Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2830410 times)

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #1710 on: August 25, 2007, 12:13:07 am »
Hey there Shasta,
Ain't ya gonna write no more stories for us ever? I rather enjoyed your tales of the old west.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero


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Re: The Black Truck (Part 2)
« Reply #1711 on: August 25, 2007, 03:41:00 pm »
I agree, Littlewing. Another terrific follow-up. Like I said before, I'm astounded by your prolificacy. I'm going to post another of the IMDb classics this weekend. Maybe all of us on the board can tag team again like we did with "Ticklish?" That was fun (and sexy).

I really feel like writing, but I think I need a push or something. Tag teaming sounds great! I´m in!


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Re: Hot August Nights 2
« Reply #1712 on: August 25, 2007, 11:33:33 pm »
Ah Littlewing... it's that beautiful mysterious blond guy again!  I'm just so intrigued as to where you're taking us with this one!   Gorgeous Littlewing!


ps.  I can tell you love your food as much as I do ... your descriptions are so mouthwatering!  Have you ever read the book "Chocolat"? If you love chocolate it's worth it for the descriptions alone, never mind the excellent story .... I'm positively drooling over every page!

Thanks, Susie!  Yes, I love food!  I haven't read Chocolat, but I did see most of the movie.  I can't help but work food into a lot of my E&J stories.  Good food and good love?  I'm such a hedonist!

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Re: The Black Truck (Part 2)
« Reply #1713 on: August 25, 2007, 11:34:22 pm »
I'll give it a go, just don't expect anything too profound ... I could shoot old man Twist for you again if you like!


 :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:   :laugh:

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Supper up on Brokeback
« Reply #1714 on: August 25, 2007, 11:38:40 pm »
Supper up on Brokeback by Littlewing1957

A BBM Slice of Life

Hey you guys, my sister says this story blows, but I kinda like it.  I'm posting it anyway!  :laugh:

Ennis rode into camp and found Jack asleep by the dinner fire.  Ennis dismounted his mare and walked soundlessly to the tent, trying his hardest not to wake Jack.  Ennis looked around camp and shook his head.  He crawled into his “home” away from home and searched for a can of beans to put on for supper.  Jack hadn’t prepared a thing!

Jack was still sleeping soundly when Ennis joined him on the ground next to the fire.  He opened a can of peaches and beans, and after placing the beans on the fire to warm them, poured himself a cup of whiskey.  Ennis smiled at Jack.  He was amused and amazed all at once.  That Jack Twist could sleep through a hurricane!

After a few minutes, Ennis removed the beans from the fire.  He fetched a few plates and loaded them with beans, peaches, and a few day old stone biscuits that were lying by the fire in aluminum foil.  Ennis sat the plates down on a log, and leaned down over Jack.  He traced Jack’s forehead with a finger, but he still slept.  Ennis thumped Jack’s lips with his forefinger.  This time, Jack’s blue eyes opened, and he jumped a bit.  “Hold on, Rodeo!”  Ennis began as he soothed his friend.  “I’m sorry if I scared ya, but I had to wake you up.  Dinner is served!”  Jack sighed and smiled at his lover.  He was grateful that Ennis wasn’t angry that he didn’t prepare supper.  Jack held Ennis’ gaze and pulled his head closer.  “Can I kiss you?”  It was Jack.  Ennis smiled and shrugged.  “Why not?  I think people should do whatever they want to do.”  Jack laughed and placed a tender, delicate kiss on Ennis lips.  Ennis deepened the kiss and moaned.  He released his lover, and handed him his supper.

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Emma Del Mar-Wiley
« Reply #1715 on: August 26, 2007, 01:02:36 am »
Emma Del Mar-Wiley by Littlewing1957

Emma drove her new Chevy Sedan down the streets of Riverton searching for a particular address.  Mrs. Wiley was a Riverton native born and bred, but she only once, in her entire life, passed through the part of town that her young brother, Ennis Del Mar, called home.  Emma found Ennis' trailer only after asking a few people for directions.  The park was gloomy and eerily quiet.  Emma parked her car a few feet from Ennis’ trailer and was suddenly overcome with a sense of sadness and guilt.  Emma couldn’t help but think that things could have been very different if only she had stood up to her new husband.  She should have insisted that Ennis stay with them and finish his schooling.  But Emma was a newlywed in love, and she chose her husband over her brother.  Emma locked her car and walked up to Ennis’ small door.  She had to put a few things right.

