Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2830745 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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I'm in Love
« Reply #2790 on: November 29, 2007, 11:28:55 pm »
I'm in Love By Littlewing1957

“Are you in love?”

Ennis looked around for the soft, sweet, feminine voice but he didn’t see anyone.

“I’m over here, silly!”

The voice was closer now!  Ennis swung around toward the condiment aisle, and he saw her.  She was little more than a child, perhaps all of 16, and she was very petite and very beautiful.

“Are you talking to me?”  Ennis spoke to her with his head cocked to the side, not sure if he heard correctly.

“Yes, I mean you!”  The young lady laughed as she pointed a finger at Ennis Del Mar.  Ennis studied the child and wondered why young people these days were so forward.  Imagine approaching a man and asking him a question like that!

“I know that look!”  The young waif spoke as she studied Ennis right back.

“Oh and what do you know about it?”  Ennis asked her, his hands on his hips.

“I see the happiness on that handsome face of yours!”  The young lady spoke forcefully.  “He must be very good to you!”

 Ennis blushed.  He wasn’t angry, just taken completely by surprise.

“None of your business!”  Ennis laughed, and licked his tongue out at the girl in an exaggerated motion.  He beckoned the youngster to him and folded her in his arms.  It had been awhile since he laid eyes on Alma and Monroe’s daughter.

“Good to see you, Emma!”  Ennis whispered as he kissed her cheek.  "C’mon, let’s get out of here and I’ll buy you an ice cream!”  Emma beamed with pleasure and followed Ennis out of the market.

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Right
« Reply #2791 on: November 29, 2007, 11:37:40 pm »
We're not done.  I'm so glad you like the series.  I'm sure Toycoon will post an installment very soon.  I really appreciate your encouragement and your support.

Hey there cwby30,
I'm just about to post one now. Hope I don't mortify the readers too much with the new installment. It's kinda rough!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Toycoon

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Re: I'm in Love
« Reply #2792 on: November 29, 2007, 11:39:09 pm »
“I see the happiness on that handsome face of yours!”  The young lady spoke forcefully.  “He must be very good to you!”

So cute! Littlewing, you are really something.

"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Toycoon

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Right (46) by Toycoon
« Reply #2793 on: November 29, 2007, 11:40:02 pm »
Right (46) by Toycoon

Ennis started up the basement steps with Jack a few steps behind him. He suddenly stopped at the top of the stairs and turned to Jack. A huge smile spread across his face. "Wha?" questioned Jack, grinning. "Well, I ain't never had a place of ma' own, never had a purmanet job. Now, I got both," he said sincerely. "I sure am glad I met you, Jack Twist." Jack looked down at the steps then back at Ennis' face. "C'mon buddy, we got a lotta work to do. You seen that yard? It's a mess!" Jack flipped off the basement light and closed the door.

The men walked back into the kitchen and Mrs. Twist informed them that Jack's father had gone out to the barn to gather up the tools. He wanted them to get started on rebuilding the barn. The barn had been in disrepair since Jack was a boy; becoming more and more dilapidated each year. In fact, Jack couldn't remember a time when it was in good condition.

Mr. Twist dragged out the sawhorses, the hand saw and two hammers then laid them on the ground next to the pile of lumber. He stood back with his hands on his hips and surveyed the work ahead. He recalled when the barn originally was built.

In the spring of 1933, John was ten years old. His mother had died of tuberculosis the winter before, so John's uncle and aunt moved in with them to help on the ranch. John was in awe of his uncle. Uncle Ted was a rodeo cowboy; charming and ruggedly handsome. Together with John's father, the two men built the barn in one month. When it came time to paint the barn, John was delighted that Uncle John sought his help.

John labored earnestly, painting most of the outside of the barn and getting himself covered with white paint in the process. He turned to his father and uncle for approval. "Ya done a good job. There's almost as much paint on you as there is on that barn." John's father and Uncle Ted laughed and dismissed John to take a bath. "And don't come back 'til yer good and clean, boy!"

John ran into the house, upstairs to the bathroom, got undressed, ran the warm water then stepped into the tub. A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened. It was Uncle Ted. He stepped in and walked towards John. "How's about Uncle Ted scrubbing ya up, nice and clean, huh?" Too startled to say anything, John stared straight ahead. Uncle Ted began to soap up John's back then started to fondle the boy. After that, Ted's secret visits to John in his bedroom became more frequent and more abusive. The pristine white barn that he was so proud of and helped his uncle build became a symbol of something John detested and could not bear to look at.

"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: I'm in Love
« Reply #2794 on: November 30, 2007, 12:51:39 am »
So cute! Littlewing, you are really something.

 :laugh:  :laugh: Thanks, Babe!


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Re: I'm Losing Him?
« Reply #2795 on: November 30, 2007, 06:05:44 am »
Thanks, Gary.  I've noticed that the particular troll is sort of behaving himself (sort of) and I feel led to start posting again.  I've posted a few things these past few days.  I really appreciate your encouragement.  Gary I must tell you: I just got home from a very exhausting day at work only to have a sick child to take care of.  And ss soon as I hit the door my mom tells me a childhood friend who lives around the corner just found her mom dead.  I can't deal with much more.  But then I read your sweet message and I'm lifted.  You have made by night!  I love you Gary.  You're good for me and I'll always cherish the day you came into my life!

