Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2829313 times)

Offline Toycoon

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A Surprise Gift
« Reply #90 on: June 12, 2007, 12:14:20 am »
When Jack rode up on his horse, weary from the long commute, Ennis already had supper ready to serve so he handed Jack a plate and the two men sat down to eat in relative silence until Ennis pulled something from his satchel; he had carved a wooden replica of Jack's mare as a gift for Jack.

"Wowee Ennis! You whittle that all yerself?" exclaimed Jack, turning the little horse over in his hands, inspecting the detail and craftsmanship. Jack had never been given such a thoughtful gift from anyone, let alone other man and the kind gesture rendered him speechless.

Suddenly, impulsively Jack threw his arms around Ennis and hugged him firmly, their cheeks pressing together; Jack's lips brushed against Ennis' face and he felt a strange tingle at his groin.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero


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Toycoon, this is lovely! I can imagine Jack´s surprise and joy, and figuring his face makes me feel all warm and dizzy...!


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« Reply #92 on: June 12, 2007, 03:13:09 am »
„I´m sleepin“ murmured Jack when he felt Ennis´s hot hands on his butt and his swollen member pressed against his back.

„Ya sure?“ whispered Ennis in a husky voice, hungry with desire.

Growing hard in no time Jack gave in with a little sigh, wondering if he would ever, ever in his life learn to resist, but considering the fact that they were about to turn seventyfour he doubted that....
« Last Edit: June 13, 2007, 07:35:39 am by Dagi »

Offline mariez

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Wow - I can't keep up with you guys - what great short stories!  Keep 'em coming! 

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain


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Wow - I can't keep up with you guys - what great short stories!  Keep 'em coming! 


Thank YOU, Marie! Glad you enjoy it!


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Re: Marriage Vows
« Reply #95 on: June 12, 2007, 05:12:26 pm »

“…. to be my husband” Ennis frowned, “Can’t I be your “Best Friend” or your “Partner” or somethin’?”

“Just say the goddamn words Ennis Del Mar!” and so they continued, with only the occasional protest from Ennis; “I’ll cherish you but I ain’t obeyin’ you, no way!”

I love Ennis´s not obeying!  :laugh:
Very sweet, Susie, and the image of them holding each other in a tight embrace...aaaww...lovely.

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Aha, the second time that  someone says I´m getting better. So my first attempts were really crappy, hunh  ??? ? Understood. Anyway, to me writing is  fun.

As to your story,  littlewing, I may sit here half asleep, but I know ONE part of me that is fully awake now!

Gary, thank you for your comment, glad that you had a good laugh!

Susie, , soooo sweet and hot, hot, hot!!! This was one of my favorites on IMDb, I love it.

Dagi, I didn't mean your writing was crappy!  Quite the contrary!  I just mean, the more we write, the better we become.   ;)

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Re: Asking For It (2)
« Reply #97 on: June 13, 2007, 01:07:16 am »
I'll bet it made for an interesting sermon!  ;D

 :laugh:  You bet!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Marriage Vows
« Reply #98 on: June 13, 2007, 01:10:11 am »
I promise I'll come up with something new soon. In the meantime, this is another one of my favourites

“Come on Ennis, you know you wanna! Let’s do it now!”

“No Jack! Sounds kinda dumb to me.”

“It ain’t dumb! Just do it for me then Ennis. Please?”

“Oh alright then, as long as I don’t have to hold no posy!”

Jack sat cross legged on the picnic rug, opposite his lover, their faces bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. Taking both hands in his, he began, “Repeat after me… I Ennis Del Mar, take you Jack Twist…” Ennis muttered the words, then on seeing the disappointment in Jack’s eyes, smiled a little and said them again more clearly.

“…. to be my husband” Ennis frowned, “Can’t I be your “Best Friend” or your “Partner” or somethin’?”

“Just say the goddamn words Ennis Del Mar!” and so they continued, with only the occasional protest from Ennis; “I’ll cherish you but I ain’t obeyin’ you, no way!”

“Right... now it’s your turn”, Ennis took on the role of Minister and began reciting the wedding vows, Jack smiling and eagerly repeating every word.

Finally, Jack sprang to his feet, dragging Ennis with him, eyes fixed upon him, squeezing his hands, “Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist…. I now pronounce you husband and husband!” Beaming and bursting with happiness, he embraced Ennis mightily, and although Ennis had been a reluctant participant in the ceremony, he too was bubbling over with joy, and returned the embrace, holding Jack tightly in his arms.

No matter what happened in the future, Jack and Ennis were now bound, before God, by the sacred vow of marriage.


This is one of my favorites, as well!  Thanks for reposting, Susiebell!  :)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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The Gift
« Reply #99 on: June 13, 2007, 01:14:20 am »
This is another of my favorite series.  I'll post part 2 in a bit.  I'll also have a few new stories I'm working on.

Jack walked out of Rudolph-Tracy’s jewelry store in downtown Dallas carrying a gaudy, two handled shopping bag. He always wanted to do something like this: purchase a gift for Ennis that symbolized his love for him, or perhaps mark his territory? Jack was understandably apprehensive, as he knew there was a good chance that Ennis would refuse the gift. Save for his thin wedding band, Ennis never wore jewelry!

But Jack saved for a year by putting away spare change, saving a dollar a day, that sort of thing, hiding the money in a place where Lureen would never find it. He kept a coffee can full of loose change and bills in the trunk of his Cadillac. Risky, sure, but it worked. In a year’s time Jack was able to save a sizeable sum and spent an indecent amount of money on 14K gold men’s ID bracelets. Jack had the bracelets ordered special as one spelled out Ennis’ name in pave diamonds, while the other matched perfectly, displaying Jack’s name in sparkling pave diamonds!

Jack chuckled as he climbed into his late model Cadillac. He wondered how he would ever find the courage to give Ennis a bracelet. He winced as he eyed the shopping bag on the passenger seat next to him. The bracelets couldn’t be returned as they were personalized. Ennis spelled out in diamonds? What was he thinking? Ah well, the deed was done. Now it was time to head home and get packed. He had a one Mr. Ennis Del Mar to meet and 1400 miles of road to travel....