Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2829315 times)


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Re: Meadowlark
« Reply #770 on: July 09, 2007, 06:56:50 am »

P.S. You see, I can be serious when I want to be. 

Um...okay, that's enough.

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I love you, Gary! Thank you for cheering me up!! D.


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Re: Meadowlark
« Reply #771 on: July 09, 2007, 12:24:06 pm »
Hi there Dagi sweetheart, 

Aw, did I make you go and cry again?  Well anyway, thanks so much for the kind words and the encouragement.  Someday soon I'll try to think of a happy one, or a sexy one.  Maybe I'll write something about Jack and Ennis meeting a boy serving hotdogs in the park on the 4th of July.   :-X
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: As I said, I love that special sort of hotdogs.... ;)

You know how to cheer me up. But I love to cry about them every once in a while. I´ll love your stories whether they are sad or funny or happy...and of course I love the sexy ones! The hot ones! The dirty and nasty and naughty and earthy ones! I admit I´m one of the sexaholics here  ::) .



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Re: Admiration
« Reply #772 on: July 09, 2007, 05:24:51 pm »
Admiration by garycottle

Jack was all set to lunge but then he caught sight of Ennis, and suddenly he wanted to enjoy the view.  You can see something a thousand times without really looking at it, but every now and then you stop and realize just how handsome a certain tree is, or a mountain, or a person, or a specific part of a person.  Jack had been down on his knees in front of Ennis a hundred times at least.  Maybe more.  But this was one of those occasions when he wanted to pay extra close attention.

Ennis was thick and meaty down there, and he had a couple of ropy, purplish veins that ran along his shaft.  His big, spongy, slightly darker head flared out like a storm trooper’s helmet.  Ennis had a real man’s cock.  And if that wasn’t enough, his firm, pink, fuzzy balls hanging low reminded Jack of fresh, ripe peaches.  Ennis was turgid and oozing, and in this state he listed to the left a little three quarters of the way up, and then he turned in the same direction a bit more sharply.  Jack knew that the irregular shape and the girth was what made Ennis feel so good inside of him.

Jack took Ennis’s balls into his hand and smiled up at his friend.  “You’re so beautiful, Ennis.  The way you’re made...”

“Quit your yammerin’, Jack.  I can’t stand it much longer.”

Jack leaned in and tickled Ennis's piss slit with the tip of his tongue, causing the man to shutter.  He could literally see the hairs on Ennis’s arms stand up, and he took pride in knowing that he was making that happen.

What a lovely idea! Now could you please describe JakeJacks precious parts in the same detailed and admiring way?

You caused me to shutter with that last part :D :o.



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Re: Admiration
« Reply #773 on: July 09, 2007, 06:26:50 pm »
Hmmm  I'm thinking Jack would be more slender, but longer, and his would stick straight up when excited.  He'd have one of those that would flop back and slap his tummy if you bent it down and let go.   :P


P.S. I thought I saw a fanfic from you, and I was looking forward to reading it.  Where did it go?  Have I lost my mind?

Thank you, Gary. Merrily will complain again that we are going off topic....and I thought we are here to have fun ? ? ?


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Son Of A Bitch
« Reply #774 on: July 09, 2007, 06:54:12 pm »
Here it is again, this time corrected by poor Susie. Its a long one, and not a light one, I´m sorry. Thank you Susiebell!

Son Of A Bitch by Dagi

They pressed their bodies together in a tight embrace, neither of them willing to let go, each trying to not let out a moan that would reveal how they felt every time they had to part, each trying to be strong for the other´s sake.
After what seemed an eternity, Ennis tried to pull back since he knew it was time for Jack to go, a long ride home waiting for him. But Jack didn´t let him, pulled him even closer.
„Son of a bitch, Ennis, why ya do this to me, hurts so much to have to let you go....can´t let you go...damn it...“, his words merely a choked whisper.
Ennis´ eyes filled with tears, he felt the same way but would rather bite off his tongue than admit it, for he knew it was because of him that they had to part again and again, so many times he had already lost count.
Jack didn´t dare think of that goddamn emptiness he would fall into again in Childress, an emptiness so empty he sometimes had to get drunk, not in order to not feel anything anymore, but to feel anything at all.
 „Why did ya do this to me, Jack?“ Ennis murmured hardly audible.
„Do what?“ „ Why d'ya make me love ya so much?“ he thought, looking at Jack, not bothering any more about hiding the tears in his dark eyes.
Jack ran his fingers through those beloved curls, took this beloved face in both his hands and kissed Ennis so tenderly, their lips scarcely touching, breathing and moaning into each other´s mouths, tongues meeting  sweet and wet and soft. The moans became louder, the desire stronger until Ennis whispered raucously „ Take me, Jack, please, do me once more, I want ta take ya home with me...“
Jack stared at him, surprised, but a second later he turned Ennis around, pressed him against the truck and with trembling hands he shoved down both their jeans. He hesitated a moment, almost unable to hold back once his erect member touched firm flesh, but Ennis thrusted back against him, moaning loud, his head lolling back, answer enough.
The urge overwhelmed Jack, and with an animal grunt he pushed in all the way in one, knowing he was causing pain without any lube at all, wishing it almost, anger and grief and rage running through him now in hot waves, oddly mixed up with desire, and he pushed in and pulled back and pushed in hard again, Ennis becoming silent, only breathing heavily, knowing he was getting punished in a way for doing this to Jack, for leaving him again and again, for refusing to give him what he was craving so much.
Despite the pain,  the feel of Jack inside of him, filling him up, taking him mercilessly, submitting him to his own will, excited him more that he would ever have dared to admit, and he felt that he was about to come without even touching himself, needing both hands to hold on to the truck for his legs threatened to give way under him.
Jack´s grip around Ennis´ hips became even stronger, he buried his nails in his victims flesh crying out loud when they came only seconds apart in wave after wave, Jack holding Ennis so close they became like one body.
There they stood shaking, faces wet with sweat and tears, aware that something inside of them had broken.
„Did I hurt you?“ Jack whispered when they had calmed down a little. “I´m sorry, didn´t mean to....well, maybe I did...“.
Ennis finally turned around, folded his love in his arms and stroke his face in a tender gesture.
„S´alright, Jack....s´alright“.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 05:54:59 am by Dagi »


