Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2830424 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: September 23rd 11:00p.m.
« Reply #1990 on: September 18, 2007, 11:23:09 pm »
Poor confused Lureen.

Today is Sept. 18, so there are 6 more days to be filled with September stories  :D. Great!! Lovely writing, Marie, I was right there with Jack (should I have been with Lureen ? ???


Thanks, Dagi.  We can go back and forth, play with the timing.  I think I was with Jack.  :laugh:

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Re: Rise and Shine
« Reply #1991 on: September 18, 2007, 11:23:55 pm »
Why thank you littlewing honey!  Our Jack and Ennis really are very lucky ... and they must be permanently exhausted with all that sex!!

Susie  :-*

Yes, indeed!

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Re: September 23rd 11:00p.m.
« Reply #1992 on: September 18, 2007, 11:25:06 pm »
Brilliant littlewing!  So does that mean that one of us is going to have to write about straight sex?  OK I'll give it a go.....

"He caressed her heaving bossom, his pulsating manhood throbbing against her ......." ... nooooooooooo , make it go away!!

Susie  :-*

Oh, heck no!  Never in a million years.  I'll have Jack in that motel room first!  :laugh:

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Re: September 23rd 11.10pm
« Reply #1993 on: September 18, 2007, 11:27:14 pm »
September 23rd 11.10pm by Susie

"Jesus I'm sorry honey, didn't mean nothin' by it."  Jack pleaded, his sad blue eyes piercing right though her.  Lureen was a stubborn woman, and she was no dummy either, something wasn't right, but a single glance from Jack was enough to melt her icy mood, she never could resist those baby blues.

"How sorry?" she teased in her soft girlish voice, flashing her pearly white teeth and stroking her thighs seductively through her lacy negligee, she was a beautiful woman, there was no denying it.

Jack stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her neat little waist, kissing her full red lips, his throbbing member pressed up against her stomach. His fingers gently tickled the small of her back and made their way down over her soft round buttocks, squeezing them playfully.

"Oh, Jack... you have perfect hands..." she uttered, removing one of them from her bottom and placing it over her heaving bosom ... a tiny whimper escaped her lips.

Bobby suddenly let out a wail of protest.  At eight months old, he was still not much of a sleeper.  "Oh Lord"  Lureen grumbled, the familiar, almost painful, tingling in her breasts letting her know that it was time for more milk.  Gathering her baby into her arms and unlacing the top of her night gown, she lay down on the bed and gently put his mouth to her breast.  Jack lay next to them, stroking his beautiful child, who was now suckling contentedly.  " I love you" he whispered, bending down to kiss is son.  "I love you too Jack" his wife replied softly.

Susie  :-*

Phew .... notice how I side stepped there ... thank goodness Bobby woke up just in time!! I had to have the throbbing member and heaving bosoms though  :laugh: :laugh:

Thanks for the quick save, SusieBaby!  I was becoming worried there for a moment!  :laugh:  Brilliant addition, Babe!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: September 23rd 11:00p.m.
« Reply #1994 on: September 18, 2007, 11:28:00 pm »

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: the beginning wasn´t bad, but I´m glad that you didn´t go there in the end...... ;D


I'm glad, too!  That was a close one!  :laugh:

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Re: Tickling Daniel Again
« Reply #1995 on: September 18, 2007, 11:34:04 pm »
Tickling Daniel Again by garycottle

Daniel and Tyler were sitting in the back of Ennis’s pickup, which was parked in a wooded area by a stream just outside of Riverton.  Their backs were against the cab, and their behinds rested on Ennis’s bedroll.  They had been laying down and kissing in the bed of the truck a few moments earlier, but during an easy lull they sat up to catch their breath.  They held hands as they gazed straigt ahead at the sylvan setting.

“What did Granddad want?” Tyler asked.

Awww Gary, it is so nice to see a story from you!  And what a hot, steamy, moving tale.  And about 2 of my favorite lovers!  I'm glad you decided to continue the saga of Ennis' grandson and his lover.  Keep em coming!  :)

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Re: September 23rd 11.10pm
« Reply #1996 on: September 18, 2007, 11:35:41 pm »
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!  :o :o  I wrote that so innocently ... and now reading it back ....  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ..... it's so rude!!!!

