Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2831143 times)

Offline gwyllion

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3590 on: April 25, 2009, 10:24:50 pm »
Nice job little wing!  And happy birthday!
A companion where none had been expected...

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3591 on: April 25, 2009, 10:45:19 pm »
Nice job little wing!  And happy birthday!

Thanks, Babe!  Good to see you here!  :-*

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Jack's Lair
« Reply #3592 on: May 02, 2009, 12:41:19 am »
Jack put his key into the lock and opened the door of the one room “apartment.”  He beckoned Ennis inside and turned on a lamp.  Ennis’ mouth flew open when he took a look around.  The room was furnished simply with an end table, a small love seat, a truly charming wardrobe and a queen sized bed.  Ennis admired Jack’s taste in furnishings, but what gave him pause was what Jack hung on the walls.  The tiny room was plastered with pictures of naked men.

Most of them were body builder types with sculpted abs, impossibly firm, high butts and faces so handsome that they seemed otherworldly.  Ennis couldn’t image where Jack found the provocative pics – he didn’t really want to know.  He also realized that the little voice warning him about this special arrangement: meeting up and driving to Jack’s special hideaway had been spot on.  Jack sat on the bed and reached a hand out to his lover.  “Come sit with me, Friend, Jack whispered.  He swept a hand around the room.  “I know this is not really your cup of tea, but I promise, you’ll get used to it.”

Ennis allowed Jack to pull him down onto the bed.  Ennis buried his hands between his own thighs; he was unsure how to proceed.  An uncomfortable silence ensued.  Jack decided to endure Ennis’ aloof manner if he needed a moment to adjust.  “What do you think?” Jack finally ventured.  “I thought I would rent this place out here in the middle of nowhere to have some place to go—you know—to get away.  I’ve had this little room for my own about a year now.  I just thought I would share it with you.”  Jack waited a bit as Ennis stole a look or two at some of the pictures.  He had to admit that those guys looked might good – mighty sexy.  But the whole thing was so queer!  “I..I guess its okay, Jack,” Ennis spoke, tentative.  He looked away from his friend.  Ennis was distant once again, but Jack wasn’t worried.  He knew that Ennis would come around.  Jack rose from the bed, gave Ennis’ shoulder a firm squeeze and moved over to the wardrobe.  He reached for the knob and looked back at his lover, who was still seated.  “Wait till you see what I have in here…”

Offline gwyllion

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3593 on: May 02, 2009, 09:46:07 am »
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!  Do continue!  I can't imagine what is in the closet, and I'm sure Ennis can't either!  Don Wroe, perhaps?!!!!  LOL!!!  You are great!
A companion where none had been expected...

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3594 on: May 02, 2009, 07:38:13 pm »
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!  Do continue!  I can't imagine what is in the closet, and I'm sure Ennis can't either!  Don Wroe, perhaps?!!!!  LOL!!!  You are great!

I'll continue this for sure.  Thanks for reading and commenting, Gwyllion!  :-*

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Jack's Lair (2)
« Reply #3595 on: May 05, 2009, 11:49:12 pm »
Ennis wasn’t very successful at hiding his discomfort when Jack threatened to open the wardrobe door.  Jack noticed as his lover's shoulders stiffened.  “I don’t have anything in here that will hurt you, Friend,” Jack began, “unless you want it to!” Jack laughed mirthlessly, lustily.  Ennis didn’t say anything, but his eyes widened as Jack pulled the door open.

Ennis whistled as he saw truly pornographic pics of men contorted in every position imaginable.  Jack stepped aside as Ennis neared the wardrobe to get a better look.  He was becoming aroused in spite of himself.  Jack smiled as Ennis placed a finger on a picture of 2 men lying on a bed engaged in what can only be described as an impossibly lewd sex act.  “How can you have these-- where did you get these pictures, Rodeo?” Ennis asked as he studied all of them, one-by-one.  “Some of the things these guys are doing can’t be real.  Is this for real, Jack?”  Jack chuckled and shook his head in the affirmative.  “Look here!” Jack pointed to the bottom of the wardrobe where dozens of sex toys were piled.  “And what are these things?” Ennis asked, breathlessly.  “Oh, just a few things to make our loving a little more….pleasurable!” Jack answered.

Ennis picked up a feather.  “How can this help?”  Jack took the feather from Ennis’ trembling hand.  “I can show you,” Jack began.  “Look, I’ll answer all of your questions, but can we go to bed?  Can we do that now?  Listen, Friend, when I saw you for the first time a few hours ago my head started spinning.  I need you so bad!”  Ennis knew the feeling.  He was trembling from need and want, himself; had been for months.  But now Jack had to go get all kinky on him!  No matter, Ennis conceded.  If this – this thing was important to Jack, the least he could do was try and go along.  He might even get something out of it.  Ennis pointed at a picture of 2 men coupling on a rug in front of a roaring fire.  “Do you think we can try this here?” Ennis whispered.  Jack’s face softened.  “C’mon, Friend,” Jack spoke as he pulled Ennis to the floor.  “I’ll make it real good for you.  Trust me!”

