Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2831140 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Kisses
« Reply #3350 on: April 15, 2008, 11:11:09 pm »
Phew!!!! ..... I held my breath through the whole thing ... very sensual Sputnik dear!

Susie  :D

Thanks so much, SusieBaby!  :-*

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Campfires and Happiness
« Reply #3351 on: April 15, 2008, 11:50:16 pm »
Jack was returning to the campsite with an arm load of wood for the fire.  He was humming a happy tune and had a huge grin on his handsome face.  Ennis watched Jack’s approach and smiled.  Ennis noticed a light heartedness about Jack this time.  Oh, he was generally upbeat whenever they met, but this time Jack was in an extremely good mood.  Ennis decided not to ask about it.  He chose to enjoy the trip and play it by ear.  If Jack had news, he could wait until he was ready to talk about it.

“I just saw a medium sized dog nosing around, Friend,” Jack announced as he placed more wood on the fire.  “That so,” Ennis stated, interested.  “He kind of reminded me of Bluebell, the dog we had up on Brokeback.”  Ennis grinned slightly when he thought of Bluebell.  She was a sweet, obedient, competent animal: always a joy to have around.  “Where is the dog now?”  Ennis asked as he warmed his hands against the flames.  “Oh, I don’t know,” Jack answered as he looked around.  “Probably ran off to get something to eat, or to find its owner.”  Ennis nodded and waved his hands near the fire in an attempt to get warm.

“This is how a dog eats,” Jack said as he gnashed his mouth in a munching grimace.  Jack growled and Ennis had to stifle a laugh.  “You’re silly, Rodeo,” Ennis managed to say.  “What has gotten into you?”  Jack was silent a moment and his eyes flashed.  Ennis saw the lust creeping onto Jack’s countenance and was sorry he asked.  He could almost hear Jack’s answer.  But Jack said nothing.   He smiled and winked.

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Kisses
« Reply #3352 on: April 16, 2008, 03:53:27 am »
Hot, Spud! Where do you come up with these gems !?

I'll be home soon. On Sunday, most likely...
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Shasta542

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3353 on: April 16, 2008, 07:54:07 am »
How long will it take you to get readjusted to "California time"?  Is Hong Kong ahead or behind? How many hours?

Are you bringing any pictures to show us? I hope so! 

Have fun.  ;D  See ya later.
"Gettin' tired of your dumbass missin'!"


Offline cwby30

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Re: Right and others
« Reply #3354 on: April 16, 2008, 03:40:58 pm »

Afternoon, Marie.

Well, yes i'm still around, and enjoying your 'one-shots', lots to think about and fun to read.  Also enjoyed the last installment of "Right", with OMT finally coming to his senses and running after the departing guys.  However, I hope they turn him down [if he does catch up with them], and continue on to find their own way together away from Lightning Flat.  Think they need some 'alone time', even if it results in some problems for them, so they can build a stronger bond.  The Dakotas are looking better.  ;) 

Thanks again. 

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Kisses
« Reply #3355 on: April 16, 2008, 09:50:06 pm »
Hot, Spud! Where do you come up with these gems !?

I'll be home soon. On Sunday, most likely...

Hey, Babe!  I had hoped we would hear from you!  I can't wait until you return!  Thanks for your kind words!  :-*

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Right and others
« Reply #3356 on: April 16, 2008, 09:52:26 pm »
Afternoon, Marie.

Well, yes i'm still around, and enjoying your 'one-shots', lots to think about and fun to read.  Also enjoyed the last installment of "Right", with OMT finally coming to his senses and running after the departing guys.  However, I hope they turn him down [if he does catch up with them], and continue on to find their own way together away from Lightning Flat.  Think they need some 'alone time', even if it results in some problems for them, so they can build a stronger bond.  The Dakotas are looking better.  ;) 

Thanks again. 

Cwby30, its so good to see you!  Thanks for your sweet comments.  I'll try to have the latest installment of Right up by the end of the week, and I hope Toy will add a chapter soon after that.  The boys have a lot of life ahead...

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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« Reply #3357 on: April 16, 2008, 10:29:21 pm »
Jack was reaching for another piece of rocky mountain smoked fried chicken when Lureen placed a restraining hand on his forearm.  “Jack that will be your 4th piece of chicken!  What are you tryin’ to do honey?”  Jack pulled his arm from under Lureen’s grasp and placed the chicken thigh on his plate.  He noticed the way Lureen looked at his paunch when he undressed at night.  She never turned up her nose, or smirked or anything like that, but her gaze was certainly not approving.  “Well honey, you shouldn’t be such a good cook,” Jack mumbled in between bites of mashed potatoes and gravy.  Don’t deny me this food! Jack thought ruefully as he lowered his eyes to his plate.  At least I’m not drinking like a school of fish now that Ennis cancelled on me again.  I miss him so much! Jack fought back tears as he wondered how he could manage another 6 months apart from Ennis Del Mar.  He bit into a tasty chicken thigh.  He was food medicating! 

Jack was glad when Mrs. Newsome picked up Bobby for the night.  He didn’t want his son to see him overeating.  Not that Bobby noticed.  Jack had been piling on the pounds for weeks now, and Bobby never mentioned a word about it.  The child was perhaps too young to notice.  Jack knew he needed to make a few changes.   He needed to set an example for his son.  He also wanted to look good for Ennis.  Jack vowed to cut his portion sizes and get more exercise.  His health and his ego depended on it!

The meal was eaten and the dishes cleared away.  Jack retired to his bedroom and pulled off his work clothes.  He stood, reluctantly, in front of Lureen’s full-length mirror and sized himself up.  Once upon a time he could take looking at himself in a full length mirror.  Jack smoothed his hands over his expanding middle.  Even with his pot belly, He still looked good naked.  Sure, he had a bit of a tummy, but that's normal?  Lureen turned out to be an excellent cook, even better than his own mother.  A lonely man his age couldn't help but put on weight!  Lureen walked into the bedroom just then and seemed taken aback by the sight of Jack checking himself out.  Her face softened as she walked up beside him and looked at his form in the mirror.  “You like what you see?” Lureen asked with a smile.  “Because I do!”  Jack had to grin at that.  He kissed Lureen on the cheek and watched as she left the room.  He was glad that Lureen still found him attractive, but what of Ennis Del Mar?

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3358 on: April 17, 2008, 06:19:39 am »
How long will it take you to get readjusted to "California time"?  Is Hong Kong ahead or behind? How many hours?

Are you bringing any pictures to show us? I hope so! 

Have fun.  ;D  See ya later.

Howdy Miss Shasta,
HK is about 15 hours ahead of the USA. 8:00 AM Monday HK time is 5 PM Sunday, California time.
I have tons of pictures to share. Of course I didn't actually get to see any of those HK landmarks. My boyfriend got to visit those places while I had to work.  :-\

"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Shasta542

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3359 on: April 17, 2008, 06:38:02 am »
Howdy Miss Shasta,
HK is about 15 hours ahead of the USA. 8:00 AM Monday HK time is 5 PM Sunday, California time.
I have tons of pictures to share. Of course I didn't actually get to see any of those HK landmarks. My boyfriend got to visit those places while I had to work.  :-\


Bummer!!! You're so good -- you didn't sneak out!  8)  ::)

YAY!! I want to see the pictures!

Yep -- it'll probably take you awhile to get back on CA time -- do you get a vacation day or two when you get home?  ;D
"Gettin' tired of your dumbass missin'!"