Susie  8)


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Re: September 23rd 11.31pm
« Reply #1997 on: September 18, 2007, 11:40:00 pm »
September 23rd 11.31pm by BBM-Cat

Once Bobby was contently asleep and placed back in his crib, Lureen tried to resume where she and Jack had left off. “Now”, smiled Lureen seductively, alone with her man again, “you were ‘bout to show me how sorry you really are….remember?”

“Oooh yeahhh”, Jack feigning amnesia, reached over and tenderly started kissing Lureen all over, starting with her neck, making a litany of mock transgressions.  “Let’s see now, I’m sorry for not helpin’ you make the bed this mornin’”, his lips finding a tender spot on her neck, “uh, for leavin’ my boots out in the middle of the floor”, his lips making their way over to her throat. Lureen giggled with delight. She knew she couldn’t stay mad at Jack for long.

“Yeah, well how ‘bout bein’ sorry for eatin’ the rest of the cereal this mornin’?”, Lureen added playfully. “Oh yeah, I’m real, real darn sorry for that”, Jack tried to sound regretful, taking his hands to open the lacy night gown, revealing the beautiful, womanly curves beneath. “And, I’m espec’lly...”, Jack kissed one breast, “sorry for…..”, then kissed the other, “uh, for, uh,…….uh, gee, I forget…”   “Why, Jack Twist, you cheater!” Lureen uttered teasingly, enjoying his attentions immensely. That word 'cheater' resonated in the back of Jack's mind.

Jack stood up from their playful foray, to face Lureen, all serious now. Tenderly cupping her cheek with his left hand, he looked directly into her eyes, “One thing in all this world that I’m not sorry for is marryin’ you”. Jack almost nearly convinced himself of that. Lureen’s heart leapt as it had done when she first laid eyes on Jack Twist. A passionate sigh escaped her lips and her eyes misted from his sincerity. “And, I know, that you’re the best thing that ever happen’d ta me”. Jack held Lureen close, the twinge of guilt strong in his heart for what he was about to go do.

Perfect, BBM-Cat!  Exceptional addition to our saga!  This is exactly how I imagine things were between Jack and Lureen:  Jack faking it, but Lureen sincere!  I love it, BBM-Cat!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: September 23rd 11.31pm
« Reply #1998 on: September 18, 2007, 11:42:05 pm »
Gosh 5 1/2 days more of straight sex before we get to the good stuff!!  I think we should get really explicit girls ... completely freak out the guys .... it'll be fun!!

Susie  :-*

Oh no, not me!  I'm steering clear of the straight stuff!  :laugh:

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September 23rd 6:00 a.m.
« Reply #1999 on: September 19, 2007, 12:05:58 am »
September 23rd 6:00a.m. by Littlewing1957

Ennis sat at his small kitchen table and watched Alma as she prepared breakfast for the family.  He refused the sausage and eggs that his wife offered, couldn't touch a bite, but liked to watch his girls eat.  Ennis reached over and pulled Alma Jr. from her chair and sat her upon his lap.  He rubbed her rosy cheek, placed the small of his thumb into her tiny mouth.  Alma Jr. giggled and spat Ennis’ thumb out.  Alma watched this exchange between father and daughter with a sort of detachment.  Something was terribly wrong, she just knew it!

Alma placed a small saucer of scrambled eggs and sausage in front of Ennis.  He looked up at his wife, smiled, and raised a fork to feed his daughter her breakfast.  It was a fine feeling: feeding his child like a good daddy, but Ennis’ thoughts were elsewhere!  He allowed his mind to drift to nights up on Brokeback when he fed Jack Twist beans with a spoon.  Jack was a sight as he opened his bow mouth, accepted a spoonful of beans!  Ennis smiled as he remembered Jack’s eyes rolling, becoming wide and deep blue as he "savored" the beans.  Jack Fuckin’ Twist was just playing with him.  Jack didn’t even like beans!

Ennis wondered if Jack still disliked beans.  When Alma Jr. was finished with her eggs and sausage, Ennis picked her up and carried her into the living room where Alma was nursing Francine.  He watched his wife caring for his second born and tried to enjoy it – willed himself to be happy.  But Jack Twist was coming to town.  Ennis tried to convince himself that Jack’s visit was just a friendly call, that it didn’t mean anything.  But somewhere in his psyche, Ennis knew that Jack’s visit would change everything…


« Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 12:22:03 am by littlewing1957 »