Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2830573 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2470 on: October 29, 2007, 08:27:35 pm »
Has anybody heard from Toycoon? Shouldn´t he be back by now?

I looked at his profile and it says he was on-line today!  Perhaps he was just looking around before he starts posting.  I'll be glad when he makes an official appearance.  I sure do miss him!

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2471 on: October 29, 2007, 08:35:41 pm »
Dagi, I loved your ghostly story of Ennis and Jack and Jim so much.   Hope you don't mind me trying to write a second instalment...   

E+J+J Part Two - Jack's Back... by spiceylife

Ennis cooked Jim his favorite meal – chops, peas and potato mash – to make up for the last time they’d been together.  He knew Jim had been spooked by his strange behavior in bed then, and a hearty, home-cooked meal seemed a good way to fix things between them.  They ate in silence, used to each other’s quiet company, guzzling thirstily on ice-cold beers between mouthfuls. 

The meal over, Ennis cleared the dishes and they chatted a little, nothing too heavy.  Small talk, mostly - local folk, new businesses in town, stock, horses, their kids - and then Jim took Ennis’s hand, giving him that long, meaningful look.  Ennis knew the signal and moved to switch off the light.  He preferred total darkness.  That way his mind could drift off to a gentler place where he might soften the constant sharp edges of his difficult life and ease the gnawing pain a little, if only for a short while, in the black comfort of night.  With the lights off, Ennis could imagine another dark-haired cowboy moving beneath him, calling his name.  And that was what it took to get him through.

He heard the rustle of Jim’s clothing as the other man undressed next to Ennis’s bed, and then the faint creak of bedsprings as he laid down.  Ennis stayed by the door, quickly discarding his own jeans and shirt, comfortable in his nakedness.  He stood a moment, alone, and a quiet, wrenching sigh escaped him.  Slowly he made his way over to Jim, his good friend, companion, sometimes lover, but not the one Ennis pined for when sleep evaded him on those endless, tortured nights spent by himself…

As he stopped by the tiny, cramped bed where Jim now lay, thoughts of Jack washed over him.  Ghostly Jack at the head of the bed, lusty and as beautiful as ever.  Ennis was still bewildered by what he’d seen then, but smiled to himself in the dark as he remembered Jack’s face watching intently, his eyes locked on Ennis but now and then dropping to look at the place where Ennis was sliding into Jim.  Ennis knew that look on Jack’s flushed face from long ago; so aroused, so turned on by the show.  His smile froze, though, when he felt a strange, vague, fuzzy warmth slowly spreading up his naked thighs to hover over his crotch.  He glanced down at himself, confused, but saw nothing in the inky blackness of a moonless night.

Suddenly the tingling, mystical heat enveloped him entirely, from head to toe, and Ennis’s body stiffened as he drew in a startled breath of surprise.  Even as goosebumps broke out all over his skin, somehow a sense of soothing, calming peace overcame Ennis, an unfamiliar feeling he almost didn’t recognize or remember.  And then Ennis gasped in shock as the hot focus shifted back to between his trembling legs.  His hard, muscular body felt pleasured all over but his eyes widened in disbelief as invisible, warm, supernatural fingers roamed sensually all over his balls and dick with a weird, unadulterated sexiness that had Ennis fully erect in seconds.

What the hell’s goin’ on here?  This can’t be happening…

And then he gasped as his cock was engulfed, swallowed and sucked in by the sultry warmth like a vacuum, and he knew immediately, without another thought… 


Mingled with the sensation of massaging warmth, Ennis felt Jack’s wet tongue, his full, soft lips upon him again.  How could he ever forget what Jack used to do to him with that sweet, bold mouth of his?  Ennis closed his eyes and gave himself over to Jack’s ministrations once more, just one more time in the dark.  He grasped the chair next to the bed as he felt his legs being spread apart and silky fingers probing him erotically from behind.  He moaned softly as he lost himself to Jack again. His Jack. His one love.

“Ennis?  You okay?”

In his euphoria, Ennis had forgotten where he was, and that Jim was even in the trailer.  He cleared his throat and tried to talk sense, even as Jack’s warm mouth sucking him so perfectly made the task impossible.

“Uh.  Yeah - mmmmhhh - Jim.  Just……aaaahh, gettinmyselfready… For. You.  Mmmmm… Over…Here.  Fuckohfuck!

“Mmm, I wish I could see you, Ennis.  I’m doin’ the same, you know.  Almost there myself.  Don’t be too long now.”

“Yep,” Ennis replied quickly, wanting to cut Jim off, stop him talking, desperate to be with Jack again.

