Author Topic: Joe Aguirre: what do you think of this character as portrayed in the movie?  (Read 81841 times)

Offline Kd5000

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At 1:29 seconds on this Youtube trailer,

I think we see the Grease Monkeys that Aguirre had confided in.  Of course, the trailer could possibly be out of order, but as I had posted earlier, a scene was edited out when Jack leaves Agurre's trailer for the last time and two grease monkeys are watching him.  This image was not in the movie.

Offline Artiste

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Thanks melb_boy88 and thanks Kd5000, and thanks to all too!!

Melb_boy88, yesterday I wanted to write about that 10 minutes too, as I had read that two days ago which bewildered me!! Why would Aguirre, according to Annie's writing, see Ennis and Jack fooling around for that length of 10 minutes time, until they zipped their jeans??

So is Aguirre straight, gay, bi, or other? Hard to say!! Straights (men) like to see two women get it on, but does not about two men since they get angry or violent about that even as a thought!!

Did I say before that I had thought that Aguirre was something?? Maybe Aguirre was infatuated with Jack?? Dare I ask!! ??

Kd5000, I just saw that clip, but do not find 2 grease monkeys looking at Jack?? Can you find that? Are you DozerBoy25? Or Kd Lang?

That clip always makes me sad. I become even sader the more I play it (dozens plus varied months)! Wonder why? I wonder why!! At least, Aguirre does not make me sad in this clip (trailer)!!

Hugs, hugs!! May all Aguirres be as kind to gay men and to straights and to bis, and to others on this Earth to make it a Happy place for all mankind!!

Offline brokeplex

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I think there's more to this Joe Aguirre character than meets the eye. Heres a extract fro the book.

They believed themselves invisible, not knowing Joe Aguirre had watched them through his 10x42 binoculars for ten minutes one day, waiting until they'd buttoned up their jeans

What kind of homophobic man would watch to men have sex for ten minutes?

He didn't have to, he could of rode off and and came back another time. But he didn't he watched them.

My opine is that theres more to this Joe character than meets the eye,

What do you think?

One of the reasons he watched the boys could be that he wanted to know why his herder was in base camp and not with the sheep. Why was Jack, who he had hired to be the herder, down at base camp with Ennis? Joe watched until he saw Ennis saddle up and ride up to the sheep. Joe continued watching and saw that Ennis knew how to be a good sheep herder so he was at least relieved to see that. Lets not forget that the "Brokeback" experience for Aguirre was one of financial loss or gain, he should have inspected the performance of his hired hands, in fact I think that he needed to pay unscheduled visits a lot more. His investment in the 1000 sheep was in the hands of the boys.

Was there another type of curiosity on the part of Aguirre? We'll never know.

Offline Artiste

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Thanks brokeplex!!

But Aguirre watched Ennis and Jack during ten minutes during sex Ennis and Jack were having as a couple??

Lucky him? Dare I state?

Hugs!! Happy New Year full of joys to you and to all, to Aguirres too!!

Offline brokeplex

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what is your point Artiste? he stared at them from up on a mountain ridge because he wanted to see if one of them would stop the nookies and go care for his sheep. was he also titilated to see two men together having sex. maybe, we'll never know.

Offline Artiste

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Thanks brokplex!

Well said is your comment!!

Why do we not consider maybe Aguirre as bi or gay or something else? Remember the 60's?

May I pose to you and to all that question?

Hugs!! In 2008, may we all continue torespond to concerns of others!! And create gay times!!

Offline brokeplex

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We can only logically consider Aguirre as bi or gay if we have something concrete which leads us to that conclusion. The only facts that I have read which have caused some suspicion is the fact that he watched the boys in their nookies for 10 minutes thru the binoculars.

"They believed themselves to be invisible, not knowing Joe Aguirre had watched them through his 10x42 binoculars for ten minutes one day, waiting until they'd buttoned up their jeans, waiting until Ennis rode back to the sheep, before bringing the message that Jack's people had sent word that his Uncle Harold was in the hospital with pneumonia and expected not to make it."

I can interpret this action on Aguirre's part in many ways, the most logical is that he wanted to see who was going to tend to the sheep. Were the boys going to goof off for most of the morning, if so Aguirre needed to know then, he could possibly replace them with one of his other employees. Fortunately for Jack and Ennis, the nookies lasted only ten minutes, longer and Aguirre might have fired them on the spot.

Offline serious crayons

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We can only logically consider Aguirre as bi or gay if we have something concrete which leads us to that conclusion.

I agree. I don't like speculating about possibilities outside of what the text tells us. That includes Aguirre's sexuality and similar issues.

I did once see a pretty convincing argument that Lureen was pregnant when she met Jack. I rolled my eyes at that possibility for a long time, but this argument was based on actual textual info. I can't remember much of it now, though.

 ??? :-X

Offline Brown Eyes

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I did once see a pretty convincing argument that Lureen was pregnant when she met Jack. I rolled my eyes at that possibility for a long time, but this argument was based on actual textual info. I can't remember much of it now, though.

 ??? :-X

It was an argument based on a really detailed (I mean, really, really, really detailed) analysis of the timeline... I recall it was a topic started back in the old imdb days.  I most definitely don't remember all the details either.  But, the argument boiled down to the idea that Lureen was in a big rush to get married because she was probably already pregnant when she married Jack.

Sorry for the tangent.... back to Aguirre....

the world was asleep to our latent fuss - bowie

Offline serious crayons

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It was an argument based on a really detailed (I mean, really, really, really detailed) analysis of the timeline... I recall it was a topic started back in the old imdb days.  I most definitely don't remember all the details either.  But, the argument boiled down to the idea that Lureen was in a big rush to get married because she was probably already pregnant when she married Jack.

That was part of it. I believe there was some blue-eyed/brown-eyed stuff and some other clues from the movie. I think it would be a good TOTW someday, and perhaps I can summon up some more details of the argument by then.