It Really is Alright by Littlewing 1957
Ennis made his way home from the grocer’s with his head hanging down. He was paid, but business at the ranch was poor, and his check was short by about $200.00. Ennis wasn’t sure if Steve could get away with stiffing him like that, but he had other urgent matters to consider. His child support check was due to Alma in a few days, and he didn’t know how he could manage to pay her and his rent with his funds short by $200.00. He could barley afford the few groceries that he picked up just moments ago.
And Jack wasn’t sure about the trip next month. His postcard arrived days before, announcing a conflict with the dates; something about a conference in New York that he needed to attend. Now this! Ennis opened his trailer door with a heavy heart, and put away his groceries. He heated a TV dinner and sat down to eat and read the mail. Bills, more bills and a few pieces of junk mail. His bad luck was holding up. But wait - a letter from Alma - the last thing he noticed! Ennis was nervous as he opened his ex-wife’s letter. It read:
Ennis, I got to thinking, and never mind sending the support check this month. I spoke to Monroe about it, and he said that you can skip this month’s payment. Business is so good that he’s thinking about opening another store. He told me that we can get along without the money this month. But I expect you to send me a check next month, right on time. Take care of yourself, Ennis, and I’ll see you next month on the 7th.
Ennis Del Mar couldn’t believe his eyes. He tried to fight back the tears, but they somehow managed to fall. And buried beneath one of the pieces of junk mail was hiding a plain postcard. Ennis’ hand shook as he gently turned the card over and read:
Friend, I got good news! The conference in New York is cancelled, and to tell you the truth, I thought about it and told Lureen that I wasn’t going anyway. I’m sorry for the confusion Cowboy. If you have me and are still speaking to me I want to meet up next month as planned. Let me know.
The tears fell in earnest! Ennis pressed the postcard against his forehead and wiped at his wet cheeks. He couldn’t image another month without Jack! He rose from his small table and searched around for a postcard. As he wrote Jack a very enthusiastic reply, Ennis remembered a few words from the Good Book that his mom often quoted:
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me."
Ennis thought that sometimes, just once in awhile, the world really is a decent place….