Thanks melb_boy88 and thanks Kd5000, and thanks to all too!!
Melb_boy88, yesterday I wanted to write about that 10 minutes too, as I had read that two days ago which bewildered me!! Why would Aguirre, according to Annie's writing, see Ennis and Jack fooling around for that length of 10 minutes time, until they zipped their jeans??
So is Aguirre straight, gay, bi, or other? Hard to say!! Straights (men) like to see two women get it on, but does not about two men since they get angry or violent about that even as a thought!!
Did I say before that I had thought that Aguirre was something?? Maybe Aguirre was infatuated with Jack?? Dare I ask!! ??
Kd5000, I just saw that clip, but do not find 2 grease monkeys looking at Jack?? Can you find that? Are you DozerBoy25? Or Kd Lang?
That clip always makes me sad. I become even sader the more I play it (dozens plus varied months)! Wonder why? I wonder why!! At least, Aguirre does not make me sad in this clip (trailer)!!
Hugs, hugs!!