Hiya BetterMost friends.

Hoooooooooray! It's Friday and a three-day weekend!

Regarding yesterday's posts about the storm clouds, it POURED here at one point, and it's looking to do it again.
I'm feeling a sense of satisfaction at the moment.

I have central air conditioning in my apartment, and the past few days I needed it. Ugh!
Anyway, I do try to be green, and I see no reason to waste energy to run the unit while I'm at work. I keep the blinds closed, and purchased those special curtains that reflect heat, to keep the place cool. It does (however) still get warm in the apartment.
The central air has a program feature so I can decide when the air will turn on and off, but the manual is missing, and for the life of me I couldnt' figure it out.
Today I went to Google, and searched on the company's name that made the unit, and "instruction manual" and I found a PDF that has all the user instructions.

I just printed it off, and will take it home with me to try and set the times on it.