Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2829323 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Sweet Talk Part 3
« Reply #570 on: June 30, 2007, 01:31:20 am »
Good heavens littlewing, you are out of control!! That last line just kills me ... you wouldn't catch me being so rude !!!


Opps!!  :laugh:

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Re: Sweet Talk Part 3
« Reply #571 on: June 30, 2007, 01:32:45 am »
Wow littlewing!  Ennis as a submissive bottom boy?  You know that's not how I see him, but that's damn sexy.


 :laugh: :laugh: Thanks, Gary!

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Re: Sweet Talk Part 3
« Reply #572 on: June 30, 2007, 01:33:57 am »
That was something for me, yeeehaaawww!

You nnnaaaaassssty girl ("Littlewing" really is toooo innocent a name for you!!!)!

Give us mooore! part 4 please! For Eric!

Sure!  For Eric!  Tomorrow, okay?  I planned something a little different for tonight!  :)

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Re: Rack em up!
« Reply #573 on: June 30, 2007, 01:35:31 am »
Rack em up! by Susie

Ennis watched admiringly as Jack leaned over the pool table to take his shot.  The white ball was near the far end and in order to pot the black into the corner pocket and claim yet another victory, Jack had to lie, stretched half way across the table. 

Ennis’ thoughts drifted as he observed Jack’s rear end…. peeling off Jack’s clothing, one item at a time, leaving his jeans until last, savoring each moment as he slowly slid them down to his ankles, revealing pale pink flesh, soft downy hair, and the perfectly toned, muscular roundness of his buttocks.

Moving in behind him, one hand caressing each cheek, massaging, circling, spreading them wide apart, ready to plunge in deep ….. “Whoo whee! That’s three games to one, bud!  You sure you wanna take me on again? Hey, you OK Ennis?”  Ennis reached for his pool cue, smiling to himself, “Rack em up!” he ordered…. Later.... he thought.


Susie, this is brilliant!  Very well written and original.  I can't get enough of your writing.  You truly are a master!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Sweet Talk
« Reply #574 on: June 30, 2007, 01:36:51 am »
Turabout time huh, Marie!

How about giving Jack a little more experience so he can develop better technique!   ;D

Hey, Clyde!  I've missed you here!

Thanks for your suggestion!  I'll get to work on it!  :)

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Re: Jack's Turn (NC-17)
« Reply #575 on: June 30, 2007, 01:43:27 am »
This story is intended for adults only.

There was something in the way Ennis asked this, like a small boy pleading for a glass of water to stave off bedtime, that brought an impish smile to Jack’s face.  He put his lips up against Ennis’s ear and whispered in a wicked voice, “Only if you call me daddy.”

Superb, Gary!  I truly enjoyed reading every word of this.  You are fearless in describing Jack and Ennis' peivate moments, and I really appreciate that!  This fic is extremely well written, hot and sexy as hell!  Wonderful!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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The Secretary
« Reply #576 on: June 30, 2007, 01:51:28 am »
Trisha walked into Aguirre’s trailer carrying a thermos of coffee and a dozen donuts.  Joe Aguirre hired Trisha Smith as his secretary a few months after Ennis and Jack left Brokeback.  Paperwork was piling up, and he needed someone to help with the phones, typing, hiring.  Jack Twist just left, looking for work, moments before Trisha arrived.

“Who was that, Mr. Aguirre?"  Trisha asked with a twinkle in her eye as she handed Joe his coffee and donuts.

“Was he looking for work?”

 Aguirre sipped at his coffee and took a bite of a French cruller.  “Yeah, that pissant had the nerve to return here looking for a job.”  Aguirre began.  “But after the way he behaved last year, ain’t no way in hell I’m gonna rehire Jack Twist!”  Trisha took a seat behind her desk.

 “Well, he sure is a handsome man!”  Trisha began as she poured herself a cup of warm coffee from the thermos.  “I sure would like to be friends with someone like him!”

Aguirre studied Trisha and wondered if he made a mistake in hiring someone.  But there was work to be done, and he couldn’t do it all by himself.  Trisha came highly recommended, finished at the top of her class in secretarial school.  But she was young, lovely, single, and somewhat desperate.  Aguirre supposed it was natural for Trisha to be attracted to the handsome Jack Twist.

“You’re wastin’ your time there, my girl!”  Aguirre told Trisha with a smirk.  And he remembered several months back when he made a trip to camp to see his hands, Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar.  Aguirre couldn’t recall why he went up there to see them, but he’ll never forget what he saw!

“Now enough of this idle chit chat!”  Aguirre admonished Trisha with a point of his finger.  “Back to work!”

“What a mean ole fart!”  Trisha thought as she turned to her typewriter.  But she was never one to be discouraged from pursuing something she wanted.  When Aguirre left the trailer to inspect the herd, Tricia grabbed his rolodex and looked for the name and number of one Jack Twist…

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Re: The Secretary
« Reply #577 on: June 30, 2007, 02:00:53 am »
When Aguirre left the trailer to inspect the herd, Tricia grabbed his rolodex and looked for the name and number of one Jack Twist…

This is great little story, littlewing1957. You really are good at this. I'm hiring you when I start my own toy company! You never run out of ideas!

Merr, IMDb sucks now! I'm sorry but I can't deal with the homophobic baloney any more.

Hey you guys, check out my latest project on the Brokeback Mountain Craft Corner. It's really fun (and easy to make)!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Sweet Talk
« Reply #578 on: June 30, 2007, 02:03:03 am »
Marie, I can't wait to read that one. 

Did you decide to leave IMDb alone.  I went on there today for about 10 minutes and there was so much hate.


No, I'm still there.  I can't stand back and see that Board slip to the darkside.  I know who you mean, though.  That guy is trolling on a lot of Boards, not just BBM!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: The Secretary
« Reply #579 on: June 30, 2007, 02:07:52 am »
This is great little story, littlewing1957. You really are good at this. I'm hiring you when I start my own toy company! You never run out of ideas!

Merr, IMDb sucks now! I'm sorry but I can't deal with the homophobic baloney any more.

Hey you guys, check out my latest project on the Brokeback Mountain Craft Corner. It's really fun (and easy to make)!

Thanks for your kind words, Toycoon.  And I know how you feel about IMDB.  I gotta get over to the craft corner.  I knew there was something I've been meaning to do!   :)