Ennis, hair unkempt and breath reeking of whiskey, opened the door on the second knock.  He reeled back when he saw his sister, as he hadn’t laid eyes on her in many years.  “Emma!”  Ennis yelled, tears in his eyes.  Emma grabbed her younger brother, and they stood, on the threshold of his tiny trailer, embracing, rocking, and weeping.

Emma sat on Ennis’ battered sofa, a can of pop in her hands.  She took in the dreary surroundings and fought back the panic that threatened to send her running for the door, out of Ennis’ life forever.

“So, what brings you here to see me after all of these years?”  Ennis asked his sister as he sat opposite her on his only chair.  Emma studied her can of Coke and remained silent for awhile.  Ennis waited patiently for an answer.

“I just wanted to see you..see how you’re getting on.  We haven’t been in touch and I’ve missed you.  How have you been?”  Emma placed her coke on a small table and took one of her brother’s hands in hers.

“I’m okay, I guess.”  Ennis began.  “I’ve been better, but not by much."  Ennis ran his fingers through his spiky hair.  "I can’t complain, and why bother?  No one to listen, anyway!”  Ennis looked away from his sister and pulled his hand back.  Emma sighed and rose from the couch, looked around the confines of Ennis’ gloomy and depressing home. 

“I saw your girls!”  Emma offered, as she picked up a blue coffeepot and studied it.  The news startled Ennis.  He frowned and nodded, but said nothing.

“Listen, Ennis, I’m here to see you and find out how you’re doing.  I know I didn’t do right by you, and I plan to make up for that.  Ennis…”  Emma walked over to her brother and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Listen, I know what…!  Why don’t we go get something to eat, how about the Knife and Fork?  We can catch up, you can tell me all about what’s going on with you, and I’ll fill you in on what’s happening with me.  What do you say, Ennis?  Let me buy you dinner?”  Ennis smiled sadly and rose from his chair.  He walked past his sister and looked at his reflection in his closet door mirror.  He looked decent enough to eat at The Knife and Fork.  Ennis turned to his sister, nodded and opened his closet to fetch his coat.  Emma couldn’t help but notice a picture postcard of a snow capped mountain hanging by a tack in Ennis’ closet.  She smiled knowingly as she saw 2 bloody shirts…

« Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 01:27:53 am by littlewing1957 »

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Re: Supper up on Brokeback
« Reply #1716 on: August 26, 2007, 01:03:28 am »
I think it's nice.  It's nice to be awakened with a kiss and dinner.

Thanks, Almasenior!  It is nice to be handed supper after a tender kiss, isn't it?

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Supper up on Brokeback
« Reply #1717 on: August 26, 2007, 10:31:41 am »
“Can I kiss you?”  It was Jack.  Ennis smiled and shrugged.  “Why not?  I think people should do whatever they want to do.”  Jack laughed and placed a tender, delicate kiss on Ennis lips.  Ennis deepened the kiss and moaned.  He released his lover, and handed him his supper.

Hey Littlewing1957,
This is really special. Ennis waking Jack up with a canned beans supper. Awww, yer sister don't know nothin'!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

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Re: Emma Del Mar-Wiley
« Reply #1718 on: August 26, 2007, 10:36:06 am »
Emma parked her car a few feet from Ennis’ trailer and was suddenly overcome with a sense of sadness and guilt.  Emma couldn’t help but think that things could have been very different if only she had stood up to her new husband.  She should have insisted that Ennis stay with them and finish his schooling.  But Emma was a newlywed in love, and she chose her husband over her brother.  Emma locked her car and walked up to Ennis’ small door.  She had to put a few things right.

How interesting! I've always wondered about the rest of the DelMar family. Maybe you'll let us know what her take is on the Earl and Rich incident.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

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Jack's Hands
« Reply #1719 on: August 26, 2007, 03:34:16 pm »
Jack's Hands by Toycoon

Exhausted from his four hour ride back from the sheep, Ennis climbed off his horse then hobbled to the boulder where he struggled with his cowboy boots, finally kicking them off, each landing with a thud.

Jack knelt at Ennis' feet, never taking his blue eyes off of this man who had penetrated his every waking thought for several days; Jack cupped the balls of Ennis' swollen feet in both hands, spreading his fingers over the length, squeezing and pressing his thumbs into the sore heels then gripping Ennis' tired ankles.

Electric jolts ran up and down Ennis' spine and his breath came heavy when he felt Jack's fingers creep up his pants, parting his trembling legs then Jack's hands finally resting on Ennis lap; a crumpled smile spread slowly across Ennis' face as he wondered what he could have done to deserve these incredible sensations, so hot it that made him shiver.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero