Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2830959 times)

Offline Toycoon

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Right (64) by Toycoon
« Reply #3010 on: January 07, 2008, 10:48:55 am »
Right (64) by Toycoon

Raquel hailed from the tiny neighboring town of Casper, Wyoming. She grew up in a modest three room, shotgun house with a small farm attached. Her daddy was killed in a tractor accident when Raquel was only twelve years old leaving her mother alone to raise Raquel and her five younger siblings. The death of her father threatened the likelihood of Raquel completing her education so at the age of thirteen, Raquel got a job at Hanson's dry cleaners, working every day after school in order to help ends meet at home. Despite it's shortcomings, the Baxter home was a comfortable one although somewhat crowded; Raquel's mother always made certain that the children had everything they needed but with that many kids, there never seemed to be enough to go around. Raquel continued to attend high school and graduated with an 'B' average then went to junior college for two years, finally landing a job as a secretary for Cook County's local real estate attorneys. She'd worked her way up through the ranks to become head secretary, saving her money, determined to make something of herself and get the hell out of Lightning Flat.

When she wanted a brand new '63 Buick, she set her goal then went full throttle after it and never stopped until she earned enough money for the car of her dreams. It felt good to drive her beautiful blue Buick down that dusty road in the middle of nowhere. Now, Raquel wanted the handsome, mysterious cowboy, Ennis and would not settle for anything less. Yes, she was a woman with a plan.

"Mrs. Twist, what a lovely surprise, I wasn't expecting you until next week," declared Katie, taking Mrs. Twist by the arm and leading her over to the lingerie counter. "I'll fetch the panty girdle you ordered last week right away." Roberta took her pocketbook off her shoulder and dug her hand under the flap.  "Mr. Twist was going into the city for a bit and he dropped me off out front. I thought I'd go visit with your mama after I was done here then get a ride home later on, if she didn't mind."
"Oh, she won't mind a bit." Katie looked directly into Mrs. Twist's eyes, remembering that her son and his friend were in the back apartment, suddenly declared, "Listen, I can give you a ride home after the shop closes. Just come back around six-thirty and I'll take you back to the ranch."

Ennis walked out of the apartment and down the back steps. He pulled a cigarette from his coat pocket, put in his mouth and struck the match on the wall.  He took a long drag off the cigarette and squinted to look at Jack, who was slightly obscured by the smoke. Ennis studied Jack's face for several moments before speaking. Just one look into those baby blues could make Ennis melt. "I got a bad feeling 'bout this, Jack, you unnerstand, huh?"

"Yeah, I do." Sadly, Jack turned around and started up the steps. He knew he had to tell Katie that he and Ennis couldn't stay.
Jack shuffled into the front of the shop. He stopped short when he came face to face with his mother. "Ma!? What are you doin' here?" He flew to her and embraced her mightily. "Jack!" Mrs. Twist began to weep, "I thought you went into the city. Your father said..." Jack looked confused. "Momma, me an' Ennis just went into town to visit... Katie." He glanced over to Katie who was beaming with a big smile on her face. "Honey, where is Ennis?"
"He's out back, I'll go get him. He'll be happy to see ya." Jack squeezed her shoulders then kissed her face. He ran into the rear of the shop, through the apartment, out the back door and down the steps. He looked around and called out for Ennis. "Ennis, where you at!?" Jack ran back into the apartment. He noticed the brown paper sack with all of Ennis' few belongings was not on the dresser where it had been just a few minutes before. Jack dashed back into Katie's shop, panting and gasped, "Ennis is gone! Ennis is gone!"
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 01:27:24 am by Toycoon »
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero


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Re: Not so New Year
« Reply #3011 on: January 07, 2008, 03:36:10 pm »
Not so New Year By Littlewing1957

“A new year and I'm no closer to you!”  Jack spoke out loud as he sat at his desk.  He hadn’t completed a sale in over 2 weeks, but he could deal with the slow business period: the slump in sales.  Being separated from Ennis Del Mar is what ate at him. 

The last time Jack saw Ennis was in October, not so long ago.  They spent 10 glorious days up at Don Wroe’s cabin doing nothing but sleeping, hunting, loving.  They spoke of their separate and uneasy lives; talked about children and their lovely wives.  It was a sweet time, but much too short.

“You really need to do better, Jack!” It was Lureen.  She wasn’t angry, or accusatory, but Jack resented being told to work harder.  He was doing his best!  It was not his fault that business was slow.  “Don’t worry, dear,” Jack began. “Business will pick up.  We’ll be okay.”  Lureen nodded and walked out of his office.  “If only I could say those words to Ennis!” Jack thought as he prepared to leave for the day.  He was depressed.  He really wanted to talk to someone, but there was no one to confide in.  A bottle of whiskey was waiting for him under his side of the bed at home.  Jack Daniels was a good listener.

It´s heartbreaking how you always convey so honestly what life for both of them consisted of most of the time: being separated.  :'(

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Not so New Year
« Reply #3012 on: January 08, 2008, 01:22:19 am »
It´s heartbreaking how you always convey so honestly what life for both of them consisted of most of the time: being separated.  :'(

Thanks, Dagi.  With every smile there must be a tear.  Especially so with Ennis and Jack!  :'(

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3013 on: January 09, 2008, 02:31:30 am »
Hello, everyone!  I'll post the next installment of Right, probably tomorrow.  I'll also try to post other stories.  Bear with me.  I have post-holiday blues and back-to-school issues to deal with.

I want to thank you all for your encouragement and support.  I love each and every one of you!  :)


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Re: Right (64) by Toycoon
« Reply #3014 on: January 09, 2008, 06:16:42 am »
Right (64) by Toycoon

Raquel hailed from the tiny neighboring town of Casper, Wyoming. She grew up in a modest three room, shotgun house with a small farm attached. Her daddy was killed in a tractor accident when Raquel was only twelve years old leaving her mother alone to raise Raquel and her five younger siblings. The death of her father threatened the likelihood of Raquel completing her education so at the age of thirteen, Raquel got a job at Hanson's dry cleaners, working every day after school in order to help ends meet at home. Despite it's shortcomings, the Baxter home was a comfortable one although somewhat crowded; Raquel's mother always made certain that the children had everything they needed but with that many kids, there never seemed to be enough to go around. Raquel continued to attend high school and graduated with an 'B' average then went to junior college for two years, finally landing a job as a secretary for Cook County's local real estate attorneys. She'd worked her way up through the ranks to become head secretary, saving her money, determined to make something of herself and get the hell out of Lightning Flat.

When she wanted a brand new '63 Buick, she set her goal then went full throttle after it and never stopped until she earned enough money for the car of her dreams. It felt good to drive her beautiful blue Buick down that dusty road in the middle of nowhere. Now, Raquel wanted the handsome, mysterious cowboy, Ennis and would not settle for anything less. Yes, she was a woman with a plan.

"Mrs. Twist, what a lovely surprise, I wasn't expecting you until next week," declared Katie, taking Mrs. Twist by the arm and leading her over to the lingerie counter. "I'll fetch the panty girdle you ordered last week right away." Roberta took her pocketbook off her shoulder and dug her hand under the flap.  "Mr. Twist was going into the city for a bit and he dropped me off out front. I thought I'd go visit with your mama after I was done here then get a ride home later on, if she didn't mind."
"Oh, she won't mind a bit." Katie looked directly into Mrs. Twist's eyes, remembering that her son and his friend were in the back apartment, suddenly declared, "Listen, I can give you a ride home after the shop closes. Just come back around six-thirty and I'll take you back to the ranch."

Ennis walked out of the apartment and down the back steps. He pulled a cigarette from his coat pocket, put in his mouth and struck the match on the wall.  He took a long drag off the cigarette and squinted to look at Jack, who was slightly obscured by the smoke. Ennis studied Jack's face for several moments before speaking. Just one look into those baby blues could make Ennis melt. "I got a bad feeling 'bout this, Jack, you unnerstand, huh?"

"Yeah, I do." Sadly, Jack turned around and started up the steps. He knew he had to tell Katie that he and Ennis couldn't stay.
Jack shuffled into the front of the shop. He stopped short when he came face to face with his mother. "Ma!? What are you doin' here?" He flew to her and embraced her mightily. "Jack!" Mrs. Twist began to weep, "I thought you went into the city. Your father said..." Jack looked confused. "Momma, me an' Ennis just went into town to visit... Katie." He glanced over to Katie who was beaming with a big smile on her face. "Honey, where is Ennis?"
"He's out back, I'll go get him. He'll be happy to see ya." Jack squeezed her shoulders then kissed her face. He ran into the rear of the shop, through the apartment, out the back door and down the steps. He looked around and called out for Ennis. "Ennis, where you at!?" Jack ran back into the apartment. He noticed the brown paper sack with all of Ennis' few belongings was not on the dresser where it had been just a few minutes before. Jack dashed back into Katie's shop, panting and gasped, "Ennis is gone! Ennis is gone!"

Hi Toycoon,

sorry for not commenting earlier, I've been sick again and just didn't have the brains to read your last installment all the way through. Hey, I must really say I'm marvelled by your writing. I love the way you tow develop this story together. And just thinking of Jack's baby blues makes me melt...thank you, honey!  :-*



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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3015 on: January 09, 2008, 06:20:14 am »
Hello, everyone!  I'll post the next installment of Right, probably tomorrow.  I'll also try to post other stories.  Bear with me.  I have post-holiday blues and back-to-school issues to deal with.

I want to thank you all for your encouragement and support.  I love each and every one of you!  :)

Hey sweetie, take your time. I don't have post-holiday blues, but post-holiday tonsillitis (after having had ante-holiday tonsillitis  :laugh:), so we can be miserable together. I'm thinking of you and send you lots of love!  :-*


Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3016 on: January 09, 2008, 11:31:06 am »
Hey kids,
I'm sorry to hear that everyone has various illnesses including Post-Holiday Depression, Tonsillitis, The Flu or Good Old Fashioned General Stress. I hope everyone recuperates soon enough.

One of these days, I'm gonna create another BetterMost Craft project for y'all. I've been crazy busy lately and I can't seem to bring myself to do work more after working all day!

P.S. I'm digging the maleimagegallery. Thanks girls, for bringing it to my attention!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3017 on: January 09, 2008, 01:32:58 pm »
Hey kids,
I'm sorry to hear that everyone has various illnesses including Post-Holiday Depression, Tonsillitis, The Flu or Good Old Fashioned General Stress. I hope everyone recuperates soon enough.

One of these days, I'm gonna create another BetterMost Craft project for y'all. I've been crazy busy lately and I can't seem to bring myself to do work more after working all day!

P.S. I'm digging the maleimagegallery. Thanks girls, for bringing it to my attention!

You are very welcome.  ;D

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Right 65 by Littlewing1957
« Reply #3018 on: January 10, 2008, 01:02:08 am »
Right 65 By Littlewing1957

“Relax, sweetie,” Mrs. Twist soothed as she grabbed hold of Jack’s forearm.  She learned from her earlier worrying spell when she thought Jack and Ennis has disappeared.  There was just no need to get all worked up, especially when things always worked out.  “You say you guys were out in the back just awhile ago?”  Jack nodded.  Mrs. Twist tightened her grip on Jack’s forearm, as he was shaking.  “Easy, son,” She began.  “Why don’t you go on out back and look for your friend. I’m sure he just stepped away for a bit…probably looking around..real curious like!”  Yeah, stepped away, carrying all his stuff with him! Jack thought, ruefully.  But in order to satisfy his mother and himself, Jack agreed to look around out back for Ennis.  “I’ll be back in a bit,” Jack whispered to his mom.  He nodded politely to Katie and headed to the back of the shop.  “I should go with him?” Katie asked Mrs. Twist.  “No, please,” Mrs. Twist answered.  She took Katie’s hand and held it tight. “Let him go on.  He can handle this!”

Jack moved quickly through Katie’s apartment.  He averted his eyes.  He didn’t want to see the place that he almost shared with his good friend.  When Jack reached the back door he flung it open and moved outside.  The only sign that Ennis had been there at all was the burned out match that he lit earlier.  It was still on the ground and looked insignificant and lonesome among the yellow leaves, small rocks.  Jack knelt down and picked up the used match from the near frozen earth.  He turned it over in nervous fingers and examined the burned out tip.  “Ennis, how could you leave without me?”  Jack rose to a standing position and felt weak as he experienced every emotion starting with anger and progressing to shock, ending with loneliness.  He placed the used match carefully in his jacket pocket and took a cursory glance around the grounds.  “If this is the way you want it, cowboy..” Jack mumbled.  He shook his head and walked back into the shop.

Mrs. Twist and Katie were talking, were very deep in conversation when Jack walked into the store.  The two women stopped abruptly and faced Jack with expectant looks on their faces.   “Well?”  It was Mrs. Twist.  “I didn’t find him.  He’s gone.”  Jack stated without emotion.  Mrs. Twist held her breath.  Katie sucked her teeth.  “Well,” Mrs. Twist began, “It looks like Ennis has some things to work out on his own.  I’m sure he’ll return.”  Jack nodded, but he wasn’t so sure.  “I had plans for the rest of the afternoon, but in light of what has just happened, I think we better go home.” Mrs. Twist moved closer to her son. “I’ll serve you some of that pot roast I cooked earlier.  What you say, son?”  Jack didn’t want to go back to the ranch.  He didn’t know what he wanted at that point.  But he didn’t have a lot of options.  “Okay mom, I’ll go home with you.  Just let me have a few minutes with Katie in private, and then we’ll catch a cab home.”  Mrs. Twist nodded and headed for the door.  “There is a cab always parked over by the donut shop, ma.  Go have one wait for us.”  Mrs. Twist smiled and walked out.  Katie moved to her desk at the back of the store and pretended to read over a few receipts.  She was devastated that Ennis had run off without a word to anyone.  And now Jack was about to take his leave!  Katie was warming up to the idea of having two gorgeous men around.  And what would she tell Raquel?  Jack approached Katie’s desk and glared down at her with an expression that was impossible to read.  “Katie, I..” Jack began, but she cut him off.  "Its okay, Jack,” she spoke sincerely. “I understand.”  Jack hung his head and was silent. “Look, if you ever need to use my little apartment, don’t hesitate to ask.  And if Ennis comes back here, I’ll get word to you.” “Thank you kindly,” was all that Jack could manage.  Katie looked up into Jack’s baby blues. “You’ll let me know when and if he comes back?” Jack nodded mournfully and headed for the door. “Will do, Katie!  Thanks for everything!” “No problemo!” She offered. “See you in church.”  Jack tried on a smile for her sake and left the shop.

He found his mom seated in a cab right in front of the shop.  Jack climbed in beside her and the cabbie drove off.  Jack looked at his mom as she sat stiff, looking suddenly older than her years.  Jack felt a tug of tenderness when he observed his mother.  He hated to see his mom with a worried face and a rigid demeanor.  Jack reached over and took his mother’s hand and they rode in silence for the most part.  Jack couldn’t wrap his mind around what just happened.  He shook his head to keep out the thoughts and images that threatened to intrude: sweet mental pictures of Ennis walking across a stream; Ennis laughing at one of his bad jokes; Ennis pulling him close.  Jack couldn’t avoid the image of Ennis asleep on his living room couch, just a few days ago.  He remembered romance, passion, even love.  Jack knew he had to pull himself together, but he feared he was coming apart.  When the cabbie pulled up to the house, Jack paid him and helped his mother onto the property.  Jack allowed her to take his arm, but when they were in view of the basement steps, Jack felt like his knees would buckle.  Mrs. Twist looked at her son and saw the tears in his eyes.  She spread her arms wide and folded her son in.  They must have looked a sight: the two of them there, swaying; Mrs. Twist patting, cooing, as silent tears ran down Jack’s miserable face.  As Mrs. Twist held her son, and as the tears continued to fall, she decided to do what she always did in situations like these – Mrs. Twist began to pray.  She rocked Jack back and forth, all the while asking God to strengthen them both.  She prayed silently, as her entreaties couldn’t be uttered.

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3019 on: January 10, 2008, 01:25:00 am »
Hey sweetie, take your time. I don't have post-holiday blues, but post-holiday tonsillitis (after having had ante-holiday tonsillitis  :laugh:), so we can be miserable together. I'm thinking of you and send you lots of love!  :-*


Aw Dagi, Im sorry to hear you've been ill.  Tonsilitis is no fun.  Feel better, my love!  I hope we all feel better very soon!  :-*