Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2830768 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2690 on: November 18, 2007, 08:07:32 pm »
You are not going to stop here, are you? Marie, you are killing me!! (okay, I wanted to go to bed anyway...)

 :laugh: You read it that fast?  Dang, girl, I just posted it!  :laugh: 

Have a good rest.  I trust we'll have a few more chapters up for you by tomorrow when you wake.

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Re: Right 29
« Reply #2691 on: November 18, 2007, 08:09:28 pm »

Well, watch out for Katie... she's "free" and that can mean trouble if Ennis sees her trying to be "free" with Jack. Or maybe she takes a shine to walking!Ennis who stops to ask directions, and then who knows.

OMT?  Don't believe for a second that he didn't read the card.  His radar is up, and when Ennis arrives at the Ranch, hmmmm...

Too bad Ennis didn't take up the Reverend and have a bite to eat at the social after the service. Though not sure how Katie would have taken it. 

Keep it coming, I'm hooked as you can tell.

Thanks again. 

Thanks you, cwby30!  I'm so glad you're enjoying our "serial."  Thanks for hanging in here with us.  It means a lot to me!

Offline Toycoon

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Right (32) by Toycoon
« Reply #2692 on: November 18, 2007, 11:11:08 pm »
Right (32) by Toycoon

"Hello there, young fella. Need a lift somewhere?" Nervously, Ennis turned toward the voice coming from the truck. It was the elderly gentleman from the Pentecostal church. Relieved, Ennis nodded, 'yes' from beneath his cowboy hat, opened the truck door and climbed in. "I sure do thank you for stopping, sir."

"Reverend Trumbull ... you may call me Cyrus. Where are you headed, son?" The truth was, Ennis had no idea where he was headed. He hadn't felt so adrift since his parents died years ago. He never really had the opportunity to properly mourn their passing; there had been so many things to attend to after the accident. Ennis' brother and his older sister were just teenagers themselves and not equipped to raise their young brother. They did the best they could.

Ennis looked around the cab of the truck. There was a tiny plastic Jesus figure affixed to the dashboard and a Saint Christopher medal attached to the glove box. Ennis became hypnotized by the rosary hanging from the rear view mirror, swinging back and forth rhythmically. Staring straight ahead at the road, Ennis asked, "Do you know a fella, name' a Jack, huh? Jack Twist?"

"Why, certainly I do. Eleanor's son, Jack. He's a fine boy. They were in church this morning, just before I saw you, as a matter of fact." Ennis perked up and sat up straight. Reverend Trumbull continued, "They have a little farm over in Lightning Flat. It's not far from here, 'less of course, you're walkin," he chuckled. "You a friend'a Jack's?" he said, looking directly at Ennis. "Yes sir, I am." "Well then, that's where we're going!" The Reverend revved the gas pedal and they pressed on to Lightning Flat.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2007, 01:34:34 am by Toycoon »
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Right (33)
« Reply #2693 on: November 19, 2007, 01:27:50 am »
Right (33) By Littlewing1957

Mrs. Twist arrived home from church a bit later than she expected.  Her sojourn to the grieving plain was very spiritual, very uplifting, and she lost track of time.  Her husband was waiting for her in the living room; not particularly out of concern, but because he wanted his dinner.  The Sisters at Missionary Pentecostal Church were very fond of Mrs. Twist, and they made sure she had enough food to carry home to her husband.  That way, Mrs. Twist wouldn’t have to cook Sunday dinner.  She entered her house carrying a plastic bag filled to the brim with leftovers from the brunch.  Mr. Twist grunted, and without a word to his wife, moved to the kitchen table.

“Where is that boy?”  Mrs. Twist asked her husband as she placed the food on the table.  “I reckon he’s up in his room.”  Mr. Twist answered.  “I haven’t seen him in a few hours.  I think he’s upset about having a postcard returned.”  Mrs. Twist digested this information.  She was becoming accustomed to Jack’s melancholy moods, but that didn’t mean she liked the change in her son.  “Who was the postcard addressed to?”  Mrs. Twist asked as she made a plate and passed it to her man.  “Well, I didn’t mean to pry,” The old man began as he tasted a bit of macaroni and cheese.  “But the card was addressed to a one Ennis Del Mar.”  Mrs. Twist smiled at the mention of Ennis' name.

“Jack!”  Mrs. Twist yelled up toward her son’s room.  “Yeah, ma?”  Came a muffled answer from Jack.  “Come down here and get some of this food if you’re hungry!”  No answer.  Jack remained in his room.  Mr. Twist ate in silence as his wife read what was left of the Sunday paper. 

Along about 8:00p.m. Jack was showering, getting ready for bed and his parents were in the living room watching t.v.  The Ed Sullivan Show was on and Mr. Twist laughed at the comic genius of a one Rodney Dangerfield.  Ed was just about to introduce Jerry Stiller when they heard a knock on the front door.  Mrs. Twist looked at her husband.  “You expecting someone?”  He shook his head in the negative, but walked over and flung the door open.  Mr. Twist greeted Rev. Trumbull with a warm hello and a hearty handshake.  Jack's father was not a churchgoer, but he had the utmost respect for Rev. Trumbull.  Mrs. Twist rose and turned the television set off when she heard her pastor’s name.  “Come on in Reverend,” Mrs. Twist offered sweetly.  And I see you’ve brought a friend.  Mrs. Twist looked at the young man and smiled.  “Come on in, young man.  Our home is your home!”


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2694 on: November 19, 2007, 03:47:48 am »
Toycoon and Littlewing. I can´t tell you how much I enjoy this story. Boah, such lame words. I love love love it! And I so enjoy the tension!! I love the details, and I can see both Jack and Ennis so vividly before my mind´s eye as if I was watching a movie. You are two great writers and an even greater team!

 :-* Kiss for Toycoon          :-* Kiss for Marie


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2695 on: November 19, 2007, 12:29:11 pm »
Toycoon and Littlewing. I can´t tell you how much I enjoy this story. Boah, such lame words. I love love love it! And I so enjoy the tension!! I love the details, and I can see both Jack and Ennis so vividly before my mind´s eye as if I was watching a movie. You are two great writers and an even greater team!

 :-* Kiss for Toycoon          :-* Kiss for Marie


Thanks, Dagi.  I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement!  :-*

Offline cwby30

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Re: Right 34
« Reply #2696 on: November 19, 2007, 10:44:32 pm »

Well, they're under the same roof, and wonder whether it will still be on when Jack comes downstairs to meet the Reverend and his friend!  Looking forward to reading about that. 

Youse twose! Great story line, you work off each other so well, and there's a lot that can be written still even with the Reunion. 

Thanks again. 

Offline Toycoon

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Right (34) by Toycoon
« Reply #2697 on: November 20, 2007, 01:49:06 am »
Right (34) by Toycoon

"Come in, come in," she beckoned with the warmest sincerity to the stranger who accompanied the Reverend. "What is your name, young man?" "Ennis... Del Mar, ma'am." he said removing his cowboy hat, "Pleased to meet you."

Taking Ennis by the arm, Mrs. Twist said, "Please come in and sit down, dear. You must be hungry. Could I fix you something to eat? A cup of warm milk?" Without waiting for an answer, she turned and headed towards the kitchen to fix Ennis a plate and a warm drink. Ennis flopped down onto the sofa, holding his hat by the brim.

Mr. Twist was more reserved regarding the stranger. He looked Ennis up and down, studying his disheveled appearance. He evaluated Ennis' shaggy hair, his faded plaid jacket, his worn blue jeans and the cowboy boots with the holes in the toe. He finally deduced that Ennis must be acceptable because he was a friend of the Reverend, so he held out his hand. "Hello there, Ennis Del Mar. What brings you to these parts?" " I was on my way to South Dakota for a job when I passed Lightning Flat. I thought I'd pay a visit to my friend, Jack."
"So, yer a friend a' Jack's, huh?" Now, John Twist recognized where he'd heard that name before: 'Ennis Del Mar' was the name on the postcard.

"Yes sir. Is he home?" asked Ennis cautiously. "He is... but he went to bed early. Weren't feeling well," answered John. The Reverend spoke up then, "Speaking of going to bed early, I best be going. Matilda will be worried sick about me, been gone most the day. It's been a pleasure, folks." He patted Ennis' shoulder then turned and walked towards the front door with Mr. Twist following behind him. The two men stepped outside onto the porch and John pulled the door behind him. Moths buzzed about, hitting the porch lamp  when the Reverend turned to him to say, "John, be kind to that young man. He's had a tough life and he's just a boy."

Eleanor Twist came out of the kitchen holding a steaming plate of macaroni, collar greens, drop biscuits and ham hocks in one hand and a mug of warm milk in the other. She met John in the hall on his way back from seeing the Reverend to the door. Together, they stepped into the living room to find Ennis slumped over, asleep on the couch. His hat had fallen to the floor.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero


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Re: Right (34) by Toycoon
« Reply #2698 on: November 20, 2007, 05:00:48 am »
You sure know how to build up the tension, Toycoon! If Jack knew....

Again thanks for this treat!


Offline Toycoon

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Re: Right (34) by Toycoon
« Reply #2699 on: November 20, 2007, 10:26:14 am »
You sure know how to build up the tension, Toycoon! If Jack knew....

Again thanks for this treat!


Dagi dear, he may be on the verge of finding out!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero