Author Topic: ABCs at the Movies: The Doubles Round!  (Read 3048609 times)

Offline Lynne

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"I" is The Italian Job (2003)
« Reply #4450 on: July 18, 2008, 01:30:16 am »
Donald Sutherland as John Bridger:

From IMDb:

Based on a 1969 Michael Caine film of the same name, thieves plan to pull of the heist of their lives by creating Los Angeles largest traffic jam ever.
"Laß sein. Laß sein."

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"J" is Joanna (1968)
« Reply #4451 on: July 18, 2008, 05:12:43 am »

IMDb says this is about an interracial romance. 

An interesting thing I just thought of - a year earlier in 1967, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner featured a white character named Joanna who wants to marry a black man.

Offline oilgun

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"K" is King of Hearts (1966)
« Reply #4452 on: July 18, 2008, 10:00:55 am »
Original Title: Le Roi de coeur
Fellow Canadian, Geneviève Bujold plays Coquelicot in this film and costarred with Donald Sutherland in ACT OF THE HEART (1970) and MURDER BY DECREE (1979).

Plot: During the latter part of World War I, Private Charles Plumpick is chosen to go into the French town of Marville and disconnect a bomb that the German army has planted. However, Charles is chased by some Germans and finds himself holed up at the local insane asylum, where the inmates are convinced that he is the "King of Hearts." Feeling obligated to help the inmates, Charles attempts to lead them out of town, but they are afraid to leave and frolic about the streets in gay costumes. Will Charles be able to deactivate the bomb in time and save his newfound friends?

« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 12:01:49 pm by oilgun »

Offline Fran

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"L" is Land of the Blind (2006)
« Reply #4453 on: July 18, 2008, 10:03:15 am »
Donald Sutherland played Thorne in "Land of the Blind."

From IMDb:  A political drama about terrorism, revolution, and the power of memory.  In an unnamed place and time, an idealistic soldier named Joe strikes up an illicit friendship with a political prisoner named Thorne, who eventually recruits him into a bloody coup d'etat.  But in the post-revolutionary world, what Thorne asks of Joe leads the two men into bitter conflict, spiraling downward into madness until Joe's co-conspirators conclude that they must erase him from history.

Offline memento

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"M" is A Man, a Woman and a Bank (1979)
« Reply #4454 on: July 18, 2008, 10:13:41 am »
Donald Sutherland played the role of Reese Halperin in this film.

IMDB: Two novice thieves are plotting to rob a bank in Vancouver. A photographer snaps a shot of one thief as he is carrying the bank building's blueprints. The would-be thief then begins a relationship with the photographer and attempts to retrieve the photos. Meanwhile, the thieves' plot consists of this: one man will enter the bank building after dark, while the other man sits in a van and uses a computer to unlock the building's doors. The final step involves transporting the cash to a freight ship waiting on the docks, for transportation to a money launderer in Macau.

Offline oilgun

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"N" is Novecento (1976)
« Reply #4455 on: July 18, 2008, 03:49:48 pm »
AKA: 1900

Donald Sutherland plays Attila Mellanchini.

Plot: Set in Italy, the film follows the lives and interactions of two boys/men, one born a bastard of peasant stock (Depardieu), the other born to a land owner (de Niro). The drama spans from 1900 to about 1945, and focuses mainly on the rise of Fascism and the peasants' eventual reaction by supporting Communism, and how these events shape the destinies of the two main characters.

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"O" is Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)
« Reply #4456 on: July 18, 2008, 06:09:49 pm »
Salma Hayek, who appeared with Donald Sutherland in "Ask the Dust," appeared in this film.

From IMDb:  Antonio Banderas returns as El Mariachi in the final chapter of the Mariachi/Desperado trilogy.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2008, 01:00:43 pm by Fran »

Offline memento

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"P" is Panic (2000)
« Reply #4457 on: July 18, 2008, 08:50:20 pm »
Donald Sutherland plays the role of Michael.

IMDB: Panic delivers the goods ten fold with Oscar caliber performances from William H Macy, Neve Campbell, and Donald Sutherland. In a movie about the choices we make and the consequences we live with. Chillingly Honest and thought provoking, Panic is easily one of the best film to come out of Hollywood in years. The impact stays with you right after you leave the theater.

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"Q" is Les quarantièmes rugissants (1982)
« Reply #4458 on: July 19, 2008, 12:27:33 pm »
This French film features Julie Christie who co-starred (and had a famous sex scene) with Donald Sutherland in DON'T LOOK NOW.

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"R" is Reign Over Me (2007)
« Reply #4459 on: July 19, 2008, 12:45:55 pm »
Donald Sutherland played Judge Raines in the film.  Plot:  A man who lost his family in the September 11 attack on New York City runs into his old college roommate. Rekindling the friendship is the one thing that appears able to help the man recover from his grief.