Jack was everywhere, all over Ennis, hands ghosting over every part of his firm and willing body.  A light sheen of sweat covered Ennis as he surrendered to the supernatural assault, thrusting gently as Jack sucked his dick expertly, as only Jack knew how.  But Jack’s luscious mouth seemed to be everywhere at once – caressing behind him, between his parted cheeks, warm and wet between his legs, licking at his balls, kissing all over his body, sucking at his nipples but most of all, Jack’s mouth was on Ennis’s, his lips as sweet as ever, his kiss tasting of love.  A tear ran down Ennis’s cheek as the memories came flooding out.  He clutched at them all, not willing to let them escape out into the dark night.

“Oh, Jack.  Jack.  Yes… little darlin’,” he moaned softly into the blackness.

And Ennis came, a mind-blowing release so strong that his knees gave way and he slumped to the floor, stunned and ecstatic at the otherworldly power of Jack.  He sat in a heap and reached out a lonely hand in the darkness, his chest heaving, not wanting to lose this moment, not ready to lose Jack again.

A voice floated over to him from the vicinity of his bed.

“Er.  The name’s Jim, actually.  And I’m guessin’ you just went without me, Ennis.”

Ah, Spiceylife, you never disappoint!  You're a master, you know that, don't you?  I sure miss you and your brilliant, erotic fic.  That Jack fuckin' Twist!  He's even there for Ennis after death.  That Ennis Del Mar is a lucky man to have someone love and care for him so much that death itself couldn't keep him away.  And I am fortunate enough to be able to read this without interruption.  It is as though my family sensed that I needed this time alone.  Lovely, lovely writing, my dear!

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Re: The Spirit is Weak
« Reply #2472 on: October 29, 2007, 08:36:23 pm »

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: The Spirit is Weak
« Reply #2473 on: October 29, 2007, 08:37:37 pm »
Littlewing, please give us some more spooky stories, please.  You know I'm loving them.  And I'm going to get to work on that Tyler and Daniel story.  You know the one where they visit that same haunted house Jack and Ennis visited back in the 70's.   :D


Okay.  And I can't wait to read more about Tyler and Daniel!

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Trick or Treat
« Reply #2474 on: October 29, 2007, 09:33:45 pm »
Trick or Treat by Littlewing1957

Ennis headed over to Alma’s place just as soon as he clocked out at the ranch.  He looked forward to having his girls over for an entire weekend of Halloween fun.   Alma was kind enough to purchase Jenny and Alma Jr. costumes, which was a time saver. All  Ennis had to do was get them dressed and take them around the neighborhood for some tricks-or-treat fun.  Ennis loved Halloween, but he kept that fact to himself.  He loved buying candy for the few children who happened by his trailer every year; he loved the truly frightening store bought and homemade costumes; he loved the chill in the air which was a forecast of colder weather to come.  Ennis loved it all!

Jenny was dressed as a witch and Alma Jr. was all decked out as a cute fairy.  Not very imaginative costumes, but the girls looked beautiful and were very happy to be with their daddy.  Ennis left a tray of goodies on the stoop of his trailer, just in case a few kids wandered by, and ushered his girls into the truck to take to town.  Ennis read in a magazine that it was no fair taking children out of the neighborhood in search of wealthier blocks with better treats, but to his credit, Ennis did take his kids around the trailer park first.  His neighbors were very nice to Jenny and Alma Jr., practically filling their plastic pumpkins with candy.

Ennis drove the girls to a neighborhood just on the outskirts of town.  It was a working class neighborhood, and Ennis knew the people to be very friendly.  He grew up with a few of the residents, and worked at the ranch with one guy who lived near the end of the block.  As they made their way through the neighborhood, Ennis noticed a house that looked rather out of place.  He didn’t remember such a residence on the block, but then again, he hadn’t been to that part of town in awhile.  Alma Jr. and Jenny were having the time of their lives walking through the neighborhood, smiling at other kids, getting compliments on their costumes from the adults.  When they reached the house that Ennis thought looked rather strange, he told the girls to go up and ask for candy.  The porch light was on, which signaled that the residents were participating.  Alma Jr. and Jenny ran to the front door and rang the bell.  When a man answered in a death’s mask and black cape, the girls shrieked and ran toward their daddy for protection.  Ennis even drew back when he saw the imposing figure.

“It’s okay, ladies!”  The man in the skeletal mask laughed.

 “Come on back.  I’m sorry if I scared you, but I must admit, I love the fact that this costume is so effective.”

Ennis was rubbing Jenny’s back as she caught her breath.  Alma Jr., being the oldest, recovered quickly and was headed to the front door before the man could finish his sentence.  Jenny followed behind her.  The man held out a brightly decorated bowl filled with treats for the girls.  Each selected a piece of candy, and the kind man handed them a few more.

“Thanks, mister!” The girls sang in unison.

“You’re welcome, ladies!”  The cloaked man answered.  He looked over the girl’s shoulders at a smiling Ennis Del Mar.

“What about you, dad?  The man yelled.  “You want a treat?  I have something special for you.”

Ennis shrugged and approached the man’s door warily.  The man turned and walked a few paces into his house and returned with the largest fortune cookie that Ennis had ever seen.  He handed it to Ennis, who needed to open both palms to receive it.

“Now you wait till you get home to open it, ya hear?”  The man whispered.  Ennis turned the fortune cookie from side to side, wondering what to make of it.

“Well, thank you kindly, sir!”  Ennis stated.  His girls looked at the cookie with puzzled expressions on their lovely faces. 

“You’re welcome.  Now remember, eat the cookie and read the fortune when you get home.  Preferably when you’re alone.”  The man nodded his head and closed the door.

“Are you goona keep it, daddy?”  It was Jenny looking at the cookie as though it had sprouted wings.

“Yeah, that is one funny treat!”  Alma Jr. chimed in.  “I didn’t know people gave fortune cookies for Halloween!”  Ennis shrugged.
“And look at the size of this thing!”  Ennis stated as he turned the cookie from side to side.  The cookie gave him the creeps, and he couldn’t explain why.  Ennis remembered hearing about voodoo people gaining control of others by having them eat something.   Ennis and the girls continued on, and when they reached a dumpster, he threw the cookie in.  The girls seemed to exhale a sigh of relief when Ennis threw the thing away. 

The man in the grim reaper costume removed his mask and sat down on his leather couch.  His long blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail that filled the hood of his cloak.  He smiled as he thought about Ennis and his daughters.  But he was bummed, as he had a feeling that Ennis would never read the message he stuffed inside the fortune cookie. 

“Ah that Ennis Del Mar!” The blond haired man sighed.  “He is a much harder nut to crack than I thought!  But I’ll try harder.  Looks like I have my work cut out for me.” 

And with that, the blonde haired man retired to his den to practice his violin.

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Re: Sins Of The Father
« Reply #2475 on: October 30, 2007, 12:08:36 am »
Sins Of The Father by garycottle

Gary, this story has everything!  A spooky old house, nightmares, love, sex, secrets, discovery!  It couldn't have been a more satisfying read.  You really went all out on this one, and I have a feeling you'll continue this story.  I can't wait to see what happens when Ennis is taken aside and asked a series of questions.  Thanks so much for writing this for us.  It is so nice to read about Daniel and Tyler again!

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Re: Trick or Treat
« Reply #2476 on: October 30, 2007, 12:10:21 am »
You're a sneaky one, Littlewing.  I should have known that the blond-haired guy was going to pop up soon.  I had to smile when he told Ennis he had a special treat for him.  I was thinking, I'll just bet you do.  :laugh:  Thanks for the story.  I enjoyed it, but I have no idea what it's about.   :P


This is a strange little tale, isn't it?  I may continue this one.  It seems I have some explaining to do?


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Re: Trick or Treat
« Reply #2477 on: October 30, 2007, 08:37:44 am »
Trick or Treat by Littlewing1957


And with that, the blonde haired man retired to his den to practice his violin.

Where are you going with this one, Littlewing?  :laugh: One thing is for sure: Ennis DelMar is a hard nut, and the blonde not the first one to find out!

I can´t wait to read more!



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Re: Sins Of The Father
« Reply #2478 on: October 30, 2007, 08:46:35 am »
Sins Of The Father by garycottle

I loved it, Gary, and it was well worth consuming your whole day, if I may say that. I especially loved when Tyler admitted he can´t and doesn´t want to be the man all the time, and the way Daniel dealt with that, making "sweet love" to him. And of course you got me hooked, I can´t wait to read about Tyler and Ennis now.



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Re: Sins Of The Father
« Reply #2479 on: October 30, 2007, 03:10:43 pm »
Hi Dagi,

Thanks so much, Dagi.  Yes, I think that spending the day writing this was worth it.  It was work, but I enjoyed it.  And I got to celebrate Halloween in a haunted house with two cute teenage boys.  That was more wicked fun than poppin' a nun's cherry.   :laugh:   :-X

I, too, liked how Tyler explained that he didn't want to be "the man" all the time.  And I loved that he felt safe enough to expose himself to Daniel, even though the chilly house made sex awkward. Maybe I should have put a wool cap on his head to make him look even more funny.   :laugh:  How could Daniel resist?


Since Tyler exposed what he exposed he could probably have had a red clown´s nose on, and Dan would still not have been able to resist!  ;D