Marie honey I´m so sorry to hear that you have to cope with so much. I´m thinking of you, sweetie, and although it might not help so much I send you lots and lots of positive energies and love!  :-* :-* :-*



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Re: I'm in Love
« Reply #2796 on: November 30, 2007, 02:45:41 pm »
I'm in Love By Littlewing1957

“Are you in love?”

Ennis looked around for the soft, sweet, feminine voice but he didn’t see anyone.

“I’m over here, silly!”

The voice was closer now!  Ennis swung around toward the condiment aisle, and he saw her.  She was little more than a child, perhaps all of 16, and she was very petite and very beautiful.

“Are you talking to me?”  Ennis spoke to her with his head cocked to the side, not sure if he heard correctly.

“Yes, I mean you!”  The young lady laughed as she pointed a finger at Ennis Del Mar.  Ennis studied the child and wondered why young people these days were so forward.  Imagine approaching a man and asking him a question like that!

“I know that look!”  The young waif spoke as she studied Ennis right back.

“Oh and what do you know about it?”  Ennis asked her, his hands on his hips.

“I see the happiness on that handsome face of yours!”  The young lady spoke forcefully.  “He must be very good to you!”

 Ennis blushed.  He wasn’t angry, just taken completely by surprise.

“None of your business!”  Ennis laughed, and licked his tongue out at the girl in an exaggerated motion.  He beckoned the youngster to him and folded her in his arms.  It had been awhile since he laid eyes on Alma and Monroe’s daughter.

“Good to see you, Emma!”  Ennis whispered as he kissed her cheek.  "C’mon, let’s get out of here and I’ll buy you an ice cream!”  Emma beamed with pleasure and followed Ennis out of the market.

 ;D that´s what my face looks like after reading this story. Emma is what Ennis needs, what Ennis deserves. You have a big heart, Littlewing, and it´s shining bright right out of every story of yours!



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Re: Right (46) by Toycoon
« Reply #2797 on: November 30, 2007, 02:50:57 pm »
Right (46) by Toycoon

Ennis started up the basement steps with Jack a few steps behind him. He suddenly stopped at the top of the stairs and turned to Jack. A huge smile spread across his face. "Wha?" questioned Jack, grinning. "Well, I ain't never had a place of ma' own, never had a purmanet job. Now, I got both," he said sincerely. "I sure am glad I met you, Jack Twist." Jack looked down at the steps then back at Ennis' face. "C'mon buddy, we got a lotta work to do. You seen that yard? It's a mess!" Jack flipped off the basement light and closed the door.

The men walked back into the kitchen and Mrs. Twist informed them that Jack's father had gone out to the barn to gather up the tools. He wanted them to get started on rebuilding the barn. The barn had been in disrepair since Jack was a boy; becoming more and more dilapidated each year. In fact, Jack couldn't remember a time when it was in good condition.

Mr. Twist dragged out the sawhorses, the hand saw and two hammers then laid them on the ground next to the pile of lumber. He stood back with his hands on his hips and surveyed the work ahead. He recalled when the barn originally was built.

In the spring of 1933, John was ten years old. His mother had died of tuberculosis the winter before, so John's uncle and aunt moved in with them to help on the ranch. John was in awe of his uncle. Uncle Ted was a rodeo cowboy; charming and ruggedly handsome. Together with John's father, the two men built the barn in one month. When it came time to paint the barn, John was delighted that Uncle John sought his help.

John labored earnestly, painting most of the outside of the barn and getting himself covered with white paint in the process. He turned to his father and uncle for approval. "Ya done a good job. There's almost as much paint on you as there is on that barn." John's father and Uncle Ted laughed and dismissed John to take a bath. "And don't come back 'til yer good and clean, boy!"

John ran into the house, upstairs to the bathroom, got undressed, ran the warm water then stepped into the tub. A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened. It was Uncle Ted. He stepped in and walked towards John. "How's about Uncle Ted scrubbing ya up, nice and clean, huh?" Too startled to say anything, John stared straight ahead. Uncle Ted began to soap up John's back then started to fondle the boy. After that, Ted's secret visits to John in his bedroom became more frequent and more abusive. The pristine white barn that he was so proud of and helped his uncle build became a symbol of something John detested and could not bear to look at.

Oh God this is awful. Just awful.  :(


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2798 on: November 30, 2007, 03:59:01 pm »
Our dear Susie has computer problems at the moment, she has not given up on the thread! She might possibly stay off line over the weekend until the computer is fixed.  :'( I miss you Susie Baby!

Dagi  :-*

Offline cwby30

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Re: Right 46
« Reply #2799 on: November 30, 2007, 04:19:19 pm »

Well, glad to see another installment, but it was emotionally rough.  So young to be betrayed by a relative, but that's how it happens more often than not.  And recalling Jack's terror from when he was younger, it sounds like the abused became an abuser himself, also unfortunately what happens.  That explains some of OMT's reaction when he saw Jack and Ennis kissing on the porch.  Is he afraid that what he did turned Jack gay? Did he have an experience with another man and gave him up to do the right thing? Tough life for OMT, but that doesn't excuse him for what he did and is doing to his own son.

Keep it coming, have to read how this plays out. 

Thanks again.