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #775 on: July 09, 2007, 06:57:12 pm »
This time it was me waiting for a comment from you, Gary, and I even got paranoid enough to delete it again. But now I think like it or not, what the heck.

Posting stories really kills my nerves. I go to bed right now.

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #776 on: July 09, 2007, 11:11:15 pm »
Just came back from vacation to find you guys are up to page 150! The last time I posted was waaaaay back on page 65. I have 85 pages to read! I gotta make a new project for BetterMost Craft Corners, too. Bravo, folks!
Ahh sweet demand, the price of success. I'm so proud! Trouble is, now I'll never get caught up.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

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Re: Meadowlark
« Reply #777 on: July 09, 2007, 11:24:05 pm »
Meadowlark by garycottle

It was near suppertime and Ennis hadn’t returned to camp, so Jack decided to go looking for him.  He found him in the meadow just upstream.  Jack scanned the open expanse and saw Ennis’s bare feet perched on a log.  When Jack drew closer he discovered the man was prostrate and his hat laid over his face.

Jack bent down and plucked a weed and then proceeded to lightly graze Ennis’s dirty soles, causing the toes to twitch a couple of times.  But then Ennis suddenly sprang to life and wrestled Jack to the ground.  He had been playing possum.

“Boy, I’ll show you who’s goin’ to get tickled around here,” Ennis said. 

He playfully bit his friend on the nose and then rolled over and laid beside him.  The unexpected rush of activity was followed by an easy lull.  They were silent a moment, and then Ennis said, “It’d be real nice if we lived out here all the time, Jack.”

“Maybe we could buy us a piece of land out this way,” Jack said.

“I don’t mean it like that.  I don’t want no deed.  I’m talkin’ about just takin’ off and leavin’ the world behind.”

Jack raised up on his elbow and looked at Ennis.  He said, “You’re talkin’ like somebody who’s been drinkin’ dandelion wine.  How would we get by?”

With a tinge of bitterness Ennis said, “We could live off the land.  That’s how they did it a hundred fuckin’ years ago.”  He then turned over onto his belly, collected his hat, looked down at the rim, and said in a defeated tone, “Never mind.  It was a dumbass thing to say.  No matter how you work it there’s no way out.”

“Ennis...”  Jack wanted to say he was sorry, but he held his tongue.  And he almost mentioned something about the two of them going to live on has daddy’s place, but he thought better of that, too.  Finally he laid his hand on the small of Ennis’s back and merely said, “Let’s go get us somethin’ to eat.”


Haven't thought about dandelion wine in years.  You make it, Gary?

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Re: Admiration
« Reply #778 on: July 09, 2007, 11:33:38 pm »
Admiration by garycottle

Jack was all set to lunge but then he caught sight of Ennis, and suddenly he wanted to enjoy the view.  You can see something a thousand times without really looking at it, but every now and then you stop and realize just how handsome a certain tree is, or a mountain, or a person, or a specific part of a person.  Jack had been down on his knees in front of Ennis a hundred times at least.  Maybe more.  But this was one of those occasions when he wanted to pay extra close attention.

Ennis was thick and meaty down there, and he had a couple of ropy, purplish veins that ran along his shaft.  His big, spongy, slightly darker head flared out like a storm trooper’s helmet.  Ennis had a real man’s cock.  And if that wasn’t enough, his firm, pink, fuzzy balls hanging low reminded Jack of fresh, ripe peaches.  Ennis was turgid and oozing, and in this state he listed to the left a little three quarters of the way up, and then he turned in the same direction a bit more sharply.  Jack knew that the irregular shape and the girth was what made Ennis feel so good inside of him.

Jack took Ennis’s balls into his hand and smiled up at his friend.  “You’re so beautiful, Ennis.  The way you’re made...”

“Quit your yammerin’, Jack.  I can’t stand it much longer.”

Jack leaned in and tickled Ennis's piss slit with the tip of his tongue, causing the man to shutter.  He could literally see the hairs on Ennis’s arms stand up, and he took pride in knowing that he was making that happen.

Oh my!  I think I saw Darth Vader spit.   *fan fan fan*

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Re: Sitting Pretty
« Reply #779 on: July 09, 2007, 11:47:58 pm »

“That looks like a nice place to sit!”  Jack laughed as he pointed to Ennis’ member.

“What…the chair?”  Ennis joked as he ran his cold hand along the sides of the chair.  “You want to sit down, Rodeo?”

Jack wasted no time!  He disrobed faster than he ever had!  Ennis reached out for his lover and Jack moved closer.  He turned his back to Ennis and eased down…..

So, they just talk about the first thing that pops up?

Marie, you guys are like bunny rabbits.  Miss one day and you're five pages behind!