Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2830402 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Feverish Pitch
« Reply #1760 on: August 29, 2007, 01:15:20 am »
Heck yeah, sister!

 :laugh:  Thanks!  I'll post part 2 tomorrow.

Offline malina

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #1761 on: August 29, 2007, 02:59:21 am »
Malina-5, my little lambchop-
Where ya been? We missed you. Will you be writing something sexy for us anytime soon? You know you and Daphne inspired this saucy game in the first place. Don't tell you've got something going on the side. Seesh!

 ::) I promise I will write something for y'all soon! In the meantime, I'm just catching up on my reading. I love how this has taken off and is still going... for almost... um.... ten months now! Yes, that's right, isn't it? I think the first 'Jack with Ennis' started right at the beginning of November '06. Isn't it amazing?

xo m.


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Re: Trust Me
« Reply #1762 on: August 29, 2007, 07:05:57 am »
For my dear Dagi

Trust Me by Susie …. NC-17

.........  His mouth flooded with his own semen, Jack lapped it up hungrily with his tongue, both sharing and savoring his juices, until every last drop of the precious nectar was devoured.

“You trust me now, Ennis?”  Jack smiled down at his lover with swollen wet lips, easing the blindfold up and over his head.

Ennis smiled back, his heart rate returning to normal, eyes gradually adjusting to the light, “With my life, Jack.…”


OH MY GOD Susie!!!!! What did you do to me?? I´m still swallowing..... ;D.
Gosh, I loved the many moans and whimpers, and you even made my secret dream come true in the end  ;D ;D ;D. That´s a story for Gary as well, huh  ;D? SO HOT and so loving and tender. The last line melt my heart!

Sorry for the many biggrin emoticons, but that´s just what my face looks like since I read the story the first time  ;D!



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Re: Untitled
« Reply #1763 on: August 29, 2007, 07:09:53 am »
Untitled by Littlewing1957

Whenever you call or beckon to me,
I’ll come to you quite readily.
Call me!  I’ll travel on the wings of the wind
To be with you! You're my love, my friend.

Welcome me with arms flung wide,
You’re my shame, my hurt, my hope and pride!
Or follow me across time, beyond the mountain's steep
To love me here, among the sheep.

Marie, that left me speech- and breathless! So, so beautiful! Write more poems, please! Wonderful!!!



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Re: Feverish Pitch
« Reply #1764 on: August 29, 2007, 07:16:41 am »
Feverish Pitch by Toycoon

Ennis awoke in the middle of the night, feverish from his nocturnal sexual arousal, groping and feeling around in the dark until he found Jack's hot groin; Ennis rubbed Jack's bristly pubic patch hard, grasping his low hanging balls then sliding the bumpy skin up and down on the shaft.

Suddenly wide awake, Jack rose up and in an instant Ennis swallowed the entire length of the other man's throbbing member; Ennis held Jack's buttocks with both hands, balancing his entire weight, raising him up and down, repeatedly plunging Jack's meat into his waiting mouth.

Next, Ennis, positioning himself with Jack between his legs, took a deep breath then raised his knees so his feet were waving in the air and Jack's hot breath blew past his virgin backside; Ennis moaned deeply as he guided Jack's pulsating porker into his anus and howled like an animal when they both came simultaneously.

Toycoon, what a wonderful 3s story!! So graphic and explicit, and ya know that I LOVE it graphic and explicit ( of course I love it sweet and tender as well ;D).


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Re: Wedded Bliss
« Reply #1765 on: August 29, 2007, 07:21:23 am »
Well thank you BBM-Cat (but I am sweet and adorable really)!  Oooh NaughtyBell!  I like the sound of that!


She is, really! And she´s naughty, and sexy, and caring, and amiable, and clever, and the best mother and wife in the world, and a reliable friend, and a great writer, and she was even a good housewife before she met Jack and Ennis  :laugh:.

Love ya, girl  ;D



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Re: Wedded Bliss
« Reply #1766 on: August 29, 2007, 07:41:10 am »
Oh my dear sweet Dagi, I'm grinning like that emoticon now  ;D ;D ... with tears in my eyes!.  I could say all the same things about you too honey, you're a wonderful friend Dagi, I consider myself very lucky to have found you!


So true about my housework  :laugh: ... and I used to be so tidy!  :-\

 :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

( I can´t blame Jack and Ennis, I have never been a good houswife  :()


Offline Toycoon

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Re: Trust Me
« Reply #1767 on: August 29, 2007, 09:48:01 am »
Sheee-it! I totally missed this one. Susiebell, you nasty lass!
Ya come back from the beach all fresh-faced and dewy with yer family pitchers an' what not... why, it turns out, you're same ol' dirty lady ya were when ya left!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Untitled
« Reply #1768 on: August 30, 2007, 01:25:34 am »
Marie, that left me speech- and breathless! So, so beautiful! Write more poems, please! Wonderful!!!


Thanks, Dagi!  I'll have to write a special poem just for you!  :)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Feverish Pitch Part 2
« Reply #1769 on: August 30, 2007, 01:39:09 am »
Feverish Pitch Part 2 by Littlewing1957

Ennis was at once hot and cold, weary and revived.  He pulled Jack Twist down on top of him; needing his trembling form to reassure him that it was real; that Jack was done, satisfied.

Jack didn’t know how to ask Ennis if he was okay.  But he had to know.  It was not often that Ennis allowed himself to be loved in this way.

But rather than come right out and ask, Jack reached behind his lover and patted him, caressed and rubbed his tender buttocks.  Ennis was moved at the gesture.  He held Jack’s head in his hands, and seemed to read his mind.  “I’m okay, Rodeo.”  Jack smiled and settled into his lover’s arms.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 01:48:55 am by littlewing1957 »