennis whispered.  “I don’t think I’m up to it right now.  You okay with that?”  Jack hid a knowing smile from his lover.  “Listen Friend, if you’re sore back there, I brought a salve.  We can have you up and presentin' in no time!”

Ennis had to grin at Jack’s suggestion.  Where did Jack find the energy?  Ennis pushed his lover up a bit and crawled onto his stomach.  He raised his buttocks to Jack.  “Lube me up and we’ll see what happens..”

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Sweet Talk Part 3
« Reply #548 on: June 29, 2007, 01:25:49 am »
“Listen Friend, if you’re sore back there, I brought a salve.  We can have you up and presentin' in no time!”

You absolutely slay me, littlewing1957! Thank Heaven for old fashioned salve!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Sweet Talk Part 3
« Reply #549 on: June 29, 2007, 01:33:01 am »
You absolutely slay me, littlewing1957! Thank Heaven for old fashioned salve!

Hey, Toycoon!  Somebody actually said that to me once!   :laugh: