Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2830980 times)


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Re: Right (27) by Toycoon and Littlewing
« Reply #2680 on: November 17, 2007, 07:01:25 pm »

"Hey Jack," Mr. Twist called out, "you know someone name'a Ennis Del Mar?"

We are getting closer!  :D The tension is building up! And Jack, yeah, you've been busy riding broncs, huh?  ;D

Keep them coming, girls! ;D


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Right (29)
« Reply #2681 on: November 17, 2007, 11:04:10 pm »
Right (29) By Littlewing1957

“Did you say Ennis Del Mar?”  Jack asked his pa breathlessly.  “Yeah, Ennis Del Mar.” It was Mr. Twist, as impatient and taciturn as ever.  “Yeah I know him.”  Jack answered cautiously.  Jack could feel the fire rising in his loins and tried to control the red hot flush that warmed his cheeks.  Jack was thankful for his dad’s lack of interest.  If the old man actually took the trouble to look at his son while talking to him, he would have noticed the change.  But Jack was grateful what his dad didn’t see how the very mention of Ennis Del Mar’s name almost brought him to his knees.

Jack walked over and sat down opposite his dad.  I gotta play it cool, Jack thought as he stared at his pa.  Mr. Twist, instantly aware that he was being watched, looked up from his paper.  “What is it?”  He asked his son impatiently.  “Why are you looking at me like that?”  Jack studied his father, trying to figure out a way to ask what he needed to ask without sounding too eager or too desperate.

“Uh, Ennis Del Mar, dad?”  Jack began, his hands clasped in front of him on the table.  “Yeah, what about him?  Mr. Twist asked absently as he turned to the sports page.  “Well,” Jack spoke slowly. “Did he come by here while I was out, or something?”  Jack was struggling to keep his cool.  Mr. Twist reached under the Sunday paper and pulled out a postcard, the very same card that Jack "mailed" to Ennis general delivery just 3 days ago. "I should have given this to you yesterday, but it slipped my mind.  I read the back of the card before I noticed you must have sent it,” Mr. Twist spoke as he turned the card forward and backward.  “I thought it was for me or your ma until I noticed the return address, and Ennis Del Mar’s name on it.  Son, I didn’t read your message, just the name of the person you tried to mail it to.”  Jack tried hard to swallow the bile rising in his throat.  Mr. Twist passed him the postcard.  “Seems like you forgot to put postage on it and it was returned.”  Jack took the postcard and stared at it.  His mind was in a fog as he ascended the stairs to his room, clutching the postcard against his chest.

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Re: Right (27) by Toycoon and Littlewing
« Reply #2682 on: November 17, 2007, 11:05:19 pm »
Mrs. Twist found Jack to inform him that she was going with Katie's mother to the cemetary to pay a visit to Katie's father who had died the year before and would he mind giving Katie a ride home. Jack smelled a set-up but he didn't mind too much. Katie was a spirited girl and she seemed like fun, so he obliged his mother.

They walked out to the truck then Jack held the door open for Katie and helped her up. He hopped into the driver seat, put the truck in gear and off they went. The truck bounced down the road with the wind whipping Katie's auburn hair about the cab. "Aww, I'm sorry. Yer hair's gettin' messed up. Here, lemme close them windows."

"Oh, I don't care. It feels good," Katie shouted."Don't tell nobody but ever since my daddy died," she continued, "I feel free! My daddy didn't let me date. He said it wasn't proper for a good Christian girl to be seen out with different fellas all the time." "So Jack, how come I never seen you out with any of the girls around here? Not good enough for ya, huh?" she teased, winking and twirling a lock of hair between her fingers.

"Naw, it ain't that," Jack stammered," I been busy riding broncs and rodeoing and stuff..." They pulled up to the modest farm house on the edge of town, stopped in front and Jack cut the engine. Dust swirled all around the truck and the sounds of the engine cooling cut the awkward silence. Jack waited a few minutes then said, "Well.. we're here." "Yeah." said Katie looking at Jack then back out at the farm house. She started to fiddle with the door handle as though she was trying to open it then turned and impulsively planted a moist kiss on Jack's lips. Katie hopped out of the truck and slammed the door with both hands. "See ya next Sunday?" she cried out as she dashed up the steps.

"Yeah, maybe..." he mumbled, throwing the truck in gear and turning on the ignition. Jack barreled down the road to his house. When he got to the house, he drove up onto the grass, grabbed his hat and cigarettes then jumped out of the truck.

John Twist was in his usual Sunday afternoon spot: seated in the kitchen with a cigarette burning in the ashtray, a cup of stale coffee at his side and the Sunday paper spread out all over the kitchen table. "Hey, Dad," Jack said, flatly. "Hey boy," the old man said, barely acknowledging him," Yer Ma with you?"

"She's with one of the ladies from church. They went to the cemetary or somethin'." he said exiting the kitchen and starting up the stairs to his bedroom.

"Hey Jack," Mr. Twist called out, "you know someone name'a Ennis Del Mar?"

Toycoon, I think this should be Right (28).

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Re: Right (29)
« Reply #2683 on: November 18, 2007, 02:02:33 am »
Poor Jack, but little does he know that Ennis wouldn't have been in Riverton to receive his postcard anyway.  And surely Jack didn't write anything telling on a postcard.

So when are Jack and Ennis going to get together?  You know what could really mess things up for them?  Another guy.    ;) 

I'm still with you, Littlewing and Toycoon.  Keep them coming.   :D


Thanks, Gary.  We'll keep the saga going!

Offline cwby30

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Re: Right 29
« Reply #2684 on: November 18, 2007, 02:28:41 am »

Well, watch out for Katie... she's "free" and that can mean trouble if Ennis sees her trying to be "free" with Jack. Or maybe she takes a shine to walking!Ennis who stops to ask directions, and then who knows.

OMT?  Don't believe for a second that he didn't read the card.  His radar is up, and when Ennis arrives at the Ranch, hmmmm...

Too bad Ennis didn't take up the Reverend and have a bite to eat at the social after the service. Though not sure how Katie would have taken it. 

Keep it coming, I'm hooked as you can tell.

Thanks again. 

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Right (30) by Toycoon
« Reply #2685 on: November 18, 2007, 03:51:17 pm »
Right (30) by Toycoon

"Dammit!" yelled Jack, slamming the postcard down on the desk. "Of all the stupid things!" He picked up the card again, examined it and sure enough, he'd forgot the postage stamp. Jack took off his Sunday shirt and draped it on the back of the desk chair. He fell back on the bed and started pulling off his boots, struggling with one then the other. "That fuckin' postcard ain't never gonna get to Ennis!" He reclined on the bed and tucking his hands behind his head, gazed up at the pictures nailed to the soffit above his bed. There was a picture of a bay Quarter horse stallion in full gallop, a picture of Tom Mix torn from a movie magazine, an old flyer for last year's rodeo and a picture of a bronc rider wearing several blue ribbons, flanked by two pretty girls. Jack focused on that picture for a moment.

Jack didn't think about God much but he started to wonder why God had made things were the way He did. Why couldn't things go the way Jack wanted? Jack had big plans for his life but they always seem to fall through. His father said it was because Jack thought he was better than his rearing.

Why wasn't he attracted to girls the way other boys were? Jack was no 'queer'. He certainly liked girls, kissed a few, but never felt excited about any girl the way he felt about Ennis. Jack always wanted a friend like Ennis. Ennis was a true cowboy, a skilled outdoor's man, an expert shot. He was ruggedly handsome and resourceful. He made Jack feel like a real man. Complete. When Jack was with Ennis, he felt as though some of his prayers had been answered. Jack slid his hand in the waistband of his khakis to gently rub the growing erection in his pants. He squeezed his furry nipples with his fingers and lingered on the sensation. Funny thing was, Ennis said liked women in that 'way' but he also liked Jack. Why?

Suddenly, Jack started to feel ashamed of his unexplainable longing for the other man. He rolled over and reached under the bed to pull out the half pint of whiskey he'd stashed under there. He unscrewed the cap and took a big shot. Jack slipped off his propped up elbow and the whiskey spilled out of the sides of his mouth and onto the pillow. "Real funny there, God, really funny," he said swallowing.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 01:33:00 am by Toycoon »
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero


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Re: Right (29)
« Reply #2686 on: November 18, 2007, 04:58:36 pm »
Right (29) By Littlewing1957

“Did you say Ennis Del Mar?”  Jack asked his pa breathlessly.  “Yeah, Ennis Del Mar.” It was Mr. Twist, as impatient and taciturn as ever.  “Yeah I know him.”  Jack answered cautiously.  Jack could feel the fire rising in his loins and tried to control the red hot flush that warmed his cheeks.  Jack was thankful for his dad’s lack of interest.  If the old man actually took the trouble to look at his son while talking to him, he would have noticed the change.  But Jack was grateful what his dad didn’t see how the very mention of Ennis Del Mar’s name almost brought him to his knees.

Jack walked over and sat down opposite his dad.  I gotta play it cool, Jack thought as he stared at his pa.  Mr. Twist, instantly aware that he was being watched, looked up from his paper.  “What is it?”  He asked his son impatiently.  “Why are you looking at me like that?”  Jack studied his father, trying to figure out a way to ask what he needed to ask without sounding too eager or too desperate.

“Uh, Ennis Del Mar, dad?”  Jack began, his hands clasped in front of him on the table.  “Yeah, what about him?  Mr. Twist asked absently as he turned to the sports page.  “Well,” Jack spoke slowly. “Did he come by here while I was out, or something?”  Jack was struggling to keep his cool.  Mr. Twist reached under the Sunday paper and pulled out a postcard, the very same card that Jack "mailed" to Ennis general delivery just 3 days ago. "I should have given this to you yesterday, but it slipped my mind.  I read the back of the card before I noticed you must have sent it,” Mr. Twist spoke as he turned the card forward and backward.  “I thought it was for me or your ma until I noticed the return address, and Ennis Del Mar’s name on it.  Son, I didn’t read your message, just the name of the person you tried to mail it to.”  Jack tried hard to swallow the bile rising in his throat.  Mr. Twist passed him the postcard.  “Seems like you forgot to put postage on it and it was returned.”  Jack took the postcard and stared at it.  His mind was in a fog as he ascended the stairs to his room, clutching the postcard against his chest.

Oh God I know what you meant there. Littlewing you left me breathless with this chapter. Now if you excuse me, I´m desperate to read on.. :P


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Re: Right (30) by Toycoon
« Reply #2687 on: November 18, 2007, 05:05:12 pm »
Right (30) by Toycoon

 "Real funny there, God, really funny," he said swallowing.

Aaw, poor Jack. Poor confused Jack. Awesome writing, Toycoon dear, I love this story! It´s always good to come here. Thanks so much!


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Right (31)
« Reply #2688 on: November 18, 2007, 08:01:37 pm »
Right (31) By Littlewing1957

Ennis walked down the road with his head held high.  He was still alone, homeless and jobless, but his quick detour at the church and his pleasant conversation with the elderly man gave him a vestige of hope.  Ennis couldn’t explain it, but he felt that everything would work out in his favor.  He was almost certain that he would find Jack, and that Jack would be delighted to see him.  And after that?  Well, Ennis hadn't thought that far ahead.  The first step would be to find Jack.  Perhaps Jack would have the answer.  After all, he was always so eager with his vast assortment of hopes and dreams.  Yes, Jack would know what to do.

Ennis continued his journey where he passed ranches: some old and neglected, others well kept and sprawling.  Ennis couldn’t help but wonder if one of those places belonged to the Twists.  But some inner voice kept him moving on.  He didn’t feel Jack at any of the ranches he passed.  Ennis couldn’t explain it, but somehow he knew that his instinct, his feelings for his friend would guide him to the right place.  At least he hoped so!

It was funny, but Ennis couldn’t remember seeing a soul along the road he traveled, either on foot or by car.  And just as he started thinking how lonely and deserted that stretch of road was, Ennis spotted a truck in the distance, growing bigger, coming toward him.  He planned to lower his head, avoid eye contact with the driver, and keep on walking.  The truck slowed on the opposite side of the road and stopped abruptly right alongside him.  The driver shut off the engine and got out of the vehicle.  Ennis never stopped walking, and although he considered himself a brave man, Ennis Del Mar thought about breaking into a run when he realized that the driver was following him! 


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2689 on: November 18, 2007, 08:04:41 pm »
You are not going to stop here, are you? Marie, you are killing me!! (okay, I wanted to go to bed anyway...)