Author Topic: Heath Heath Heath  (Read 3945386 times)

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5490 on: June 10, 2008, 04:33:53 am »
Chrissi's back!  :-*  And with a new, never-seen Heath pic.  :-*

Offline optom3

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5491 on: June 10, 2008, 09:20:30 am »
Welcome back, lovely to see a completely new to me as well picture.

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5492 on: June 10, 2008, 09:24:41 am »
Welcome back, Chrissi.  We missed you. :-*

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5493 on: June 10, 2008, 09:39:19 am »
Thank you Elle, Fiona and Paul :-* It feels good to be back and it definitively is great to feel so welcome :).

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5494 on: June 10, 2008, 10:27:06 am »
Hi Chrissi,

I can't believe you are home already! Boy, that was a fast two weeks!

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5495 on: June 10, 2008, 11:10:14 am »
Gyllenhaal Blasts Media's 'Disrespect' After Ledger's Death

Maggie Gyllenhaal has hit out at the media for their reporting tactics after the death of fellow actor Heath Ledger - branding the industry "disrespectful".

The Secretary star blasted journalists for their style of reporting after the tragic death of the Australian actor, insisting she was "shocked" by the way they tackled the sensitive issue.

Gyllenhaal starred opposite Ledger in his final full film, The Dark Knight, in which he stars as Batman's nemesis, The Joker.

And the actress - whose brother, Jake Gyllenhaal, featured alongside Ledger in 2005's Brokeback Mountain - reveals her co-star and friend's untimely death has taken its toll on her.

She tells Britain's Empire magazine, "It's hard to talk about how it's (Ledger's death) affected me personally. It's been really hard for me."

"(And) the media has shocked me with the way that they've been disrespectful in some ways."

Ledger was found dead in his New York apartment in January. Toxicology reports released a month later state he was killed by an accidental overdose of prescribed medication.

Offline optom3

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5496 on: June 10, 2008, 12:37:16 pm »
I came late to this thread and Bettermost ,after the event, while stumbling around looking for some sort of solace
I had no kids around yesterday, all at o friends' houses,so I started on a marathon session. I have been so down recently about Heath,no idea why,I thought I would saturate myself in him and get it out of my system. (did not work,BTW)
So with a few hours break for sleep I started at page 1of HHH and went right the way through to my first posting here.
A few things struck me in my marathon session, first, I really hope that he knew about this site and how much he was loved and respected.I kept thinking someone must have told him about it and I hope he sneeked the odd peek.
Another thing that struck me was, it was a bit like watching a train wreck in slow motion. It is an odd thing to plough through so many pages in just 3 sittings, but it was also very revealing.
Some of the changes were I am sure just his stuff Hollywood attitude, and I understand that.His taste in attire was unique to say the least, and I loved him all the more for it.
He reminds me of my brother who is a rangy 6ft 3ins and always looks uncomfortable in his clothes and skin,(he also has adhd and used to never  be still)
The clothes aspect did not bother me,what did was the ever increasing number of photos where he just looked unwashed.

I do not mean that in any cruel way, I am and always will be a massive fan,there just seemed to have been a point where he stopped being just Heath in another wacky outfit, God love him and became Heath looking ill.
Some of the only really happy, post Michelle split ,pictures, were when he was photographed with his daughter.
I think some of the genius of his acting came from a disturbed soul,he could channel a lot of his restlessness into the roles he played.I also suspect that when he was with Michelle ,she probably managed to keep him more grounded. It seemed that once he was on his own,apart from when filming,he stopped caring, and not in a nonchalant who cares way,but in a, I really don't care way.

Michelle has said that he never slept well, but not sleeping with someone else in the house is a whole lot better than not sleeping in an empty house.
I finished the marathon with a very empty feeling,partly because I know my brother could so easily have gone like that. He is a musician and writer and when he split from his wife,he got very close to the edge.It was very difficult for us to help as he was thousands of miles away.
He finally ended up on Ritalin and now visits his ex wife and daughter for 3 months at a time.
He still has the most bizarre taste in clothes, but he looks well and clean.
I looked at Heath's life unfolding picture after picture , and wished for hindsight in advance.He just loked like my brother used to.It was especially hard as my brother bears more than a passing resemblance to the close cropped Heath.

I remember one Xmas when he was home from Japan,I watched jaw dropping ,as he smoked joint after joint and drank like it was going out of fashion. When I queried the conspicuous consumption, he just said I am so jet lagged and tired I have got to get some sleep. Needless to say he didn't.He was up in a couple of hours pacing and writing.

 As an addendum,my brother is a massive Heath fan, and has ,just like me always seen some of his traits in Heath, one time we were discussing it, he said someone needs to step in and medicate him.He is an accident waiting to happen, do you remember when I was like that?

 Again he was not being cruel, he was concerned.He had tried it all drugs,alcohol etc etc, anything to calm down and escape, or even just get some sleep away from the endless fidgeting and ceaseless motion, of both mind and limbs.  I am not saying that is what Heath did.I just know that at the age of 35 plus when my brother finally went on Ritalin he got some peace.He should have been a famous musician,(long story) but I am so glad he is not,it would have killed him, literally.
This has been a very sobering 24 hours for me.
I truly hope he is at peace now and I hope once I process all this I can start to feel better.
There has always been something niggling away at the back of my mind about Heath, and I know what it is now, he reminds me in so many ways of my brother.
I wish someone had been there for him,in the way they were for my brother.One very sad note is the the guy who finally got my brother sorted out, and was his best friend,died only 3 years after.He did at least live to see my brother happy.

I will always love Heath, and cherish the work he left us. I don't think I will ever get used to the fact that he left too soon.
I am sorry if I have digressed a bit from the HHH thread.I tried to keep it in the spirit of Heath.If you feel it should be elsewhere, please feel free to move it.I shall not be offended.
I think writing it has been partly therapy for me.The last few days have been very hard.
Now I no longer have to worry about my son so much,it has freed up way too much of my mind.

Offline MilAn

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5497 on: June 10, 2008, 01:49:55 pm »
Gyllenhaal Blasts Media's 'Disrespect' After Ledger's Death

That's true, media behaved disrespectful after his death, that's why I'm grateful to the people who shared some nice words about him at the time. It was a great counterpart to all the nastiness.

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5498 on: June 10, 2008, 02:36:24 pm »
Thanks for your post Optom. I must be hard to 'recognize' so much of your brother in Heath and now the tragedy that unfolded last january.

I'm glad your brother is doing okay now. And you too.

I will always love Heath, and cherish the work he left us. I don't think I will ever get used to the fact that he left too soon.

:-\  :(
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Offline MilAn

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5499 on: June 10, 2008, 02:59:00 pm »
Optom i think your post is great! :)

It seemed that once he was on his own,apart from when filming,he stopped caring, and not in a nonchalant who cares way,but in a, I really don't care way.

That's why someone should have intervened. His behaviour couldn't have been unnoticed!