Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2829845 times)


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Re: A Promise
« Reply #1090 on: July 24, 2007, 04:13:26 pm »
A Promise - by Toycoon

On the last day, Ennis clasped Jack's hand, slid his backpack higher on his shoulder and together they began hiking to that secluded, special spot they'd found on one of their earlier 'fishing trips'; several years had elapsed but the anticipation of being together, sharing precious time with each other made them feel like giddy teenagers.

Ennis pulled the heavy blanket from the backpack and spread it out on the ground; they began to kiss, then firmly embrace, panting, slowly taking off their clothes. Jack's heart pounded in his chest as Ennis thrust his hot flesh into Jack's willing orifice.

When they were finished, Jack cleared his throat to speak but Ennis feared what Jack would say. "Ennis," began Jack, "I know we won't never have what we want..." "Jack," interrupted Ennis. "Lemme finish, ... promise me no matter what happens, no matter who finds out ... you'll never forget about me... I mean, 'us' and what we got."

Toycoon! You are breaking your own rules  :o!! Feels good, ...huh?  ;D

Sexy and sweet little tale, thank you for sharing it!



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Meadow Beauty
« Reply #1091 on: July 24, 2007, 04:30:33 pm »
Meadow Beauty by Dagi

Ennis stroke softly along his lover´s back, fascinated once more by the divine and at the same time earthy beauty of this man, eyes filled with rapture, Jack´s skin warm and silky and oh so sweet smelling.

His demigod took one of the tiny yellow flowers growing in the meadow, reached back, and with a mischievous smile curling his lips he placed it between his perfect, rodeo-steeled, white cheeks.

Ennis´ gasped, his view getting dizzy, and he hardly heard Jack´s husky whisper " Come and pick it...!"
« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 11:49:09 pm by Dagi »

Offline Toycoon

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Re: A Promise
« Reply #1092 on: July 24, 2007, 09:46:04 pm »
Beautiful sexy sad story toycoon.  I remember this from IMDb ... it was the one that kept getting deleted .... and yet it seems so innocent now! Susie

Ya know I love 'em sad and sexy. It's practically my signature style. Thanks, Susiebell.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Meadow Beauty
« Reply #1093 on: July 24, 2007, 09:52:22 pm »
Dagi, I didn't see this tale before. So soft, so sweet, so powerful! Plus, you stayed to only three sentences. See, I knew you could do it. You just have to apply yourself. Sometimes, I'll write several long sentences, then I'll cut it down to just three sentences and finally, I delete some of the words until I have a nice, tight fanfic. And you know how I like it nice and tight... Rarrrr!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero


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Re: Meadow Beauty
« Reply #1094 on: July 24, 2007, 11:56:00 pm »
Yummy, Dagi sweetheart.  Oh so sexy.  And oh so natural.  I think Jack and Ennis are right at home in an isolated meadow in the shade of jagged moutain far away from the rest of the world.  There is no place for them in civilization, but they fit right in among the wild flowers, the woods, the mountain streams, and the bears.

This is a beautiful image you've painted for us.


Thank you so much, sweetheart! You know how much I appreciate your words.
I saw the two of them so clearly in my mind, like two demigods in a hidden paradise....



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Re: Meadow Beauty
« Reply #1095 on: July 25, 2007, 12:01:56 am »
Ah Dagi honey .... so beautiful and gentle and ever so slightly naughty.  Lovely romantic moment sweetheart!!  Wish he'd ask me to pick it ... I'd do it with my teeth!!


Well, I´d do it with my lips and my teeth and ... ;D.

Thank you for your lovely words, my dear Susie! I really enjoyed writing this one!



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Re: Meadow Beauty
« Reply #1096 on: July 25, 2007, 12:08:31 am »
Dagi, I didn't see this tale before. So soft, so sweet, so powerful! Plus, you stayed to only three sentences. See, I knew you could do it. You just have to apply yourself. Sometimes, I'll write several long sentences, then I'll cut it down to just three sentences and finally, I delete some of the words until I have a nice, tight fanfic. And you know how I like it nice and tight... Rarrrr!

Toycoon, honey, thank you so much!!

Besides, if anyone apart from you ever proved that 3 sentences fanfics are possible, then it´s me  :laugh:. I can´t remember the last 3s from Susie, or Gary, or Marie....and I must know, because I´m doing the archive  ;D.


And thanks for the tip. Next time I´m simply going to cut off the foreplay, and the afterplay, and get right to where it´s nice and tight  :laugh:!


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Re: Meadow Beauty
« Reply #1097 on: July 25, 2007, 12:12:36 am »
Toycoon, when I let my fanfic run five to ten pages you must think of me as being loose as a goose


Susie, honey, we should  definitely limit the number of sentences of our momentary project, lest Toycoons imagination runs away with him!!!

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Re: Meadow Beauty
« Reply #1098 on: July 25, 2007, 01:15:50 am »
Meadow Beauty by Dagi

Ennis stroke softly along his lover´s back, fascinated once more by the divine and at the same time earthy beauty of this man, eyes filled with rapture, Jack´s skin warm and silky and oh so sweet smelling.

His demigod took one of the tiny yellow flowers growing in the meadow, reached back, and with a mischievous smile curling his lips he placed it between his perfect, rodeo-steeled, white cheeks.

Ennis´ gasped, his view getting dizzy, and he hardly heard Jack´s husky whisper " Come and pick it...!"

Dagi, this is so playful and sweet!  I love it!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Jack Fing Twist! (Repost)
« Reply #1099 on: July 25, 2007, 01:19:40 am »
Jack Fing Twist by Littlewing 1957

“Jack fing Twist, got it all figured out,” Ennis mumbled absently as he chased plastic utensils downstream.  Jack Twist threw up both his hands in frustration and headed inside the tent.  Ennis watched, almost amused, as Jack trudged angrily along.  Ennis had never seen Jack quite so exasperated.  He was mildly frightened at the though of Jack being pissed off, but he was also mighty aroused!

Ennis retrieved the plates and a pitcher and continued to tidy up the campsite.  Still not a peep from Jack!  It was getting dark, cooling off considerably and Ennis built a fire.  Dinner was out of the way and it was time to check on Jack.  It was time for love.

Ennis pulled back the tent flap a ways and peeked in at Jack.  He was laying in the bedroll, his back facing the tent opening.  Ennis undressed in silence and when naked, squeezed inside, snuggled close.  Jack stiffened but did not move away.  “You still mad at me?”  Ennis whispered against the nape of Jack’s neck.  He reached over and placed a tentative hand on Jack’s behind.  Jack was still wearing his jeans!  Ennis chuckled as he caressed the denim.  “Yeah, you’re still mad at me!”  Jack didn’t move or utter a sound.  Ah, here we go!  Ennis thought as he massaged Jack’s shoulders.  If I’m gonna get my lovin tonight I gotta act all sincere.  “I’m sorry, Jack,”  Ennis began.  “C’mon Bud, get undressed.  Need ya!”  No response from Jack Twist!  “Please baby?”  Ennis pleaded. Jack trembled.  The only person who had ever called him Baby was probably cooking dinner for his pa right now up at Lightning Flat.  And hearing it from Ennis Del Mar?  It was almost too much!   Jack turned to his love and searched for his lips in the dark..
« Last Edit: July 25, 2007, 01:36:38 am by littlewing1957 »