Offline cwby30

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Re: The Great Chocolate Fanfic Challenge
« Reply #3596 on: May 07, 2009, 12:32:23 pm »
Mornin', Everyone.

Well, yes, I am alive and well and busy as all get out!  Have continued to read [lurk!] but not post, for several months now.  Way to keep things going; I enjoy the stories.

Thought you might like to read the fanfic posted in Live Journal, using the theme "chocolate".  Submittals are all in, and now it's voting time until Sunday night.  You have to be a member of LJ to vote, but anyone can read the stories submitted.  the link to the Brokeback Drabble website with all the stories and the poll is here:

There are 36 great stories divided by drabbles, short fiction [less than 1000 words], and long fiction [1000 words or more].  Hope you take the time to read, and to vote if you're an LJ member like me.  And, if you like it, pass the word around.

I hope to start posting again in June, "hope" being the operative word, since it springs eternal... which is what kept Jack coming back all those years... that and love, the unspoken "thing" between them...

Thanks again. 

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3597 on: May 09, 2009, 10:37:32 pm »
Cwby30, I'm glad to see you're still with us.  I hope everything is okay with you!  :)  I look forward to reading your posts again in June. Thanks for the information about the voting going on over at LJ.  I'm a member and I'll take a look and cast a vote.

Again, good to see you here, Love!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Jack's Lair (3)
« Reply #3598 on: May 13, 2009, 01:40:48 am »
Ennis was ashamed of himself.  He was trembling like a leaf in a frigid wind, as Jack just spirited him away on ride of lust and love that he couldn’t reconcile with anything in his world.  The lovemaking was so good that he didn’t feel worthy.  Ennis held on to his lover for warmth and comfort.  Jack rocked him and rubbed and cooed…

“Was good, wasn’t it?” Jack asked as he kissed Ennis’ hair.  Ennis wasn’t able to answer.  How could he describe an experience so delicious, so sweet?  Jack chuckled and pulled his husband closer.  “You rest, and we’ll see about trying another one of these positions—that is, if you feel up to it.”  Ennis couldn’t catch his breath.  He nodded and snuggled in closer.

Ennis felt like he was finally coming down.  He looked up a Jack and smiled.  “What is it, En?” Jack whispered.  “What do you need?  I know this place is just a one room apartment, but there is a bathroom beyond that door there, and if you’re hungry, we can go out for a bite to eat.”  Ennis pulled himself away from Jack’s embrace and headed for the bathroom.  Jack watched his lover as he entered the tiny john.  He smiled as he imagined the adventures to come…

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Jack's Lair (4)
« Reply #3599 on: May 18, 2009, 10:03:02 pm »
Ennis walked out of the tiny washroom wringing his wet hands and smoothing them down along his torso.  Jack watched this, amused.  “No towels?” Jack asked as he threw the covers aside and climbed out of the bed.  “I knew there was something I forgot!” Jack walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out an outsized handkerchief and passed it over to his lover.  “Don’t worry about it,” Ennis spoke absently as he accepted the handkerchief and dried his damp hands.  “You know I ain’t the picky type.”  Jack nodded and moved to close the wardrobe door. 

Ennis sat down on the rumpled comforter and relived the lovemaking of just minutes ago.  His breath caught as he called forth Jack’s big sucking sounds, his barely audible whimpers as his moment of release drew near.  Jack must have read his lover’s thoughts, as he sat down beside him and held his hand.  “You want to talk about it, Friend,” Jack asked as he kissed Ennis’ palm.  “You may not think so, but I got this place together for you – for just the two of us.”  Jack looked Ennis straight in the eyes.  When Jack noticed the shadow of a flush move across Ennis’ cheeks, he knew to back off.  “Are you hurt?” Jack changed the subject.  “If you want, we can rest up a bit.  We can get cleaned up as best we can without towels, and head out to town for something to eat.  We can even go up to the campsite if you want.”  Ennis sighed and placed a hand on Jack’s shoulder.  “We can go get something to eat, but I want to come right back here.”  Jack smiled at that.

Ennis noticed the change in his friend all through dinner.  Jack led him to an all-night diner that served middle of the road American fare.  Jack ordered for the both of them: 2 “Sea and Land” dinners.  Ennis smiled as Jack told the waitress that they both wanted the works on the baked potatoes, and the steaks were to be cooked medium well.  Ennis didn’t have to open his mouth, as Jack knew exactly what he wanted to drink.  Dinner was eaten mostly in silence, but Ennis studied his husband, and he was fascinated.  His dear, sweet Jack was pretty much calling the shots.  Ennis didn't know if he liked Jack's newfound confidence, but he was intrigued, and was anxious to see what else Jack had in mind for them.