Author Topic: Heath Ledger - News Accounts  (Read 1312831 times)

Offline Verona

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #270 on: January 30, 2008, 09:28:29 pm »
Not sure where this is from, but a girlfriend just passed this on to me... it's from Michelle's people, I believe:

"Much of the tabloid reporting is inaccurate. This fabricated story of Michelle Williams attempting to bring Heath Ledger to rehab is just one lie among many. The speculation is heinous. Let this family grieve privately."

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #271 on: January 30, 2008, 09:36:21 pm »
Not sure where this is from, but a girlfriend just passed this on to me... it's from Michelle's people, I believe:

"Much of the tabloid reporting is inaccurate. This fabricated story of Michelle Williams attempting to bring Heath Ledger to rehab is just one lie among many. The speculation is heinous. Let this family grieve privately."

Thank you for that.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #272 on: January 30, 2008, 10:49:30 pm »
Dan Abrams is REALLY ripping into ET and Insider about even considering running the video... and apparently they've just decided NOT to air it.

Oh, and I missed his name because I was typing the above when they showed it, but an Australian guy (Ben someone) is on saying he knows that Heath hadn't had a drink in a year, and he would freak out if he was in a room that had drugs anywhere in it... he says he was totally clean.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #273 on: January 31, 2008, 12:13:01 am »
Dan Abrams is REALLY ripping into ET and Insider about even considering running the video... and apparently they've just decided NOT to air it.

Oh, and I missed his name because I was typing the above when they showed it, but an Australian guy (Ben someone) is on saying he knows that Heath hadn't had a drink in a year, and he would freak out if he was in a room that had drugs anywhere in it... he says he was totally clean.

That's news I like to hear!  Thanks, Verona.  I hope it's all true.  8)
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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #274 on: January 31, 2008, 12:23:38 am »
Dan Abrams is REALLY ripping into ET and Insider about even considering running the video... and apparently they've just decided NOT to air it.

Oh, and I missed his name because I was typing the above when they showed it, but an Australian guy (Ben someone) is on saying he knows that Heath hadn't had a drink in a year, and he would freak out if he was in a room that had drugs anywhere in it... he says he was totally clean.

Hey Verona!  Well this is certainly very reassuring to hear.  Thank goodness for level-headed folks in the national media/spotlight coming to Heath's defense in light of the really tasteless reporting of some of the entertainment "journalism" out there. 

I really like Dan Abrams.  He along with Keith Olbermann are two of my favorite cable news anchors.  Abrams was great during the whole John Gibson debacle too.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #275 on: January 31, 2008, 12:31:25 am »
it was a formal statement released by Heath's publicist, Mara Buxbaum.

What a relief to us that Heath's publicist was allowed to make a statement damping the media frenzy.  This is just too much!
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Offline Verona

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #276 on: January 31, 2008, 12:35:41 am »
Hey Verona!  Well this is certainly very reassuring to hear.  Thank goodness for level-headed folks in the national media/spotlight coming to Heath's defense in light of the really tasteless reporting of some of the entertainment "journalism" out there. 

I really like Dan Abrams.  He along with Keith Olbermann are two of my favorite cable news anchors.  Abrams was great during the whole John Gibson debacle too.

Hey atz! I know, I'd lose my cottonpicking mind without Olbermann and Abrams (and Stewart and Colbert). Abrams is totally disgusted with the whole thing. He and his guests rightly pointed out that Heath doing drugs two years ago has nothing whatsoever to do with the subject at hand, and reporting it (and planning to show the video) is not in the interests of news, but sheer salaciousness.

The man is not even buried, and these jackals have already picked his bones clean. I hope and pray for a backlash (especially from other celebrities), because all of this has been in such poor taste... it's almost as if they're all taking revenge on him for not giving them enough scandal while he was alive. Now they figure they can just make s**t up because he can't fight back. Well eventually his friends and loved ones will regather their strength, and there will be blood.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #277 on: January 31, 2008, 08:18:46 am »

The Sydney newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, have compiled a special Heath tribute thread at their website. There are all sorts of articles (both classy and crass), photo essays, condolence messages and every conceivable aspect of the events of the past couple of weeks, from a uniquely Australian perspective.

Warning - The Daily Telegraph is a tabloid newspaper, so some of their articles tend to veer towards the sensational. However, lots of the articles are also heartfelt and compassionately written. And there are lovely pics of Heath to see and save, some of which I'd not seen before.

Here's the link . . .,22045,5015791,00.html

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #278 on: January 31, 2008, 10:07:12 am »
My "rebuttal" will be to NOT buy the magazine. I don't buy it anyway but I won't give them a blip in their sales by buying it now.

I don't intend to buy [the current Us Magazine issue] either, and do understand that saddling up and riding out for a verbal battle isn't everyone's style.

The man is not even buried, and these jackals have already picked his bones clean. I hope and pray for a backlash (especially from other celebrities), because all of this has been in such poor taste... it's almost as if they're all taking revenge on him for not giving them enough scandal while he was alive. Now they figure they can just make s**t up because he can't fight back. Well eventually his friends and loved ones will regather their strength, and there will be blood.

Regardless of whether anyone wants to comment at the Us website or not, I'm sure everyone here will be pleased to know that last time I checked, most of the responses were very critical of the story. More than one took them to task for blatantly second-guessing the medical professionals.

Good to see some high-profile public defenses of Heath.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #279 on: January 31, 2008, 01:08:10 pm »
The cat is already out of the bag as it's one of the most read stories on  We aren't going to run it, but we will let the mainstream media know that the video exists. That's the impression I'm getting.  Do you know how many hits gets a day?

If this part of the article is true, then good for Hollywood!  I never thought I'd say that...

"The Hollywood community put pressure on the syndicated programs not to air the material. A statement spread through Hollywood by Ledger's public relations firm called the video "shameful exploitation of the lowest kind."