Katherine and I would like to introduce you to a new feature at the Open Forum: The
Topic of the Week.
The Topic of the Week is a a question Katherine and I will put in focus for one week on this board. It's always
Brokeback related and can refer to different aspects:
- movie-specific aspects
- story-specific aspects
- questions on symbolism in movie and story
- questions on Ang Lee's implementation of Proulx' words
- questions on the acting
- and of course: questions evolved from the plot itself, for example development and motivations of characters, which have their origins in both, movie and book
Every Monday there will be a new Topic of the Week, which doesn't mean the discussions about the former TOTW have to end. We encourage everybody to continue discussions as long as you're interested in.
The TOTW will
always mostly be phrased as a
closed question, meaning it can be answered by a simple yes or no. It's perfectly fine to reply to it with just that; just a short "Yes" or "No" in your message, if you don't want to elaborate your position further. This will give us a wide basis to see the general opinion.
Although it's not necessary to elaborate your opinion, we encourage everybody to do so. If you haven't participated in the Open Forum discussions yet, why not give it a try with a short explanation of your answer? Don't hesitate because you think your answer might be "wrong". There is no such thing like a wrong answer (or THE one, correct answer), because what makes this movie and story so outstanding is, among other things, its ambiguousness.
Also don't get discouraged when someone else already said something similar to what you want to express. Often it's the small aspects, the side notes, that can bring new cognitions. So just jump in with your thoughts, we want to read them

Do you have a question you have long meant to ask? Is there a question that has already been discussed long ago, but you would like to take it up again? Do you notice a specific aspect which continues to come up repeatedly in different threads, but never has been discussed as its own topic? - Here is the place to put it in focus! Just send your question as PM to Katherine or me. We're looking forward to your suggestions