Hiya BetterMost friends.

I'm in a very Brokie kinda mood today!
For some reason, I decided to got to my folder where I keep my Brokie pics, and found that the pics of earlier gatherings were not there.
I probably saved them to disc, and then deleted them, but that Disc is most likely stuffed in a drawer somewhere.
To be safe, I went through the first two Gatherings Pics threads, and found any of my pics (plus others I liked) and saved them to my Brokie folder. Now when I move and need a new computer, I can put them all on disc at the same time and take them with me.
Going through those pics gave me back sooooo many great memories! Auntie's BBQ, some Slash Bashes, Colorado, San Fran rodeo, Orchid Show, Bay City, several NYC dinners.......so many great pics!